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Created March 1, 2018 13:14
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//! The Secret Store service contract. Version for networks with static KeyServers set.
//! Copyright 2017 Svyatoslav Nikolsky, Parity Technologies Ltd.
//! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//! You may obtain a copy of the License at
//! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//! WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//! limitations under the License.
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
/// Authorities-owned contract.
contract AuthoritiesOwned {
/// Only pass when fee is paid.
modifier whenFeePaid(uint256 amount) {
require(msg.value >= amount);
/// Only pass when 'valid' public is passed.
modifier validPublic(bytes publicKey) {
require(publicKey.length == 64);
/// Confirmation support.
enum ConfirmationSupport { Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Impossible }
/// Confirmations from authorities.
struct Confirmations {
/// We only support up to 256 authorities. If bit is set, this means that authority
/// has already voted for some confirmation (we do not care about exact confirmation).
uint256 confirmedAuthorities;
/// Number of confirmed authorities.
uint8 confirmedAuthoritiesCount;
/// Confirmation => number of supporting authorities mapping
mapping (bytes32 => uint8) confirmationsSupport;
/// Maximal support of single confirmation.
uint8 maxConfirmationSupport;
/// All confirmation that are in confirmationsSupport. In ideal world, when all
//// authorities are working corretly, there'll be 1 confirmation. Max 256 confirmations.
bytes32[] confirmations;
/// Constructor.
function AuthoritiesOwned(address[] authorities) internal {
// checking for duplicates is the deployer duty
require(authorities.length > 0 && authorities.length <= 256);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < authorities.length; ++i) {
address authority = authorities[i];
indexes[authority] = i + 1;
/// Require authority index.
function requireAuthority(address authority) view public returns (uint8) {
uint8 index = indexes[authority];
require(index != 0);
return index - 1;
/// Drain balance of sender authority.
function drain() public {
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(msg.sender);
uint256 balance = balances[authorityIndex];
require(balance != 0);
balances[authorityIndex] = 0;
/// Deposit equal share of amount to each of authorities.
function deposit(uint256 amount) internal {
uint256 authorityShare = amount / addresses.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < addresses.length - 1; i++) {
balances[i] += authorityShare;
amount = amount - authorityShare;
balances[addresses.length - 1] += amount;
/// Check if authority has already voted.
function isConfirmedByAuthority(Confirmations storage confirmations, uint8 authorityIndex) view internal returns (bool) {
return ((confirmations.confirmedAuthorities & (uint256(1) << authorityIndex)) != 0);
/// Insert authority confirmation.
function insertConfirmation(Confirmations storage confirmations, uint8 authorityIndex, uint256 threshold, bytes32 confirmation) internal returns (ConfirmationSupport) {
// check if authority has already voted
if (isConfirmedByAuthority(confirmations, authorityIndex)) {
return ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed;
// insert confirmation
uint8 confirmationSupport = confirmations.confirmationsSupport[confirmation] + 1;
confirmations.confirmedAuthorities |= uint256(1) << authorityIndex;
confirmations.confirmedAuthoritiesCount += 1;
confirmations.confirmationsSupport[confirmation] = confirmationSupport;
if (confirmationSupport == 1) {
if (confirmationSupport < confirmations.maxConfirmationSupport) {
return ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed;
confirmations.maxConfirmationSupport = confirmationSupport;
// check if passed confirmation has received enough support
if (threshold + 1 <= confirmationSupport) {
return ConfirmationSupport.Confirmed;
// check if max confirmation CAN receive enough support
uint256 authoritiesLeft = addresses.length - confirmations.confirmedAuthoritiesCount;
if (threshold + 1 > confirmations.maxConfirmationSupport + authoritiesLeft) {
return ConfirmationSupport.Impossible;
return ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed;
/// Clear internal confirmations mappings.
function clearConfirmations(Confirmations storage confirmations) internal {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < confirmations.confirmations.length; ++i) {
delete confirmations.confirmationsSupport[confirmations.confirmations[i]];
/// Remove request id from array.
function removeRequestKey(bytes32[] storage requests, bytes32 request) internal {
for (uint i = 0; i < requests.length; ++i) {
if (requests[i] == request) {
requests[i] = requests[requests.length - 1];
requests.length = requests.length - 1;
/// Authorities indexes.
mapping (address => uint8) internal indexes;
/// Authorities addresses.
address[] internal addresses;
/// Balances of authorities.
uint256[] internal balances;
/// Server key generation service contract. This contract allows to generate SecretStore KeyPairs, which
/// could be used later to sign messages or to link with document keys.
contract ServerKeyGenerationService is AuthoritiesOwned {
/// Server key generation fee.
uint256 constant SKG_FEE = 100 finney;
/// Maximal number of active server key generation requests. We're limiting this number to avoid
/// infinite gas costs of some functions.
uint256 constant SKG_MAX_REQUESTS = 16;
/// Server key generation request.
struct ServerKeyGenerationRequest {
address author;
uint256 threshold;
Confirmations confirmations;
/// When sever key generation request is received.
event ServerKeyGenerationRequested(bytes32 serverKeyId, address author, uint256 threshold);
/// When server key is generated.
event ServerKeyGenerated(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId, bytes serverKeyPublic);
/// When error occurs during server key generation.
event ServerKeyGenerationError(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId);
/// Request new server key generation. Generated key will be published via ServerKeyReady event when available.
function generateServerKey(bytes32 serverKeyId, uint256 threshold) public payable whenFeePaid(SKG_FEE) {
// we can't process requests with invalid threshold
require(threshold + 1 <= addresses.length);
// check maximum number of requests
require(serverKeyGenerationRequestsKeys.length < SKG_MAX_REQUESTS);
ServerKeyGenerationRequest storage request = serverKeyGenerationRequests[serverKeyId];
require( == address(0));
deposit(msg.value); = msg.sender;
request.threshold = threshold;
ServerKeyGenerationRequested(serverKeyId, msg.sender, threshold);
/// Called when generation/retrieval is reported by one of authorities.
function serverKeyGenerated(bytes32 serverKeyId, bytes serverKeyPublic) public validPublic(serverKeyPublic) {
// check that it is called by authority
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(msg.sender);
// check if request still active
ServerKeyGenerationRequest storage request = serverKeyGenerationRequests[serverKeyId];
if ( == address(0)) {
// insert confirmation (we're waiting for confirmations from all authorities here)
bytes32 confirmation = keccak256(serverKeyPublic);
ConfirmationSupport confirmationSupport = insertConfirmation(request.confirmations, authorityIndex,
addresses.length - 1, confirmation);
// ...and check if there are enough confirmations
if (confirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed) {
// delete request and fire event
deleteServerKeyGenerationRequest(serverKeyId, request);
if (confirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Confirmed) {
ServerKeyGenerated(serverKeyId, serverKeyPublic);
} else { // ConfirmationSupport.Impossible
/// Called when error occurs during server key generation/retrieval.
function serverKeyGenerationError(bytes32 serverKeyId) public {
// check that it is called by authority
// check if request still active
ServerKeyGenerationRequest storage request = serverKeyGenerationRequests[serverKeyId];
if ( == address(0)) {
// any error in key generation is fatal, because we need all key servers to participate in generation
// => delete request and fire event
deleteServerKeyGenerationRequest(serverKeyId, request);
/// Get count of pending server key generation requests.
function serverKeyGenerationRequestsCount() view public returns (uint) {
return serverKeyGenerationRequestsKeys.length;
/// Get server key generation request with given index.
/// Returns: (serverKeyId, author, threshold)
function getServerKeyGenerationRequest(uint256 index) view public returns (bytes32, address, uint256) {
bytes32 serverKeyId = serverKeyGenerationRequestsKeys[index];
ServerKeyGenerationRequest storage request = serverKeyGenerationRequests[serverKeyId];
return (
/// Get server key generation request confirmation status.
function getServerKeyGenerationRequestConfirmationStatus(bytes32 serverKeyId, address authority) view public returns (bool) {
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(authority);
ServerKeyGenerationRequest storage request = serverKeyGenerationRequests[serverKeyId];
return !isConfirmedByAuthority(request.confirmations, authorityIndex);
/// Delete server key request.
function deleteServerKeyGenerationRequest(bytes32 serverKeyId, ServerKeyGenerationRequest storage request) private {
delete serverKeyGenerationRequests[serverKeyId];
removeRequestKey(serverKeyGenerationRequestsKeys, serverKeyId);
/// Pending generation requests.
mapping (bytes32 => ServerKeyGenerationRequest) serverKeyGenerationRequests;
/// Pending generation requests keys.
bytes32[] serverKeyGenerationRequestsKeys;
/// Server key retrieval service contract. This contract allows to retrieve previously generated server keys.
/// Server key (its public part) is returned in unencrypted form to any requester => only one active request
/// is possible at a time.
contract ServerKeyRetrievalService is AuthoritiesOwned {
/// Server key retrieval fee.
uint256 constant SKR_FEE = 100 finney;
/// Maximal number of active server key retrieval requests. We're limiting this number to avoid
/// infinite gas costs of some functions.
uint256 constant SKR_MAX_REQUESTS = 16;
/// Server key retrieval request.
struct ServerKeyRetrievalRequest {
bool isActive;
Confirmations thresholdConfirmations;
Confirmations confirmations;
/// When sever key retrieval request is received.
event ServerKeyRetrievalRequested(bytes32 serverKeyId);
/// When server key is retrieved.
event ServerKeyRetrieved(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId, bytes serverKeyPublic);
/// When error occurs during server key retrieval.
event ServerKeyRetrievalError(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId);
/// Retrieve existing server key. Retrieved key will be published via ServerKeyRetrieved or ServerKeyRetrievalError.
function retrieveServerKey(bytes32 serverKeyId) public payable whenFeePaid(SKR_FEE) {
// check maximum number of requests
require(serverKeyRetrievalRequestsKeys.length < SKR_MAX_REQUESTS);
ServerKeyRetrievalRequest storage request = serverKeyRetrievalRequests[serverKeyId];
// we do not know exact threshold value here && we can not blindly trust the first response
// => we should agree upon two values: threshold && server key itself
// => assuming that all authorities will eventually respond with value/error, we will wait for:
// 1) at least 50% + 1 authorities agreement on the same threshold value
// 2) after threshold is agreed, we will wait for threshold + 1 values of server key
request.isActive = true;
/// Called when retrieval is reported by one of authorities.
function serverKeyRetrieved(bytes32 serverKeyId, bytes serverKeyPublic, uint256 threshold) public validPublic(serverKeyPublic) {
// check that it is called by authority
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(msg.sender);
// check if request still active
ServerKeyRetrievalRequest storage request = serverKeyRetrievalRequests[serverKeyId];
if (!request.isActive) {
// insert threshold confirmation && confirmation itself
bytes32 confirmation = keccak256(serverKeyPublic);
ConfirmationSupport confirmationSupport = insertServerKeyRetrievalConfirmation(
if (confirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed) {
// delete request and fire event
deleteServerKeyRetrievalRequest(serverKeyId, request);
if (confirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Confirmed) {
ServerKeyRetrieved(serverKeyId, serverKeyPublic);
} else { // ConfirmationSupport.Impossible
/// Called when error occurs during server key retrieval.
function serverKeyRetrievalError(bytes32 serverKeyId) public {
// check that it is called by authority
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(msg.sender);
// check if request still active
ServerKeyRetrievalRequest storage request = serverKeyRetrievalRequests[serverKeyId];
if (!request.isActive) {
// all key servers in SS with auto-migration enabled should have a share for every key
// => we could make an error fatal, but let's tolerate such issues
// => insert invalid confirmation and check if there are enough confirmations
bytes32 confirmation = bytes32(0);
ConfirmationSupport confirmationSupport = insertServerKeyRetrievalConfirmation(
if (confirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed) {
// delete request and fire event
deleteServerKeyRetrievalRequest(serverKeyId, request);
/// Get count of pending server key retrieval requests.
function serverKeyRetrievalRequestsCount() view public returns (uint) {
return serverKeyRetrievalRequestsKeys.length;
/// Get server key retrieval request with given index.
/// Returns: (serverKeyId)
function getServerKeyRetrievalRequest(uint index) view public returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 serverKeyId = serverKeyRetrievalRequestsKeys[index];
return (serverKeyId);
/// Get server key retrieval request confirmation status.
function getServerKeyRetrievalRequestConfirmationStatus(bytes32 serverKeyId, address authority) view public returns (bool) {
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(authority);
ServerKeyRetrievalRequest storage request = serverKeyRetrievalRequests[serverKeyId];
return !isConfirmedByAuthority(request.confirmations, authorityIndex);
/// Insert both threshold and public confirmation.
function insertServerKeyRetrievalConfirmation(
ServerKeyRetrievalRequest storage request,
uint8 authorityIndex,
bytes32 confirmation,
uint256 threshold) private returns (ConfirmationSupport)
// insert threshold confirmation
bytes32 thresholdConfirmation = bytes32(threshold);
ConfirmationSupport thresholdConfirmationSupport = insertConfirmation(request.thresholdConfirmations,
authorityIndex, addresses.length / 2, thresholdConfirmation);
if (thresholdConfirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Impossible) {
return thresholdConfirmationSupport;
// insert confirmation itself
bool checkThreshold = (thresholdConfirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Confirmed);
ConfirmationSupport confirmationSupport = insertConfirmation(request.confirmations, authorityIndex,
threshold, confirmation);
if (!checkThreshold && confirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Impossible) {
return ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed;
return confirmationSupport;
/// Delete server key retrieval request.
function deleteServerKeyRetrievalRequest(bytes32 serverKeyId, ServerKeyRetrievalRequest storage request) private {
delete serverKeyRetrievalRequests[serverKeyId];
removeRequestKey(serverKeyRetrievalRequestsKeys, serverKeyId);
/// Pending generation requests.
mapping (bytes32 => ServerKeyRetrievalRequest) serverKeyRetrievalRequests;
/// Pending generation requests keys.
bytes32[] serverKeyRetrievalRequestsKeys;
/// Document key store service contract. This contract allows to store externally generated document key, which
/// could be retrieved later.
contract DocumentKeyStoreService is AuthoritiesOwned {
/// Document key store fee.
uint256 constant DKS_FEE = 100 finney;
/// Maximal number of active document key store requests. We're limiting this number to avoid
/// infinite gas costs of some functions.
uint256 constant DKS_MAX_REQUESTS = 16;
/// Document key store request.
struct DocumentKeyStoreRequest {
address author;
bytes commonPoint;
bytes encryptedPoint;
Confirmations confirmations;
/// When document key store request is received.
event DocumentKeyStoreRequested(bytes32 serverKeyId, address author, bytes commonPoint, bytes encryptedPoint);
/// When document key is stored.
event DocumentKeyStored(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId);
/// When error occurs during document key store.
event DocumentKeyStoreError(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId);
/// Request document key store.
function storeDocumentKey(bytes32 serverKeyId, bytes commonPoint, bytes encryptedPoint) public payable
// check maximum number of requests
require(documentKeyStoreRequestsKeys.length < DKS_MAX_REQUESTS);
DocumentKeyStoreRequest storage request = documentKeyStoreRequests[serverKeyId];
require( == address(0));
deposit(msg.value); = msg.sender;
request.commonPoint = commonPoint;
request.encryptedPoint = encryptedPoint;
DocumentKeyStoreRequested(serverKeyId, msg.sender, commonPoint, encryptedPoint);
/// Called when store is reported by one of authorities.
function documentKeyStored(bytes32 serverKeyId) public {
// check that it is called by authority
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(msg.sender);
// check if request still active
DocumentKeyStoreRequest storage request = documentKeyStoreRequests[serverKeyId];
if ( == address(0)) {
// insert confirmation (we're waiting for confirmations from all authorities here)
bytes32 confirmation = bytes32(0);
ConfirmationSupport confirmationSupport = insertConfirmation(request.confirmations, authorityIndex,
addresses.length - 1, confirmation);
// ...and check if there are enough confirmations
if (confirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed) {
// delete request and fire event
deleteDocumentKeyStoreRequest(serverKeyId, request);
if (confirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Confirmed) {
} else { // ConfirmationSupport.Impossible
/// Called when error occurs during document key store.
function documentKeyStoreError(bytes32 serverKeyId) public {
// check that it is called by authority
// check if request still active
DocumentKeyStoreRequest storage request = documentKeyStoreRequests[serverKeyId];
if ( == address(0)) {
// any error in key store is fatal, because we need all key servers to participate in store
// => delete request and fire event
deleteDocumentKeyStoreRequest(serverKeyId, request);
/// Get count of pending document key store requests.
function documentKeyStoreRequestsCount() view public returns (uint) {
return documentKeyStoreRequestsKeys.length;
/// Get document key store request with given index.
/// Returns: (serverKeyId, author, commonPoint, encryptedPoint)
function getDocumentKeyStoreRequest(uint index) view public returns (bytes32, address, bytes, bytes) {
bytes32 serverKeyId = documentKeyStoreRequestsKeys[index];
DocumentKeyStoreRequest storage request = documentKeyStoreRequests[serverKeyId];
return (
/// Get document key store request confirmation status.
function getDocumentKeyStoreRequestConfirmationStatus(bytes32 serverKeyId, address authority) view public returns (bool) {
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(authority);
DocumentKeyStoreRequest storage request = documentKeyStoreRequests[serverKeyId];
return !isConfirmedByAuthority(request.confirmations, authorityIndex);
/// Delete document key store request.
function deleteDocumentKeyStoreRequest(bytes32 serverKeyId, DocumentKeyStoreRequest storage request) private {
delete documentKeyStoreRequests[serverKeyId];
removeRequestKey(documentKeyStoreRequestsKeys, serverKeyId);
/// Pending store requests.
mapping (bytes32 => DocumentKeyStoreRequest) documentKeyStoreRequests;
/// Pending store requests keys.
bytes32[] documentKeyStoreRequestsKeys;
/// Document key retrieval service contract. This contract allows to retrieve previously stored document key.
contract DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalService is AuthoritiesOwned {
/// Document key retrieval fee.
uint256 constant DKSSR_FEE = 100 finney;
/// Maximal number of active document key shadow retrieval requests. We're limiting this number to avoid
/// infinite gas costs of some functions.
uint256 constant DKSSR_MAX_REQUESTS = 16;
/// Document key shadow retrieval request.
struct DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest {
bytes32 serverKeyId;
bytes requesterPublic;
Confirmations thresholdConfirmations;
bool isCommonRetrievalCompleted;
uint256 threshold;
uint256 personalRetrievalErrors;
uint8 personalRetrievalErrorsCount;
bytes32[] dataKeys;
mapping (bytes32 => DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalData) data;
/// Document key retrieval data.
struct DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalData {
uint256 participants;
uint256 reported;
uint8 reportedCount;
/// When document key common-portion retrieval request is received.
event DocumentKeyCommonRetrievalRequested(bytes32 serverKeyId, address requester);
/// When document key personal-portion retrieval request is received.
event DocumentKeyPersonalRetrievalRequested(bytes32 serverKeyId, bytes requesterPublic);
/// When document key common portion is retrieved.
event DocumentKeyCommonRetrieved(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId, address indexed requester, bytes commonPoint, uint256 threshold);
/// When document key personal portion is retrieved.
event DocumentKeyPersonalRetrieved(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId, address indexed requester, bytes decryptedSecret, bytes shadow);
/// When error occurs during document key retrieval.
event DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalError(bytes32 indexed serverKeyId, address indexed requester);
/// Request document key retrieval.
function retrieveDocumentKeyShadow(bytes32 serverKeyId, bytes requesterPublic) public payable
// we only accept requests from owner of requesterPublic key
require(address(uint(keccak256(requesterPublic)) & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) == msg.sender);
// check maximum number of requests
require(documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequestsKeys.length < DKSSR_MAX_REQUESTS);
bytes32 retrievalId = keccak256(serverKeyId, msg.sender);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest storage request = documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequests[retrievalId];
require(request.requesterPublic.length == 0);
// we do not know exact threshold value here && we can not blindly trust the first response
// => we should agree upon two values: threshold && document key itself
// => assuming that all authorities will eventually respond with value/error, we will wait for:
// 1) at least 50% + 1 authorities agreement on the same threshold value
// 2) after threshold is agreed, we will wait for threshold + 1 values of document key
// the data required to compute document key is the triple { commonPoint, encryptedPoint, shadowPoints[] }
// this data is computed on threshold + 1 nodes only
// retrieval consists of two phases:
// 1) every authority that is seeing retrieval request, publishes { commonPoint, encryptedPoint, threshold }
// 2) master node starts decryption session
// 2.1) every node participating in decryption session publishes { address[], shadow }
// 2.2) once there are threshold + 1 confirmations of { address[], shadow } from exactly address[] authorities, we are publishing the key
request.serverKeyId = serverKeyId;
request.requesterPublic = requesterPublic;
DocumentKeyCommonRetrievalRequested(serverKeyId, msg.sender);
/// Called when common data is reported by one of authorities.
function documentKeyCommonRetrieved(bytes32 serverKeyId, address requester, bytes commonPoint, uint256 threshold) public validPublic(commonPoint) {
// check that it is called by authority
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(msg.sender);
// check if request still active
bytes32 retrievalId = keccak256(serverKeyId, requester);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest storage request = documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequests[serverKeyId];
if (request.requesterPublic.length == 0 || request.isCommonRetrievalCompleted) {
// insert confirmation
bytes32 thresholdConfirmation = keccak256(commonPoint, threshold);
ConfirmationSupport thresholdConfirmationSupport = insertConfirmation(request.thresholdConfirmations, authorityIndex,
addresses.length / 2, thresholdConfirmation);
// ...and check if there are enough confirmations
if (thresholdConfirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed) {
// if threshold confirmation isn't possible => retrieval is also impossible
if (thresholdConfirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Impossible) {
deleteDocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest(retrievalId, request);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalError(serverKeyId, requester);
// else => remember required data
request.isCommonRetrievalCompleted = true;
request.threshold = threshold;
// ...and publish common data (this is also a signal to 'master' key server to start decryption)
DocumentKeyCommonRetrieved(serverKeyId, requester, commonPoint, threshold);
DocumentKeyPersonalRetrievalRequested(serverKeyId, request.requesterPublic);
/// Called when 'personal' data is reported by one of authorities.
function documentKeyPersonalRetrieved(bytes32 serverKeyId, address requester, uint256 participants, bytes decryptedSecret, bytes shadow) public
// check that it is called by authority
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(msg.sender);
// check if request still active
bytes32 retrievalId = keccak256(serverKeyId, requester);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest storage request = documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequests[retrievalId];
if (request.requesterPublic.length == 0) {
// there must be exactly threshold + 1 participants
// require(request.threshold + 1 == participants.length);
// authority must have an entry in participants
uint256 authorityMask = (uint256(1) << authorityIndex);
require((participants & authorityMask) != 0);
// insert new data
bytes32 retrievalDataId = keccak256(participants, decryptedSecret);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalData storage data =[retrievalDataId];
if (data.participants == 0) {
data.participants = participants;
} else {
require((data.reported & authorityMask) == 0);
// remember result
data.reportedCount += 1;
data.reported |= authorityMask;
// publish personal portion
DocumentKeyPersonalRetrieved(serverKeyId, requester, decryptedSecret, shadow);
// check if all participants have responded
if (request.threshold + 1 != data.reportedCount) {
// delete request and publish key
deleteDocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest(retrievalId, request);
/// Called when error occurs during document key retrieval.
function documentKeyShadowRetrievalError(bytes32 serverKeyId, address requester) public {
// check that it is called by authority
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(msg.sender);
// check if request still active
bytes32 retrievalId = keccak256(serverKeyId, requester);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest storage request = documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequests[retrievalId];
if (request.requesterPublic.length == 0) {
// error on common data retrieval step is treated like a voting for non-existant common data
if (!request.isCommonRetrievalCompleted) {
// insert confirmation
ConfirmationSupport thresholdConfirmationSupport = insertConfirmation(request.thresholdConfirmations, authorityIndex,
addresses.length / 2, thresholdConfirmation);
// ...and check if there are enough confirmations
if (thresholdConfirmationSupport == ConfirmationSupport.Unconfirmed) {
// delete request and fire event
deleteDocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest(retrievalId, request);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalError(serverKeyId, requester);
// when error occurs on personal retrieval step, we're waiting until there are threshold + 1 errors
// check if haven't voted before
uint256 authorityMask = uint256(1) << authorityIndex;
if ((request.personalRetrievalErrors & authorityMask) != 0) {
request.personalRetrievalErrors |= authorityMask;
request.personalRetrievalErrorsCount += 1;
// check if we have enough errors
if (request.threshold + 1 != request.personalRetrievalErrorsCount) {
// delete request and fire event
deleteDocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest(retrievalId, request);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalError(serverKeyId, requester);
/// Get count of pending document key retrieval requests.
function documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequestsCount() view public returns (uint) {
return documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequestsKeys.length;
/// Get document key retrieval request with given index.
/// Returns: (serverKeyId, requesterPublic, isCommonRetrievalCompleted)
function getDocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest(uint index) view public returns (bytes32, bytes, bool) {
bytes32 retrievalId = documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequestsKeys[index];
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest storage request = documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequests[retrievalId];
return (
/// Get document key store request confirmation status.
function getDocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequestConfirmationStatus(bytes32 serverKeyId, address requester, address authority) view public returns (bool) {
uint8 authorityIndex = requireAuthority(authority);
bytes32 retrievalId = keccak256(serverKeyId, requester);
DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest storage request = documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequests[retrievalId];
return request.isCommonRetrievalCompleted ||
!isConfirmedByAuthority(request.thresholdConfirmations, authorityIndex);
/// Delete document key retrieval request.
function deleteDocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest(bytes32 retrievalId, DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest storage request) private {
for (uint i = 0; i < request.dataKeys.length; ++i) {
delete documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequests[retrievalId];
removeRequestKey(documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequestsKeys, retrievalId);
/// Pending retrieval requests.
mapping (bytes32 => DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalRequest) documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequests;
/// Pending retrieval requests keys.
bytes32[] documentKeyShadowRetrievalRequestsKeys;
/// Secret store service contract.
contract SecretStoreService is AuthoritiesOwned, ServerKeyGenerationService,
ServerKeyRetrievalService, DocumentKeyStoreService, DocumentKeyShadowRetrievalService {
/// Constructor.
function SecretStoreService(address[] initialAuthorities) AuthoritiesOwned(initialAuthorities) public {
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