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ecoomerce product zoom with thumbnail and slider
<div class="pdp-image-gallery-block">
<!-- Gallery -->
<div class="gallery_pdp_container">
<div id="gallery_pdp">
<a href="#" data-image="" data-zoom-image="">
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<a href="#" data-image="" data-zoom-image="">
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<a href="#" data-image="" data-zoom-image="">
<img id="" src="" />
<a href="#" data-image="" data-zoom-image="">
<img id="" src="" />
<a href="#" data-image="" data-zoom-image="">
<img id="" src="" />
<a href="#" data-image="" data-zoom-image="">
<img id="" src="" />
<a href="#" data-image="images/small/image3.png" data-zoom-image="">
<img id="" src="" />
<a href="#" data-image="images/small/image4.png" data-zoom-image="">
<img id="" src="" />
<!-- Up and down button for vertical carousel -->
<a href="#" id="ui-carousel-next" style="display: inline;"></a>
<a href="#" id="ui-carousel-prev" style="display: inline;"></a>
<!-- Gallery -->
<!-- gallery Viewer -->
<div class="gallery-viewer">
<img id="zoom_10" src="" data-zoom-image="" href="" />
// JavaScript Document
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/* init vertical carousel if thumb image length greater that 4 */
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height: 70,
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/* Init Product zoom */
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// $(this).html("");
// $(this).hide();
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// $('#gallery_pdp img').click((e) => {
// console.log(e)
// })
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zoomWindowFadeOut: 500,
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lensFadeOut: 500,
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