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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
* Steven Waters - COP2930.145F14
* U03048478
* The purpose of this program is to allow a user to play a game of rock, paper, scissors
* by entering in a number between 0 and 2, where 0 means picking scissors, 1, means picking rock
* and picking 2 paper. Furthmore, the program should pick a random value for the computer which is
* currently called Player 2 in case. Lastly, the program should display a message saying which player
* one or display a message saying it's a draw or that the user entered in an invalid number.
package rockpaperscissors;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RockPaperScissors {
// Adding a list zest to this programming assignment!
public static void superHeader() {
// This ASCII art came from
System.out.println("Let's play a game of...");
System.out.println("ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!!");
System.out.println(" _______ _______ _______");
System.out.println("---' ____) ---' ____)____ ---' ____)____");
System.out.println(" (_____) ______) ______)");
System.out.println(" (_____) _______) __________)");
System.out.println(" (____) _______) (____)");
System.out.println("---.__(___) ---.__________) ---.__(___)");
System.out.println("You're playing against the computer, pick one: \n\nScissor (0) \n\nRock (1) \n\nPaper (2)");
System.out.print("0, 1, or 2? ");
} // End superHeader function
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Declaring constants for gesture that can be chosen
int ROCK_VALUE = 1;
int PAPER_VALUE = 2;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
// Display welcome message for players
// Getting the Player 1 input
int player1 = input.nextInt();
// Generating a random number that is between 0 and 2 for Player 2 since it is the computer
int player2 = (int) (Math.random() * 3);
/* The below is to create human friendly messages... */
// Declaring empty strings for Player 1 and Player 2's response
String player1Response = "";
String player2Response = "";
* Declaring the player1Response string and setting it to the gesture name that the player has chosen
* We are doing this by using a switch statement and checking to see if they entered 0,1, or 2.
switch (player1) {
case 0:
player1Response = "scissors";
case 1:
player1Response = "rock";
case 2:
player1Response = "paper";
// No default
* Declaring the player2Response string and setting it to the gesture name that the player has chosen
* We are doing this by using a switch statement and checkign to see if they entered 0,1, or 2.
switch (player2) {
case 0:
player2Response = "scissors";
case 1:
player2Response = "rock";
case 2:
player2Response = "paper";
// No default
* Combining geasture names based on what the player chosen with generic "You Win", "You Lose", etc messages
String outcomeString = "\nThe computer picked " + player2Response + ". You picked " + player1Response;
// Lose Message
String outcome1 = outcomeString + ". You lose!";
// Win Message
String outcome2 = outcomeString + ". You won!";
// Invalid play message (if the user enters an invalid number)
String outcome3 = "\nInvalid number. Please try again.";
// Message for when there's a draw
String outcome4 = outcomeString + " too. " + "It's a Draw!!";
// The following is the main logic that determines which player wins and which player loses
if ((player1 == SCISSOR_VALUE & player2 == ROCK_VALUE) || (player1 == PAPER_VALUE & player2 == SCISSOR_VALUE) || (player1 == ROCK_VALUE & player2 == PAPER_VALUE)) {
// Player lost
} else {
if ((player1 == SCISSOR_VALUE & player2 == PAPER_VALUE) || (player1 == ROCK_VALUE & player2 == SCISSOR_VALUE) || (player1 == PAPER_VALUE & player2 == ROCK_VALUE)) {
// Player won
} else {
if (player1 > 2 || player1 < 0) {
// Player entered an invalid number that was greater than 2 and less than 0
} else {
// Both players entered in the same number so it's a draw
} // End logic for determining outcomes
} // End Main Function
} // End RockPaperScissors Class
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