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Forked from borrrden/
Created March 22, 2023 14:10
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Debugging ponchoOS kernel
# INSIDE WSL, install gdb (one-time instruction)
sudo apt install gdb
# Add the following to your kernel Makefile CFLAGS, so that gcc will generate
# debug symbols that the debugger can use
# Note: The thing being added is -g, so as of lesson 12 it should look like this.
# Delete all the contents of the lib folder to force a recompile
CFLAGS = -ffreestanding -fshort-wchar -g
# Add the following to your qemu invocation and start QEmu:
# -s (Starts a gdb debug server on port 1234)
# -S (Pauses the virtual machine after power on to wait for a debugger connection)
qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=%BUILDDIR%/%OSNAME%.img -m 256M -cpu qemu64 \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=%OVMFDIR%/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi.fd,readonly=on \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=%OVMFDIR%/OVMF_VARS-pure-efi.fd -net none -s -S
# Start gdb using your built kernel file, this will read the kernel
# information into gdb. If your kernel name is different, then replace it,
# it's NOT the image, but the kernel binary
gdb bin/kernel.elf
# Your shell will look different now, as you are inside the gdb command prompt.
# Connect it to the kernel running in QEmu
target remote :1234
# You will see some output similar to '0x000000000000fff0 in ?? ()'.
# This is correct, it means that the machine is halted almost immediately after power on
# and is waiting for the signal to continue. First, add a hardware assisted breakpoint
# at your kernel start function
hbreak _start
# You should see output like
# 'Hardware assisted breakpoint 1 at 0x134: file src/kernel.cpp, line 3.'
# Now you can ask the program to continue, and it will stop at your start method
continue # or 'c' for short
# 'Continuing' is written, and qemu will continue into the uefi shell and eventually
# into your kernel and then pause again displaying something like
# 'Breakpoint 1, _start (bootInfo=0xff14f28) at src/kernel.cpp:3
# 3 extern "C" void _start(BootInfo* bootInfo){
# Common debugging commands include "step" (which will go forward one line and enter
# any function on that line, similar to step into in most IDE), "next"
# (analogous to "step over") and "finish" (step out). These can be abbreviated as "s", "n",
# and "fin". You can print out varibles using the "print" command (p for short):
p bootInfo
# $1 = (BootInfo *) 0xff14f28
# Tab autocomplete is available, as well as command history via the up key. Happy debugging!
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