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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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select *
from web.dbo.Artikkler_tekst (nolock)
where Avis='la' and Lopenr='150309826' and Dato='20150303' and blokk=1
/* Declare Site Code Variable */
declare @ASite varchar(2)
/* Declare story id variable */
declare @LStoryId int
/* Declare story date */
declare @LStoryDate varchar(8)
/* Stores the character position number after >> in a string */
declare @AsubstringNumTable table (substringNum int)
Declaring a variable so we can assign it to the value in the substringNum column
in the @AsubstirngNumTable temp table
declare @AsubstringNumVal int
Stores the original tekst data , this is used beacause text data types
can't be used in REPLACE() functions
declare @AparagraphText1 varchar(5000)
/* Stores the result of the replacement */
declare @AparagraphText2 varchar(5000)
set @LStoryId = 150309826
set @ASite = 'la'
set @LStoryDate = '20150303'
/* inserting the position number after the >> chracters in a string into this table*/
insert into @AsubstringNumTable (substringNum)
select patindex('%>>%', Tekst)
from web.dbo.artikkler_tekst (nolock)
where Avis=@ASite
and Lopenr=@LStoryId
and Dato=@LStoryDate
and blokk=1
Assigning the value of the substringNum column in the AsubstringNumTable
to this variable
select @AsubstringNumVal =
from @AsubstringNumTable
Assinging the original text in the Tekst column for the artikkler_tekst table
to this variable
select @AparagraphText1 =
from web.dbo.artikkler_tekst (nolock)
where Avis=@ASite
and Lopenr=@LStoryId
and Dato=@LStoryDate
and blokk=1
/* Assinging the replacement result to this variable */
select @AparagraphText2 =
Updating the artikkler_tekst table by setting the Tekst column
to the data that's assigned to the AparagraphText2 variable
update web.dbo.Artikkler_tekst
set Tekst = @AparagraphText2
where Avis=@ASite
and Lopenr=@LStoryId
and Dato=@LStoryDate
and blokk=1
select @AparagraphText2
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