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Created January 12, 2015 16:35
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Calculate network wiring cost based on a position network using Python and NetworkX
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
__author__ = """\n""".join(['Erik Ziegler <>'])
__all__ = ['cost']
def cost(G, edge_key='weight', position_key='dn_position', H=None, minimum_weight=0):
if G.is_multigraph() or G.is_directed():
raise Exception('network cost is not implemented for ',
'directed or multiedge graphs.')
C, notcounted, weighted_edge_cost, sum_of_edge_weights = _compute_cost(G, edge_key, position_key, H, minimum_weight)
return C, notcounted, weighted_edge_cost, sum_of_edge_weights
def _compute_cost(G, edge_key, position_key, H=None, minimum_weight=0):
nodes = list(G.nodes_iter())
if H is not None:
del G
G = H
print 'Using given position network'
N = nx.number_of_nodes(G)
length = np.zeros((N,N))
print 'Calculating distance between nodes'
for node_i in range(0,N):
for node_j in range(0,N):
if node_j > node_i:
x_i = float(G.node[nodes[node_i]][position_key][0])
y_i = float(G.node[nodes[node_i]][position_key][1])
z_i = float(G.node[nodes[node_i]][position_key][2])
x_j = float(G.node[nodes[node_j]][position_key][0])
y_j = float(G.node[nodes[node_j]][position_key][1])
z_j = float(G.node[nodes[node_j]][position_key][2])
length[node_i][node_j] = np.sqrt(np.power((x_j-x_i),2) + np.power((y_j-y_i),2) + np.power((z_j-z_i),2))
length = length + length.T
print 'Calculating wiring cost'
numerator = 0.0
notcounted = 0
weighted_edge_cost = 0
sum_of_edge_weights = 0
print 'using minimum weight'
print minimum_weight
for u, v, data in G.edges_iter(data=True):
if float(data[edge_key]) >= minimum_weight:
numerator = numerator + length[u-1][v-1]
weighted_edge_cost = weighted_edge_cost + data[edge_key]*length[u-1][v-1]
sum_of_edge_weights = sum_of_edge_weights + data[edge_key]
#print 'not counting edge'
notcounted = notcounted + 1
print 'not counted'
print notcounted
denominator = np.nansum(length)
assert np.isfinite(numerator)
assert np.isfinite(denominator)
cost = numerator/denominator
print numerator
print denominator
print cost
print weighted_edge_cost
return cost, notcounted, weighted_edge_cost, sum_of_edge_weights
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