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Created November 18, 2010 02:27
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var myScroll;
var a = 0;
function loaded() {
setHeight(); // Set the wrapper height. Not strictly needed, see setHeight() function below.
// Please note that the following is the only line needed by iScroll to work.
// Everything else here is to make this demo fancier.
myScroll = new iScroll('content-scroller', {desktopCompatibility:true});
// find all select elements on the page using jQuery, and attach an event handler to their
// touchstart event to destroy the iScroll
$('select').bind('touchstart', function() {
.bind('touchend', function() // bind an event handler to the select box touchend even to recreate the scroller
myScroll = new iScroll(document.getElementById('scroller'), {bounce: false);
.change(function(){ // this code is here just solely to show that it works, and can be removed.
// Change wrapper height based on device orientation. Not strictly needed by iScroll, you may also use pure CSS techniques.
function setHeight() {
var headerH = document.getElementById('global-header').offsetHeight,
footerH = document.getElementById('global-footer').offsetHeight,
wrapperH = window.innerHeight - headerH - footerH;
document.getElementById('content-wrapper').style.height = wrapperH + 'px';
// Check screen size on orientation change
window.addEventListener('onorientationchange' in window ? 'orientationchange' : 'resize', setHeight, false);
// Prevent the whole screen to scroll when dragging elements outside of the scroller (ie:header/footer).
// If you want to use iScroll in a portion of the screen and still be able to use the native scrolling, do *not* preventDefault on touchmove.
document.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false);
// Load iScroll when DOM content is ready.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loaded, false);
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