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Created April 20, 2011 02:42
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Save swalke16/930241 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
- Alternative package manager for VIM
- Install
- git clone into your .vim dir
- set rtp + call vundle#rc()
- Bundles to install are just setup in your .vimrc or other vim file
- Bundle "<name>" for packages from vimscripts
- Bundle "<git repo>" for github
- Bundle "<user/repo>" for github
- Managing bundles in this way is nice because it's one place to remove bundle
and all related settings.
- BundleInstall
- automatically updates docs
- can install single by specifying BundleInstall <name>
- Bundles <name>
- lists bundles matching <name> in split window
- with ! refreshes script list before search
- no <name> lists all known scripts
- BundleClean
- removes script dirs not fond in .vimrc
- asks for confirmations, use ! to not ask
- Interactive mode
- after search
i - install bundle
c - cleanup bundle
r - refine list
R - refresh script list
- cool for testing as you can quickly install, test, and remove
- indent-object
- new text objects based on indentation level
<count>ai (A)n (I)ndentation level and line above.
<count>ii (I)nner (I)ndentation level (no line above).
<count>aI (A)n (I)ndentation level and lines above/below.
<count>iI (I)nner (I)ndentation level (no lines above/below)
def foo(value)
if true
#do something
- snipmate
- interactive text snippets by file types
r == attr_reader
lam == lambda
- delimitmate
- auto -closes things (many options, too many in fact)
- searchcomplete
- tab completion in search command
- showmarks
- visually show where marks are in a file
- zoomwin
- temporarily go fullscreen on one buffer without losing others,
- unimpaired
- file and line manipulation
- insert blanks <count>[<space> or ]
- swap lines <count> [e or ]
- bubble lines mapping
- gist
- post whole file or visual selection to gist
- :Gist - open buffer to gist
- <,>Gist - selection to gist
- p, P - options for public private
- a - anonymous
- m gist of all open buffers
- e edit gist of open buffer
- d delete gist
++ more!
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