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Created September 9, 2020 01:20
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using UnityEngine;
namespace SweatyChair
/// <summary>
/// Remove the letterbox when switching windows mode to full screen mode, set the windows to manual screen width (if
/// speicified) when switching full screen mode to windows mode. Standalone only.
/// </summary>
public class ScreenModeSwitcher : PersistentSingleton<ScreenModeSwitcher>
private const string PREFS_FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH = "FullScreenWidth";
private const string PREFS_FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT = "FullScreenHeight";
private bool _fullScreen;
private void Start()
_fullScreen = Screen.fullScreen;
private void Update()
if (_fullScreen != Screen.fullScreen) {
if (_fullScreen) { // Full screen mode to window mode
Debug.LogFormat("ScreenModeSwitch - Full screen mode changed to windows mode, Screen.width={0}, Screen.height={1}, Screen.currentResolution={2}", Screen.width, Screen.height, Screen.currentResolution);
// Set resolution with manual width if specified, But only if our current resolution is larger than our manual width
if (SettingSettings.current.manualScreenWidth > 0 && (Screen.width > SettingSettings.current.manualScreenWidth))
Screen.SetResolution(SettingSettings.current.manualScreenWidth, Mathf.RoundToInt(1f * SettingSettings.current.manualScreenWidth * Screen.height / Screen.width), Screen.fullScreen);
// Save the full screen ratio, because this will be overwritten in window mode if player resize the windows
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PREFS_FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH, Screen.width); // Save the screen ratio, so this can be used next time full screen
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PREFS_FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, Screen.height); // Save the screen ratio, so this can be used next time full screen
} else { // Windows mode to full screen mode
Debug.LogFormat("ScreenModeSwitch - Windows mode changed to full screen mode, Screen.width={0}, Screen.height={1}, Screen.currentResolution={2}", Screen.width, Screen.height, Screen.currentResolution);
// Both Screen.width/height and Screen.currentResolution are set to the windows size, try get the full screen ratio from saved PlayerPrefs value or default it to 16:9
int fullScreenWidth = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PREFS_FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH, Screen.width);
int fullScreenHeight = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PREFS_FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, Screen.height);
Debug.LogFormat("ScreenModeSwitch - fullScreenWidth={0}, fullScreenHeight={1}", fullScreenWidth, fullScreenHeight);
if (SettingSettings.current.manualScreenWidth > 0) // Set to resolution relative to mannual width
Screen.SetResolution(SettingSettings.current.manualScreenWidth, Mathf.RoundToInt(1f * SettingSettings.current.manualScreenWidth * fullScreenHeight / fullScreenWidth), Screen.fullScreen);
else // Set to resolution relative to current width
Screen.SetResolution(fullScreenWidth, fullScreenHeight, Screen.fullScreen);
_fullScreen = Screen.fullScreen;
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