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Last active October 6, 2016 09:27
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Test cases as described in mhfs/devise-async#96 They fail as described in mhfs/devise-async#96 (comment)

While debugging what I faced is as below:

User was created without issue & it went for login as below

     7:   setup do
     8:     @user = User.create!(
     9:       email: "herbertm1970#{SecureRandom.hex}",
    10:       password: 'testtest',
    11:       password_confirmation: 'testtest',
    12:     )
 => 13:     login_as(user, scope: :user)
    14:   end

[78] pry(#<SomethingTest>)> user
=> #<User:0x007f94fc570c40
 id: 179,
 email: "",
 encrypted_password: "$2a$04$GKRCFMNLaHlK0fcAiPN0LOo0dDAvQFsgM6RtDOciDGbzRW.cifuQa",
 reset_password_token: nil,
 reset_password_sent_at: nil,
 remember_created_at: nil,
 sign_in_count: 0,
 current_sign_in_at: nil,
 last_sign_in_at: nil,
 current_sign_in_ip: nil,
 last_sign_in_ip: nil,
 created_at: Thu, 06 Oct 2016 07:31:34 UTC +00:00,
 updated_at: Thu, 06 Oct 2016 07:31:34 UTC +00:00>
[79] pry(#<SomethingTest>)> step

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/warden-1.2.6/lib/warden/test/helpers.rb @ line 18 Warden::Test::Helpers#login_as 

    17: def login_as(user, opts = {})
 => 18:   Warden.on_next_request do |proxy|
    19:     opts[:event] ||= :authentication
    20:     proxy.set_user(user, opts)
    21:   end
    22: end

After successful login it went till get request without issue.

[80] pry(#<SomethingTest>)> next

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/work/cloned_repos/devise-aync-issue96/test/integration/something_test.rb @ line 28 SomethingTest#test_returns_smth_#2 

    26: test 'returns smth #2' do
    27:   init
 => 28:   params = {
    29:     format: :json
    30:   }
    32:   binding.pry
    33:   # /something.json does not exist
    34:   get '/something.json', params
    35: end

[80] pry(#<SomethingTest>)> next
[80] pry(#<SomethingTest>)> next

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/work/cloned_repos/devise-aync-issue96/test/integration/something_test.rb @ line 34 SomethingTest#test_returns_smth_#2 

    26: test 'returns smth #2' do
    27:   init
    28:   params = {
    29:     format: :json
    30:   }
    32:   binding.pry
    33:   # /something.json does not exist
 => 34:   get '/something.json', params
    35: end

Here intresting thing start happening.

[80] pry(#<SomethingTest>)> step

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/actionpack-4.2.7/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb @ line 337 ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner#get

    336: define_method(method) do |*args|
 => 337:   reset! unless integration_session
    339:   # reset the html_document variable, except for cookies/assigns calls
    340:   unless method == 'cookies' || method == 'assigns'
    341:     @html_document = nil
    342:     @html_scanner_document = nil
    343:     reset_template_assertion
    344:   end
    346:   integration_session.__send__(method, *args).tap do
    347:     copy_session_variables!
    348:   end
    349: end

Here I entered into loop from line 346 i.e inside integrate_session. I am skipping in between steps here & getting to place where I saw changed object.

[81] pry(#<Rack::Test::Session>)> next

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/rack-test-0.6.3/lib/rack/test.rb @ line 46 Rack::Test::Session#initialize:

    36: def initialize(mock_session)
    37:   @headers = {}
    38:   @env = {}
    40:   if mock_session.is_a?(MockSession)
    41:     @rack_mock_session = mock_session
    42:   else
    43:     @rack_mock_session =
    44:   end
 => 46:   @default_host = @rack_mock_session.default_host
    47: end

[81] pry(#<Rack::Test::Session>)> next

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/actionpack-4.2.7/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb @ line 297 ActionDispatch::Integration::Session#process:

    293:           session =
    295:           # NOTE: rack-test v0.5 doesn't build a default uri correctly
    296:           # Make sure requested path is always a full uri
 => 297:           session.request(build_full_uri(path, env), env)
    299:           @request_count += 1
    300:           @request  =
    301:           response = _mock_session.last_response
    302:           @response = ActionDispatch::TestResponse.from_response(response)

83] pry(#<ActionDispatch::Integration::Session>)> next

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/activerecord-4.2.7/lib/active_record/core.rb @ line 517 ActiveRecord::Core#sync_with_transaction_state:

    515: def sync_with_transaction_state
    516:   #binding.pry
 => 517:   update_attributes_from_transaction_state(@transaction_state, 0)
    518: end

[83] pry(#<User>)> self
=> #<User:0x007f94faad7438
 id: nil,
 email: "",
 encrypted_password: "$2a$04$lsduTZ5BsFxnRTEVgzqKTOfetW/Ogqpk6v0BX.LuwUqTkTLwibl0C",
 reset_password_token: nil,
 reset_password_sent_at: nil,
 remember_created_at: nil,
 sign_in_count: 0,
 current_sign_in_at: nil,
 last_sign_in_at: nil,
 current_sign_in_ip: nil,
 last_sign_in_ip: nil,
 created_at: Thu, 06 Oct 2016 07:08:54 UTC +00:00,
 updated_at: Thu, 06 Oct 2016 07:08:54 UTC +00:00>

Here, while getting into the request User object was altered. Seems hence its going into create_record

[110] pry(User)> step

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/activerecord-4.2.7/lib/active_record/timestamp.rb @ line 49 ActiveRecord::Timestamp#_create_record:

    45: def _create_record
    46:   if self.record_timestamps
    47:     current_time = current_time_from_proper_timezone
 => 49:     all_timestamp_attributes.each do |column|
    50:       column = column.to_s
    51:       if has_attribute?(column) && !attribute_present?(column)
    52:         write_attribute(column, current_time)
    53:       end
    54:     end
    55:   end
    57:   super
    58: end

After create when it gets into _run_create_callbacks as below where it faces error

[128] pry(#<User>)> step

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/activerecord-4.2.7/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb @ line 306 ActiveRecord::Callbacks#_create_record:

    305: def _create_record #:nodoc:
 => 306:   _run_create_callbacks { super }
    307: end

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/activesupport-4.2.7/lib/active_support/callbacks.rb @ line 88 ActiveSupport::Callbacks#__run_callbacks__:

    86: def __run_callbacks__(callbacks, &block)
    87:   if callbacks.empty?
 => 88:     yield if block_given?
    89:   else
    90:     runner = callbacks.compile
    91:     e =, false, nil, block)
    93:   end
    94: end

& below it gets into exception block

[133] pry(#<User>)> next

From: /Users/SwapnilChincholkar/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@devise-async-repro/gems/activerecord-4.2.7/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/transaction.rb @ line 186 ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::TransactionManager#within_new_transaction:

    182: def within_new_transaction(options = {})
    183:   transaction = begin_transaction options
    184:   yield
    185: rescue Exception => error
 => 186:   rollback_transaction if transaction
    187:   raise
    188: ensure
    189:   unless error
    190:     if Thread.current.status == 'aborting'
    191:       rollback_transaction if transaction
    192:     else
    193:       begin
    194:         commit_transaction
    195:       rescue Exception
    196:         transaction.rollback unless transaction.state.completed?
    197:         raise
    198:       end
    199:     end
    200:   end
    201: end
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