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Last active February 12, 2018 06:15
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Y Bus Assembly (Using Singular Tranformation) for mutually coupled elements
clc; clearvars;
% Data from IEEE 5-bus Data
% """
lineData = ...
% line sending bus receiving bus line impedance
1 1 2 0.02+0.060j
2 1 3 0.08+0.240j
3 2 3 0.06+0.250j
4 2 4 0.06+0.180j
5 2 5 0.04+0.120j
6 3 4 0.01+0.030j
7 4 5 0.08+0.240j
mutualCoupling = ...
% line 1 line 2 mutual impedance
2 3 0.00+0.500j
5 6 0.00+0.250j
numberMutuallyCoupledLines = length(mutualCoupling(:,1));
% Calculate the number of lines in the line data
lines = length(lineData);
% Calculate the number of buses in the line data
buses = max(max(lineData(:,2)),max(lineData(:,3)));
% Calculate the line admittance by taking element by element inverse
lineAdmittance = lineData(:,4).^-1;
% Transform the lineAdmittance array into a diagonal matrix
y = diag(lineAdmittance);
% Fill the primitive y matrix with mutual coupling elements
for x = 1:numberMutuallyCoupledLines
line1 = mutualCoupling(x,1); line2 = mutualCoupling(x,2);
y(line1,line2) = mutualCoupling(x,3);
y(line2,line1) = mutualCoupling(x,3);
% Initialize the admittance matrix with dimensions (lines X buses)
admittanceMatrix = zeros(lines,buses);
% Fill the Admittance Matrix by reading the lineData
for k = 1:lines
sendingBus = lineData(k,2);
receivingBus = lineData(k,3);
% Fill in the sending nodes
if sendingBus ~= 0 % condition used to remove reference node
admittanceMatrix(k, sendingBus) = 1;
% Fill in the receiving nodes
if receivingBus ~= 0 % condition used to remove reference node
admittanceMatrix(k, receivingBus) = -1;
% Calculate the Y Bus
ybus = admittanceMatrix'*y*admittanceMatrix;
disp('Ybus (Using singular transformation technique)'); disp(ybus);
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