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Created September 20, 2012 00:36
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vine - an experiment in producing

Every couple months I get this nagging feeling that I am not producing anything. I think this largely correlates with my output at the day-job -- but it starts to bleed into my personal time stuff. And that sucks.

So time to try a new experiment.

Pomodoros for personal time stuff. 25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of reflection. Two a day Monday through Friday, with the weekend to catch up - 10 a week or I fail.

Each pomodoro is also tagged to an associated project/objective. I have to do at least one pomodoro for each objective every week or I fail.

I'm calling this experiment Vine -- because a vine is a "chain" of tomatoes. Man, I am awesome at naming things.

For now, I will log my Vines in this gist.

#writing - creating content for my personal blog (posts, book reviews, talks)

#androidtdd - potential ebook venture for doing TDD in android, with an associated blog for generating traffic

#learnsomething - online classes from e.g. Coursera, Udacity, CodeSchool (screencasts do not count!)

#moraleapp - development of my daily team mood tracking application

#minimalistcards - potential paper-goods venture centered around minimalist greeting cards

#tvqueue - app to track what tv show episodes I have left to watch

Progress: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● | ✓

Tag Pool: #writing #androidtdd #moraleapp #learnsomething #minimalisticcards | ✓

Wednesday | 8:05-8:30 PM | #writing

  • wrote about the vine experiment
  • brainstormed what tags I wanted to include in my list (1 2)
  • defined what example activities fit into each tag

Wednesday | 8:46-9:11 PM | #androidtdd

  • started figuring out what I want to put on the book signup page
  • sketched out the layout for the page (screenshot)
  • wrote content for "Why do TDD in Android" and "Why this book"
  • spent about 10minutes getting the site running locally again - but should be better next time

Thursday | 10:05-10:30 PM | #writing

  • wrote an overdue book review for Learned Helplessness
  • didn't feel like doing anything after getting home late from a meetup, but glad I cranked out at least one item today
  • will be interesting to see what kind of traffic I get on the back of Move Your Feet's success
  • UPDATE: 12 first-day views for Learned Helplessness vs 1 first-day view for previous writeup <snark>12x increase! pro blogger status!</snark>

Friday | 9:58-10:23 PM | #moraleapp

  • Need to get weekly digest cleaned up since it's going out to new users on Monday
  • Started fixing a bug related to clicking the team link and a possible 404 if you aren't logged in
  • Changed the link to redirect to login if not signed in, but need to get devise redirecting back to correct page
  • Spent a while trying various incantations of stored_location_for, session[:return_to] and redirect_to(:back) - nothing working yet

Friday | 10:27-10:52 PM | #moraleapp

  • Got redirect after login working, was using request.url instead of request.fullpath when stashing the last page in the session - closes that bug
  • Changed the authorization filter to always redirect back if we sent them to the login page, should be handy in the future
  • Add the route and controller action for the "View in browser" link for the weekly digest
  • Hoping I can reuse the mail template in the browser ::crosses fingers::
  • letter_opener is making links related to file:// which is a pain, might need to investigate this further - a 30 second glance at the source didn't reveal anything helpful

Friday | 11:02-11:27 PM | #moraleapp

  • Fixed problem with file:// URLs - had nothing to do with letter_opener, I was justing using a named path instead of a named URL
  • Deployed to production and tested that it worked w.r.t proper host
  • Hack up a route to render the weekly digest mailer in the browser, but I'm not super branch with it so I shove it onto a branch for the moment
  • The current implementation has two issues: it isn't a snapshot like the email, any manager can see any other manager's reports (breaks anonymous trust)
  • A better approach maybe to store off the email contents in the DB, with a hash and check the hash from the email URL - probably also need to store the manager it was sent to and verify that is the logged in user
  • Other thoughts: man this user scheme is getting to be a bit of a pain in my ass...
  • Filed issues for stupid looking NaN data that I'll want to fix before Monday

Saturday | 5:40-6:05 PM | #learnsomething

  • I keep bookmarking and looking at classes related to data analysis and statistics, so time to start doing one
  • Picked Princeton's Statistics One class on Coursera
  • Watched intro video, most of the videos are broken into <25 min chunks so that should be doable in this format
  • Excited to learn some R
  • Going to try doing videos at 1.5x speed and see how it works

Sunday | 9:23-9:48 PM | #minimalistcards

  • Downloaded fonts suggested by Tony for new design
  • Laid out canvas and started doing typesetting...if you can call it that :)

Sunday | 9:51-10:16 PM | #minimalistcards

  • Laid out 2x1 for all the fonts as 5.5"x8.5" sheets
  • Settled on Gothic Light and Proxima Nova Condensed Light for print samples
  • Seems like lighter sans fonts look best to - will get Tony's thoughts on Monday

Sunday | 10:32-10:57 PM | #moraleapp

  • Fix bug related to displaying NaN and nil in the weekly digest email
  • Need to revisit and clean up this code, but since the weekly digest is going out in a few hours, this will have to do for now
  • OT: getting to 10 was a pain in the ass with a shorter week

Progress: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● | ✓

Tag Pool: #writing #tvqueue #moraleapp #learnsomething #minimalistcards | ✓

Monday | 6:30-9:00 PM | #minimalistcards (Didn't track this as closely as I was at Indy Startup Lab)

  • Talked with Tony about card samples, decided on a smaller font
  • Going to try a League Gothic and Helvetica Neue print as well
  • Reviewed notes from printer regarding costs

Monday | 6:30-9:00 PM | #moraleapp (Didn't track this as closely as I was at Indy Startup Lab)

  • Fixed wording related to feedback from beta user on signup process
  • Tweaked daily email to use larger clicks and explicitly say "click a link"
  • Added additional organization stats to God view and made minor style changes

Tuesday | 9:30-9:55 PM | #writing

  • Started writing post about the horrible UX of those stupid touchscreen coke fountains
  • Need to wrap-up, edit, link, image it

Tuesday | 9:59-10:24 PM | #writing

  • Finished post, read it here

Wednesday | 6:20-6:45 PM | #learnsomething

  • Stats 1 - Lesson 1a
  • Covered randomized experiments and how they can be used to make strong claims about causality
  • Two examples were covered: the Salk Polio vaccine trials and Working memory training
  • The Polio trial was a textbook double blind study that successfully eradicated polio
  • The Working memory training suffered from confounds - there was a poor control group - that could cause the results to be invalid
  • It was also not double blind and the experimenters wanted it to work; the results have not been independently confirmed yet
  • One-liner: Randomized experiments allow for predictions and explanations, but only when the correct conditions are met (truly independent variables, no confounds, and representative/random sampling)

Wednesday | 9:05-9:30 PM | #indysa

Wednesday | 9:30-9:55 PM | #indysa

  • Updated the jekyll-mailer app to use the correct SMTP credentials (thanks Shane!)
  • Using any of the Heroku addons caused the emails to hit the spam filter

Thursday | 9:30-9:55 PM | #tvqueue

  • After searching existing solutions, I guess I'll have to write my own, sigh
  • API seems okay

Friday | 9:20-9:45 PM | #tvqueue

  • figured out schema
  • barebones rails app
  • fighting with bootstrap-sass...again...

Friday | 9:46-10:11 PM | #tvqueue

  • migrations and activerecord models

Friday | 10:13-10:38 PM | #tvqueue

  • Finished models, started working on queue index

Friday | 10:50-11:15 PM | #tvqueue

  • Toggle watched status on queue working with ajax

Sunday | 9:17-9:42 PM | #tvqueue

  • start hooking up to API

Sunday | 9:45-10:10 PM | #tvqueue

  • hook up add show form to search API

Progress: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● | ✓

Tag Pool: #writing #tvqueue #moraleapp #learnsomething #minimalistcards | ✓

Monday | 6:30-9:00 PM | #moraleapp (Indy Startup Lab)

  • Improved header for login in users
  • Add more help content
  • Improved popover helper method

Tuesday | 9:30-9:55 PM | #writing

Wednesday | 9:55-10:20 PM | #minimalistcards

  • Narrowed options to League Gothic and Proxima Nova Light
  • Recreated image file with 300 DPI canvas for better printing
  • Can not figure out if I am actually saving a pdf at the right size though, will consult someone

Wednesday | 10:25-10:40 PM | #minimalistcards

  • Figured out the exported PDF was only 72 dpi
  • Talked to CTC about options
  • Talked to KMS about contacting other print shop for price comparison

Thursday | 9:22-9:47 PM | #moraleapp

  • Fixed a bug related to clicking out of office
  • Fixed a bug where clicking out of office, then a mood would throw HTTP500 instead of flashing error
  • Finished help contents for team overview and team mood rows
  • Deploying while I write these notes :-) yah!

Thursday | 9:50-10:07 PM | #learnsomething

  • Stats 1 - Lesson 1b
  • An observation study has no manipulated variable, therefore we cannot make claims about causality
  • Instead we find patterns of correlations
  • Quasi-independent variables seems like true independent variables but are, for example, not randomized
  • Observational studies do have utility, just not the strength of randomized experiments
  • Note: watching at 1.25x speed seemed to sync better

Saturday | 5:55-6:20 PM | #tvqueue

  • Added RSpec - hooray!
  • Created ShowTracker class to add episodes to queue when a new show is added
  • Wrote it using TDD - hooray!
  • It works - hooray!

Saturday | 6:28-6:53 PM | #tvqueue

  • Started wrapping more API methods
  • none of the gems seem to work how I want, so continuing with Nestful
  • Getting weird syntax errors relating to string interpolation I think

Saturday | 6:55-7:20 PM | #tvqueue

  • all_aired_episodes working properly
  • Moved API to env var
  • Pseudo-coded how I want the cron tasks / adding show to user to work (screenshot)
  • When a new show is added, I'll fetch all aired episodes - and add those episodes to users unwatched list
  • The daily cron will just update existing show episodes, adding to unwatched list if new episode has aired

Saturday | ??:??-12:06 AM | #tvqueue

  • Fetch all episodes when show is created is working
  • Adding a show adds all aired episodes as unwatched

Progress: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● | ✓

Tag Pool: #writing #tvqueue #moraleapp #learnsomething #minimalistcards | ✗

Monday | 6:30-9:00 PM | #tvqueue (Indy Startup Lab)

  • Restyled login form
  • Fixed bug related to air_date = 0
  • Fixed broken tests
  • Picked new name - QueueRunner
  • Registered domain

Tuesday | 10:30-11:30 PM | #tvqueue

  • Redid login form, the dropdowns are too cute
  • screenshot

Tuesday | 9:00-11:00 PM | #tvqueue

  • Finished styling registration, forgot password forms
  • Changed Add Show form to reflect new style
  • Add checkbox for adding all episodes when adding show
  • Fix bug where duplicate episodes could be added to user
  • Add spinner when adding show (slow since we have to hit the trakt API)
  • Not super happy with the spinner look atm
  • I am sucking at doing pomodoros this week, I'm drifting back into untracked blocks

Saturday | #tvqueue

  • Added Show list
  • Pushed to heroku
  • Site is live

Sunday | 5:00pm-5:30pm | #writing

  • Wrote book review for Better
  • Read it here
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