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Jan Ustohal sway

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sway / genesis_public_key
Created February 22, 2018 11:54
Jul 9 16:06:10 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] WARNING! Tried to insert nil value into AdEvent for key adSlotType
Jul 9 16:06:17 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: Added event listener for: change - 1
Jul 9 16:06:17 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: Added event listener for: error - 2
Jul 9 16:06:17 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: Added event listener for: ready - 3
Jul 9 16:06:18 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: getState returned: loading
Jul 9 16:06:18 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: mraid.js - mraid.addEventListener: ready
Jul 9 16:06:18 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] Completed Initial load - notifying mraid bridge of READY/DEFAULT state
Jul 9 16:06:18 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-lo
Jul 9 15:20:06 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: Added event listener for: change - 1
Jul 9 15:20:06 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: Added event listener for: error - 2
Jul 9 15:20:06 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: Added event listener for: ready - 3
Jul 9 15:20:09 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] Completed Initial load - notifying mraid bridge of READY/DEFAULT state
Jul 9 15:20:09 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: mraid.js - change event: %7B'state': default%7D
Jul 9 15:20:09 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] Completed Initial load - notifying mraid bridge of READY/DEFAULT state
Jul 9 15:20:09 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mobile ads] MRAID log: ios-log: mraid.js - change event: %7B'state': default%7D
Jul 9 15:20:09 White-iPod TestIntegration[311] <Warning>: [Mob
sway / gist:5622749
Created May 21, 2013 20:01
Flurry test request
honza@dalwhinnie ~ » curl -s -vvv -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress"\?apiAccessCode\=ZVFRTPM9ZMPDZDXB5WVW\&ipAddress\=\&apiKey\=FCXC5H6MWFGSBFHKVV9Q\&sha1Mac\=\&platform\=IPHONE\&iosUdid\=f8f9e23815bc3d3a836643bf9fbadf8feba9b665 > test.json
* About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
* Trying
* connected
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /appCircle/v2/getRecommendations?apiAccessCode=ZVFRTPM9ZMPDZDXB5WVW&ipAddress= HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress
sway / 01_arabic_roman.rb
Created December 1, 2012 17:21
SP Ruby quiz - Task 1
$map = {
'M' => 1000,
'CM' => 900,
'D' => 500,
'CD' => 400,
'C' => 100,
'XC' => 90,
'L' => 50,
'XL' => 40,
'X' => 10,
sway / XeLaTeX-custom.engine
Created July 15, 2012 00:12
TeXShop + Growl Notifications
IMAGE_RUN="" # Complete path to the desired icon
MSG_RUN="Compilation running"
MSG_FAIL="Compilation failed"
MSG_OK="Compilation done"
sway / fontawesome.sty
Created July 12, 2012 23:14
FontAwesome mapping for XeLaTeX
% FontAwesome ( bindings for (Xe)LaTeX
% Author: Honza Ustohal <>
% Translation of FontAwesome's private range characters into XeTeX symbols. All icons are camel-cased and prefixed with 'fa', i.e. what was .icon-align-center the CSS version of FontAwesome becomes \faAlignCenter
% This might be reworked into a full blown package in the near future
% Prerequisite:
% XeLaTeX, FontAwesome installed as a system font accessible by XeLaTeX
% Usage:
sway / commits-by-hour
Created July 11, 2012 20:25 — forked from bobuss/commits-by-hour
Git commits funstats
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for i in $(seq -f %02g 0 23); do echo $( echo -e "$i\t"; git shortlog -n --format='%ad %s' | grep " $i:" | wc -l); done
sway / gist:1694403
Created January 28, 2012 14:08
InDesign CD5.5 Trial version, OS X Lion
Process: Adobe InDesign CS5.5 [2996]
Path: /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5/Adobe InDesign InDesign CS5.5
Identifier: com.adobe.InDesign
Version: (7520)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [248]
Date/Time: 2012-01-28 15:06:42.418 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7.2 (11C74)
Report Version: 9