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Created November 16, 2013 01:14
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Sign in view controller spec.
// SignInViewControllerSpecs.m
// Taskworld
// Created by Warut Surapat on 11/8/13.
// Copyright 2013 Taskworld. All rights reserved.
#import "Kiwi.h"
#import "KIFUITestActor+TWTester.h"
#import "TWTestConstants.h"
describe(@"Login page", ^{
__block NSString* invalidEmail = @"abcd@x.c";
__block NSString* invalidPassword = @"asd1";
[tester navigateToLoginPage];
it(@"has a correct page title", ^{
[[[tester currentPageTitle] should] equal:T(@"sign_in_bar_sign_in")];
it(@"has the email field",^{
[[tester waitForViewWithAccessibilityLabel:EmailTextFieldLabel] shouldNotBeNil];
it(@"has the password field", ^{
[[tester waitForViewWithAccessibilityLabel:PasswordTextFieldLabel] shouldNotBeNil];
it(@"has the forgot password link", ^{
[[tester waitForViewWithAccessibilityLabel:ForgotPasswordLabel] shouldNotBeNil];
describe(@"User authorization", ^{
__block UIButton* loginButton = nil;
describe(@"Log in form", ^{
loginButton = (UIButton*)[tester waitForViewWithAccessibilityLabel:LogInButtonLabel];
[tester clearTextFieldWithLabel:EmailTextFieldLabel];
[tester clearTextFieldWithLabel:PasswordTextFieldLabel];
it(@"disables login button by default", ^{
[[@(loginButton.isEnabled) should] equal:@(NO)];
context(@"with invalid email", ^{
it(@"does not allow user to log in", ^{
[tester enterText:invalidEmail intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:EmailTextFieldLabel];
[[theValue(loginButton.isEnabled) should] equal:theValue(NO)];
context(@"with invalid password", ^{
it(@"does not allow user to log in", ^{
[tester enterText:invalidPassword intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:PasswordTextFieldLabel];
[[theValue(loginButton.isEnabled) should] equal:theValue(NO)];
context(@"with invalid email and invalid password", ^{
it(@"does not allow user to log in", ^{
[tester enterText:invalidEmail intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:EmailTextFieldLabel];
[tester enterText:invalidPassword intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:PasswordTextFieldLabel];
[[theValue(loginButton.isEnabled) should] equal:theValue(NO)];
context(@"with valid email and password", ^{
it(@"allows user to login", ^{
[tester enterText:TestUserEmail intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:EmailTextFieldLabel];
[tester enterText:TestUserPassword intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:PasswordTextFieldLabel];
[[theValue(loginButton.isEnabled) should] equal:theValue(YES)];
context(@"with incorrect credential", ^{
it(@"shows alert message", ^{
// Pending
context(@"with correct credential" , ^{
it(@"navigates user to task feed page", ^{
[tester enterText:TestUserEmail intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:EmailTextFieldLabel];
[tester enterText:TestUserPassword intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:PasswordTextFieldLabel];
[tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:LogInButtonLabel];
[[[tester currentPageTitle] should] equal:T(@"task_feed_feed_nav_title")];
// logout
[tester logout];
describe(@"Password recovery", ^{
__block UITextField* forgotPasswordTextField = nil;
__block UIButton* submitButton = nil;
[tester navigateToLoginPage];
[tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:ForgotPasswordLabel];
forgotPasswordTextField = (UITextField*)[tester
forgotPasswordTextField.text = @"";
it(@"shows forgot password dialog", ^{
[forgotPasswordTextField shouldNotBeNil];
// With some reasons, uialertview instance can not be detected.
// UIAlertView* forgotPasswordAlertView =
// (UIAlertView*)[tester waitForViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"forgot_password_alert_view"];
// [forgotPasswordAlertView shouldNotBeNil];
describe(@"Password recovery form", ^{
context(@"with invalid email", ^{
it(@" does not allow user to submit", ^{
// Pending
context(@"with valid email", ^{
it(@"allows user to submit", ^{
// Pending
it(@"shows error message if email was not in the system", ^{
// Pending
it(@"shows successful message if email was in the system", ^{
// Pending
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