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Created June 27, 2024 04:24
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
# 定数の定義
dt = 1 # タイムステップ
num_steps = 200 # ステップ数
pressure_gradient_force = np.array([0, 1.1]) # 気圧傾度力の大きさ(仮定)
coriolis_parameter = 1e-1 # コリオリ力の係数(仮定)
friction_coefficient = 0.0 # 摩擦係数
# 初期条件
initial_velocity = np.array([10.0, 0.0]) # 浮動小数点数として初期化
velocity = initial_velocity.copy()
# 図の設定
rng = 15
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(-rng, rng)
ax.set_ylim(-rng, rng)
# ベクトルの初期プロット
velocity_arrow = ax.quiver(0, 0, velocity[0], velocity[1], color="black", angles="xy", scale_units="xy", scale=1)
pgf_arrow = ax.quiver(0, 0, pressure_gradient_force[0], pressure_gradient_force[1], color="red", angles="xy", scale_units="xy", scale=1)
coriolis_arrow = ax.quiver(0, 0, 0, 0, color="blue", angles="xy", scale_units="xy", scale=1)
net_force_arrow = ax.quiver(0, 0, 0, 0, color="purple", angles="xy", scale_units="xy", scale=1)
# ステップ数表示用テキスト
step_text = ax.text(-9, 9, "", fontsize=12)
def update(step):
global velocity
if step == 0:
velocity[:] = initial_velocity # ループ開始時に初期条件にリセット
coriolis_force = coriolis_parameter * np.array([velocity[1], -velocity[0]]) # 北半球のコリオリ力(右向き)
friction_force = 0
friction_force = -friction_coefficient * velocity
net_force = pressure_gradient_force + coriolis_force + friction_force
velocity += net_force * dt
# ベクトルの更新
velocity_arrow.set_UVC(velocity[0], velocity[1])
coriolis_arrow.set_UVC(coriolis_force[0], coriolis_force[1])
net_force_arrow.set_UVC(net_force[0], net_force[1])
# ステップ数の更新
step_text.set_text(f"Step: {step}")
return velocity_arrow, pgf_arrow, coriolis_arrow, net_force_arrow, step_text
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=num_steps, interval=100, blit=True)
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