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Created March 18, 2021 09:16
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public class SurveyData {
public class Survey {
public List<Question> rows;
//index must map with the isApplicable array
public List<String> allProducts;
rows = new List<Question>();
allProducts = new List<String>();
public class Question {
public String id;
public String team;
public String question;
List<Boolean> isApplicableForProduct;
Question(String theTeam,String theQuestion, List<Boolean> isApplicable){ = theTeam;
this.question = theQuestion;
isApplicableForProduct = isApplicable;
id = (team+'-'+question).replaceAll(' ', '-').toLowerCase();
public static String fetchSurveyData(){
try {
Survey survey = new Survey();
survey.allProducts = new List<String>{'Product 1','Product 2','Product 3'};
new Question(
'Team 1'
, 'Question 1'
, new List<Boolean>{ true, false, true}
new Question(
'Team 1'
, 'Question 2'
, new List<Boolean>{ true, true, true}
new Question(
'Team 2'
, 'Question 1'
, new List<Boolean>{ true, false, true}
new Question(
'Team 2'
, 'Question 2'
, new List<Boolean>{ true, false, true}
return JSON.serializePretty(survey);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());
<template for:each={products} for:item="product">
<template for:each={surveyData} for:item="row">
<div key={}>
<template for:each={row.isApplicableForProduct} for:item="isApplicable">
<template if:true={isApplicable}>
<span key={}>
<lightning-input type="checkbox" label="" name="input1" ></lightning-input>
<template if:false={isApplicable}>
<span key={}>
import { LightningElement,track } from 'lwc';
import submitPSVRequest from '@salesforce/apex/SurveyData.fetchSurveyData';
export default class SurveyData extends LightningElement {
surveyData = [];
products = [];
submitPSVRequest().then((responseDataString) => {
if( responseDataString ) {
let data = JSON.parse(responseDataString);
this.surveyData = data.rows;
this.products = data.allProducts;
}).catch((error) => {
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