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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Learning JavaScript
// Most of this was taken from this awesome blog post:
// If you happen to the be the author of this blog post and you don't like how I just scaped it and put all of this code in this Gist then please feel free to email me at and let me know that I should take it down.
// Other sources:
// How to declare a variable
var a;
// How to declare a LOCAL variable and assign a value to it
// Will restrict it's scopt to the function you're declaring it in
var a = 12;
// How to declare a GLOBAL variable and assign a value to it
// Will make it avaiable to your whole script, try to avoid this so you don't pollute the global scope
a = 12;
// How to declare a function in JavaScript
var myAwesomeFunction = function ( myArgument ) {
myAwesomeFunction( something );
// Using functions as arguments for other functions
// Declare the function to be used as an argument
square = function ( a ) {
return a * a;
// Declare the applyOperation function
applyOperation = function ( f, a ) {
return f( a );
// Alert the return value of the 'applyOperation' function when the 'square' function is used as an argument
applyOperation(square, 10) // returns 100
// The return statment returns the result of the function , anything after the return statement will not get executed
myFunction = function ( a ) {
return a * 3;
explodeComputer(); // will never get executed (hopefully!)
// If statement in JavaScript
if ( foo ) {
return bar;
// Shorthand verison of the If statment. This Works as long as the block of code inside the if statment can fit on 1 line.
if ( foo ) return bar;
// If / Else statemenst in JavaScript
if ( foo ) {
} else {
// If / Else statments have their own shorthand syntax
foo ? function1() : function2();
// This is particularly useful when assinging a value to a variable
var n = foo ? 1 : 2;
// If / Else statment with another If / Else statment
if ( foo ) {
} else if ( bar ) {
} else {
// How to define an array in JavaScript
var a = [ 123, 456, 789 ];
// How to access an items in the above array
a[1]; // 456
// How to define an object in JavaScript
myProfile = {
name: "John Smith",
email: "",
'zip code': 12345,
isInvited: true
// You can nest objects and even use arrays in JavaScript objects
myProfile = {
name: "John Smith",
email: "",
city: "San Francisco",
points: 1234,
isInvited: true,
friends: [{
name: "John Doe",
email: ""
}, {
name: "Jane Doe",
email: ""
// Accessing an object's property (using dot notation with array syntax); // John Smith
myProfile.friends[1].name; // Jane Doe
// Instead of defining 'square' function and passing it as an argument, we are defining it inside of the argumetn call
applyOperation = function ( f, a ) {
return f( a );
// Defining 'square' function
function ( a ) {
return a * a;
10) // 100
// Pushing new items to an array
var myArray = [ 123, 456 ];
myArray.push( 789 ) // 123, 456, 789
// String replacements
var myString = "abcdef";
myString.replace("a", "z"); // "zbcdef"
// Changing functions in JavaScript using the 'something.function1().function2().function3()' pattern
n = 5;
n.double().square(); //100
// Assignment operators
// Assinging a value to a variable
a = "12";
// Comparing a to 12
a == 12; // true
// Comparing both value and type
// a is a string value , while 12 is not an integer so false is returned
a === 12; // false
// Inequality Operator
a = 12;
a !== 11; // true
// Getting the opposite of a boolean value using the ! inequality operator
a = true;
!a; // false
// A boolean value is always returned even if the varaible you're chekcing against isn't a boolean value
a = 12;
!a; // false
// Converting a variable by using the ! inequality operator twice (once to force the variable to boolean, a second time to revert the value back)
a = 12; !! a; // true
// Or
a = 0; !! a; // false
// How to set a timeout for executing a function in 5 seconds
window.setTimeout(function() {
alert( "Hello World!" );
}, 500);
// How to cancel a timeout before it executes a function
var timeoutID;
timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function() {
alert( "Hello World!" );
}, 500);
// How to create a prototype
var myCar = {
name: "Ford Escort",
drive: function () {
console.log( "Weeee. I'm driving!" );
panic: function () {
console.log( "Wait. How do you stop this thing?" );
// Use Object.create to instantiate a new car
var yourCar = Object.create( myCar );
// Now we can see that one is a prototype of the other
console.log( );
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