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# Aries RFC 0020: Message Types
- Authors: Daniel Bluhm, Sam Curren
- Status: [ACCEPTED](/
- Since: 2019-05-24
- Status Note:
- Supersedes: [HIPE 0021 Message Types](
- Start Date: 2018-07-06
- Tags: [concept](/
## Summary
Define structure of message type strings used in agent to agent communication, describe their resolution to documentation URIs, and offer guidelines for protocol specifications.
## Motivation
A clear convention to follow for agent developers is necessary for interoperability and continued progress as a community.
## Tutorial
A "Message Type" is a required attribute of all communications sent between parties. The message type instructs the receiving agent how to interpret the content and what content to expect as part of a given message.
Types are specified within a message using the `@type` attribute:
"@type": "<message type string>",
// other attributes
Message types are URIs that may resolve to developer documentation for the message type, as described in [Protocol URIs](../0003-protocols/ We recommend that message type URIs be HTTP URLs.
### Aries Core Message Namespace
`` is used to namespace protocols defined by the community as "core protocols" or protocols that agents should minimally support.
The `` [DNS entry]( is currently controlled by the [Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)]( based on their role in standardizing the [DIDComm Messaging specification](
### Protocols
Protocols provide a logical grouping for message types. These protocols, along with each type belonging to that protocol, are to be defined in future RFCs or through means appropriate to subprojects.
#### Protocol Versioning
Version numbering should essentially follow [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](, excluding patch version
number. To summarize, a change in the major protocol version number indicates a breaking change while the minor protocol version number indicates non-breaking additions.
## Message Type Design Guidelines
These guidelines are guidelines on purpose. There will be situations where a good design will have to choose between conflicting points, or ignore all of them. The goal should always be clear and good design.
### Respect Reserved Attribute Names
Reserved attributes are prefixed with an `@` sign, such as `@type`. Don't use this prefix for an attribute, even if use of that specific attribute is undefined.
### Avoid ambiguous attribute names
Data, id, and package, are often terrible names. Adjust the name to enhance meaning. For example, use `message_id` instead of `id`.
### Avoid names with special characters
Technically, attribute names can be any valid json key (except prefixed with @, as mentioned above). Practically, you should avoid using special characters, including those that need to be escaped. Underscores and dashes [_,-] are totally acceptable, but you should avoid quotation marks, punctuation, and other symbols.
### Use attributes consistently within a protocol
Be consistent with attribute names between the different types within a protocol. Only use the same attribute name for the same data. If the attribute values are similar, but not exactly the same, adjust the name to indicate the difference.
### Nest Attributes only when useful
Attributes do not need to be nested under a top level attribute, but can be to organize related attributes. Nesting all message attributes under one top level attribute is usually not a good idea.
### Design Examples
#### Example 1
"@type": "did:example:00000;spec/pizzaplace/1.0/pizzaorder",
"content": {
"id": 15,
"name": "combo",
"prepaid?": true,
"ingredients": ["pepperoni", "bell peppers", "anchovies"]
Suggestions: Ambiguous names, unnecessary nesting, symbols in names.
#### Example 1 Fixed
"@type": "did:example:00000;spec/pizzaplace/1.0/pizzaorder",
"table_id": 15,
"pizza_name": "combo",
"prepaid": true,
"ingredients": ["pepperoni", "bell peppers", "anchovies"]
## Reference
- [Daniel Hardman's Agent Summit Notes](
- [Stephen Curran's presentation summarizing the Agent Summit](
- [Semantic Versioning](../0003-protocols/
- [DIDComm Message Anatomy](../0021-didcomm-message-anatomy/
## Implementations
The following lists the implementations (if any) of this RFC. Please do a pull request to add your implementation. If the implementation is open source, include a link to the repo or to the implementation within the repo. Please be consistent in the "Name" field so that a mechanical processing of the RFCs can generate a list of all RFCs supported by an Aries implementation.
Name / Link | Implementation Notes
--- | ---
[Indy Cloud Agent - Python]( | Reference agent implementation contributed by Sovrin Foundation and Community
[Aries Framework - .NET]( | .NET framework for building agents of all types
[]( | Commercial mobile and web app built using Aries Framework - .NET
[Aries Cloud Agent - Python]( | Contributed by the government of British Columbia.
[Aries Static Agent - Python]( | Useful for cron jobs and other simple, automated use cases.
[Aries Framework - Go]( | For building agents, hubs and other DIDComm features in GoLang.
[Connect.Me]( | Free mobile app from Evernym. Installed via app store on iOS and Android.
[Verity]( | Commercially licensed enterprise agent, SaaS or on-prem.
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