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Kicking ass and taking names

Steve Waters swaters86

Kicking ass and taking names
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USE [ChangeGear]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SearchAllTables] Script Date: 07/14/2015 10:22:43 ******/
ALTER PROC [dbo].[SearchAllTables]
@SearchStr nvarchar(100)
2015-07-14 06:20:42,215 | ERROR | DevExpress.Xpo.DB.Exceptions.UnableToCreateDBObjectException: Unable to create 'ForeignKey' 'FK_CG_Flex1Ticket_UDF_ForwardEmail'. Parent: 'CG_Flex1Ticket'. Error: Executing Sql 'alter table "dbo"."CG_Flex1Ticket" add constraint "FK_CG_Flex1Ticket_UDF_ForwardEmail" foreign key ("UDF_ForwardEmail") references "dbo"."CG_Principal"("OID") NOT FOR REPLICATION' with parameters '' exception 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): There is already an object named 'FK_CG_Flex1Ticket_UDF_ForwardEmail' in the database.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
at S
2015-07-13 12:48:43,009 | ERROR | DevExpress.Xpo.DB.Exceptions.UnableToCreateDBObjectException: Unable to create 'ForeignKey' 'FK_CG_Flex1Ticket_UDF_ForwardEmail'. Parent: 'CG_Flex1Ticket'. Error: Executing Sql 'alter table "dbo"."CG_Flex1Ticket" add constraint "FK_CG_Flex1Ticket_UDF_ForwardEmail" foreign key ("UDF_ForwardEmail") references "dbo"."CG_Principal"("OID") NOT FOR REPLICATION' with parameters '' exception 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): There is already an object named 'FK_CG_Flex1Ticket_UDF_ForwardEmail' in the database.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
at S
2015-03-10 16:20:54,473 | ERROR | System.InvalidOperationException: Cross-thread operation detected. 'XPOPersistenceService.XPOSession(24227)' is not a thread-safe object, please avoid using it simultaneously from different threads
at DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.SessionStateStack.Enter(Session session, SessionState newState)
at DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.ObjectCollectionLoader.LoadObjects(ObjectsQuery[] queries)
at DevExpress.Xpo.SimpleObjectLayer.LoadObjects(Session session, ObjectsQuery[] queries)
at DevExpress.Xpo.SimpleObjectLayer.GetObjectsByKey(Session session, ObjectsByKeyQuery[] queries)
at DevExpress.Xpo.Session.GetObjectByKey(XPClassInfo classInfo, Object id, Boolean alwaysGetFromDb)
at DevExpress.Xpo.Session.GetObjectByKey(Type classType, Object id, Boolean alwaysGetFromDb)
at XPOPersistenceService.XPOPersistenceManager.GetObjectForEdit(IUserSession uSession, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, Type entityType, Int32 key)
at ApplicationServices.EntityHandlers.EntityHandler.GetObjectForEdit(IUser
2015-03-17 15:22:47,045 | ERROR | Could not get object from DB.
System.InvalidOperationException: Cross-thread operation detected. 'XPOPersistenceService.XPOSession(95269)' is not a thread-safe object, please avoid using it simultaneously from different threads
at DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.SessionStateStack.Enter(Session session, SessionState newState)
at DevExpress.Xpo.Helpers.ObjectCollectionLoader.LoadObjects(ObjectsQuery[] queries)
at DevExpress.Xpo.SimpleObjectLayer.LoadObjects(Session session, ObjectsQuery[] queries)
at DevExpress.Xpo.SimpleObjectLayer.GetObjectsByKey(Session session, ObjectsByKeyQuery[] queries)
at DevExpress.Xpo.Session.GetObjectByKey(XPClassInfo classInfo, Object id, Boolean alwaysGetFromDb)
at DevExpress.Xpo.Session.GetObjectByKey(Type classType, Object id, Boolean alwaysGetFromDb)
at XPOPersistenceService.XPOPersistenceManager.GetObjectFromDB(IUserSession usrSession, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, Type type, Int32 key)
2015-03-17 15:22:48,465 | ERROR | Could not get obje
SQL Server Process CPU Utilization System Idle Process Other Process CPU Utilization Event Time
47 49 4 2015-03-05 08:28:19.993
50 44 6 2015-03-05 08:27:19.993
5 88 7 2015-03-05 08:26:19.990
4 91 5 2015-03-05 08:25:19.983
4 91 5 2015-03-05 08:24:19.983
4 91 5 2015-03-05 08:23:19.983
3 92 5 2015-03-05 08:22:19.983
3 93 4 2015-03-05 08:21:19.983
3 93 4 2015-03-05 08:20:19.983
select *
from web.dbo.Artikkler_tekst (nolock)
where Avis='la' and Lopenr='150309826' and Dato='20150303' and blokk=1
/* Declare Site Code Variable */
declare @ASite varchar(2)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Display Site Information
// @namespace DSI
// @description Overlays Infomration on Website
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
select top 200 t.Profile_ID, t.Name, t.Parent_id, case when exists (select p.avis from web.dbo.profile p (nolock) where p.Avis = t.Avis and p.Parent_id = t.Profile_id) then 1 else 0 end as Children, case when IsNull(relp.url , '') <> '' then relp.url else IsNull(t.URL, '') end as URL, case when IsNull(relp.TargetURL , '') <> '' then relp.TargetURL else IsNull(t.TargetURL, '') end as TargetURL, case when ISNULL(relp.TargetCategory, '') <> '' then relp.TargetCategory else IsNull(t.TargetCategory, '') end as TargetCategory, web.dbo.fGetProfileLevel('GA','1875') as Sublevel from web.dbo.Profile t (nolock) left join webextras.dbo.profile_extrafields ext (nolock) on (ext.Avis=t.Avis and ext.ProfileID=t.profile_id and ext.Varname='ProfileIDRef') left join web.dbo.profile relp (nolock) on (relp.Avis=t.Avis and relp.profile_id=cast(ext.VarValue as int)) where t.Avis = 'GA' and t.Profile_ID > 0 and t.Parent_ID = '1875' and t.Profile_ID NOT IN (SELECT [ProfileID] FROM
CCE Objects Deleted
An error has occurred! #8134
Divide by zero error encountered.
DL 55D76001-50DD-4DB4-920E-56067E51A351
An error has occurred! #8134
Divide by zero error encountered.