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Created January 17, 2014 11:28
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Total Track Length in MRtrix's tracks2prob.cpp
Copyright 2010 Brain Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Written by Robert E. Smith and J-Donald Tournier, 14/07/10.
This file is part of MRtrix.
MRtrix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MRtrix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with MRtrix. If not, see <>.
14-07-2010 Robert E. Smith <>
* major overhaul of tracks2prob (converted from mrtrix development branch)
04-08-2010 Robert E. Smith <>
* reverted to previous interpretation of voxel values as the number
of tracks detected as entering each voxel, without normalisation
24-08-2010 Robert E. Smith <>
* fix bug in handling of multiple contributions to a single voxel from a single track
19-12-2011 Robert E. Smith <>
* added capabilty to generate length-scaled TDI
12-01-2012 Robert E. Smith <>
* tdi calculated using either floating-point or integer buffer depending on user options
17-01-2014 Erik Ziegler
* Added totallength option to calculate total track length per voxel. This can be used to calculate average pathlength
map, as done in Pannek, Neuroimage 2011 (Average Pathlength Map = Total Pathlength Map / Track Density Image)
#include "app.h"
#include "math/matrix.h"
#include "dwi/tractography/file.h"
#include "dwi/tractography/properties.h"
#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>
const gchar* data_type_choices[] = { "FLOAT32", "FLOAT32LE", "FLOAT32BE", "FLOAT64", "FLOAT64LE", "FLOAT64BE",
"INT32", "UINT32", "INT32LE", "UINT32LE", "INT32BE", "UINT32BE",
"INT16", "UINT16", "INT16LE", "UINT16LE", "INT16BE", "UINT16BE",
"INT8", "UINT8", "BIT", NULL };
using namespace MR;
"convert a tracks file into a map of the fraction of tracks to enter each voxel.",
Argument ("tracks", "track file", "the input track file.").type_file (),
Argument ("output", "output image", "the output fraction image").type_image_out(),
Option ("template", "template image", "an image file to be used as a template for the output (the output image wil have the same transform and field of view).")
.append (Argument ("image", "template image", "the input template image").type_image_in()),
Option ("vox", "voxel size", "provide either an isotropic voxel size, or comma-separated list of 3 voxel dimensions.")
.append (Argument ("size", "voxel size", "the voxel size (in mm).").type_sequence_float()),
Option ("colour", "coloured map", "add colour to the output image according to the direction of the tracks."),
Option ("fraction", "output fibre fraction", "produce an image of the fraction of fibres through each voxel (as a proportion of the total number in the file), rather than the count."),
Option ("totalcount", "fraction by total count", "when using the -fraction option, compute fractions as proportion of total_count header entry rather than number of tracks in the file. This total_count corresponds to the total number of streamlines actually generated rather than those that were eventually selected."),
Option ("lstdi", "length-scaled TDI", "scale the contribution of each track to the density image by the inverse of the streamline length"),
Option ("totallength", "Total Pathlength Map", "Save the total length of all tracks within each voxel"),
Option ("datatype", "data type", "specify output image data type.")
.append (Argument ("spec", "specifier", "the data type specifier.").type_choice (data_type_choices)),
Option ("resample", "resample tracks", "resample the tracks at regular intervals using Hermite interpolation. If omitted, the program will select an appropriate interpolation factor automatically.")
.append (Argument ("factor", "factor", "the factor by which to resample.").type_integer (1, INT_MAX, 1)),
// Value of tension for Hermite interpolation
// When generating a custom image header from the data set, do not
// read more than this number of tracks to determine the real-space
// bounds of the data
// When automatically determining an appropriate interpolation factor,
// force the approximate step size of the interpolated track to be
// AT MOST this fraction of the minimum voxel dimension
class Voxel
Voxel () : x (0), y (0), z (0) { }
Voxel (const int _x_, const int _y_, const int _z_) :
x (_x_),
y (_y_),
z (_z_) { }
Voxel (const Point& p) :
x (round (p[0])),
y (round (p[1])),
z (round (p[2]))
assert (gsl_finite (p[0]) && gsl_finite (p[1]) && gsl_finite (p[2]));
Voxel& operator+= (const Voxel& source)
x += source.x;
y += source.y;
z += source.z;
return (*this);
bool operator< (const Voxel& v) const
return (x == v.x ? (y == v.y ? (z < v.z ? 1 : 0) : (y < v.y)) : (x < v.x));
bool operator== (const Voxel& v) const
return (x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z);
bool test_bounds (const Image::Header& H) const
return (x >= 0 && x < H.dim(0) && y >= 0 && y < H.dim(1) && z >= 0 && z < H.dim(2));
int x, y, z;
class VoxelDir : public Voxel
VoxelDir () : Voxel () { }
VoxelDir (const Point& p) :
Voxel (p),
dir (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) { }
void set_dir (const Point& dp)
dir[0] = fabs (dp[0]);
dir[1] = fabs (dp[1]);
dir[2] = fabs (dp[2]);
bool operator< (const VoxelDir& v) const
return (Voxel::operator< (v));
Point dir;
class SetVoxel : public std::set <Voxel> { public: unsigned int length; };
class SetVoxelDir : public std::multiset<VoxelDir> { public: unsigned int length; };
class Resampler
Resampler (const Math::Matrix& interp_matrix, const unsigned int c) :
M (interp_matrix),
columns (c),
data (4, c) { }
~Resampler() { }
unsigned int get_columns () const { return (columns); }
bool valid () const { return (M.is_valid()); }
void init (const float* a, const float* b, const float* c)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != columns; ++i) {
data(0,i) = 0.0;
data(1,i) = a[i];
data(2,i) = b[i];
data(3,i) = c[i];
void increment (const float* a)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != columns; ++i) {
data(0,i) = data(1,i);
data(1,i) = data(2,i);
data(2,i) = data(3,i);
data(3,i) = a[i];
void interpolate (Math::Matrix& result) const
result.multiply (M, data);
const Math::Matrix& M;
const unsigned int columns;
Math::Matrix data;
template <class T> class TrackMapper
TrackMapper (const Image::Position& pos, const Math::Matrix& interp_matrix) :
H (pos.image.header()),
interp (pos.image),
resample_matrix (interp_matrix),
R (resample_matrix, 3) { }
void map (std::vector<Point>& tck, T& output)
Math::Matrix data;
if (R.valid()) {
assert (resample_matrix.is_valid());
assert (resample_matrix.rows());
data.allocate (resample_matrix.rows(), 3);
interp_track (tck, R, data);
voxelise (tck, output);
const Image::Header& H;
Image::Interp interp;
const Math::Matrix& resample_matrix;
Resampler R;
void tck_interp_prepare (std::vector<Point>& v)
const unsigned int s = v.size();
v.insert (v.begin(), v[ 0 ] + (2 * (v[ 0 ] - v[ 1 ])) - (v[ 1 ] - v[ 2 ]));
v.push_back ( v[ s ] + (2 * (v[ s ] - v[s-1])) - (v[s-1] - v[s-2]));
void interp_track (
std::vector<Point>& tck,
Resampler& R,
Math::Matrix& data)
std::vector<Point> out;
tck_interp_prepare (tck);
R.init (tck[0].get(), tck[1].get(), tck[2].get());
for (unsigned int i = 3; i < tck.size(); ++i) {
out.push_back (tck[i-2]);
R.increment (tck[i].get());
R.interpolate (data);
for (unsigned int row = 0; row != data.rows(); ++row)
out.push_back (Point (data(row,0), data(row,1), data(row,2)));
out.push_back (tck[tck.size() - 2]);
out.swap (tck);
void voxelise (const std::vector<Point>& tck, T& voxels) const;
template<> void TrackMapper<SetVoxel>::voxelise (const std::vector<Point>& tck, SetVoxel& voxels) const
for (std::vector<Point>::const_iterator i = tck.begin(); i != tck.end(); ++i) {
Voxel vox (interp.R2P (*i));
if (vox.test_bounds (H))
voxels.insert (vox);
voxels.length = tck.size() - 1;
template<> void TrackMapper<SetVoxelDir>::voxelise (const std::vector<Point>& tck, SetVoxelDir& voxels) const
std::vector<Point>::const_iterator prev = tck.begin();
const std::vector<Point>::const_iterator last = tck.end() - 1;
for (std::vector<Point>::const_iterator i = tck.begin(); i != last; ++i) {
VoxelDir vox (interp.R2P (*i));
if (vox.test_bounds (H)) {
vox.set_dir ((*(i+1) - *prev).normalise());
voxels.insert (vox);
prev = i;
VoxelDir vox (interp.R2P (*last));
if (vox.test_bounds (H)) {
vox.set_dir ((*last - *prev).normalise());
voxels.insert (vox);
voxels.length = tck.size() - 1;
template <class T> class MapWriterBase
MapWriterBase (Image::Position& p, const float fraction_scaling_factor, const bool length_scaled, const bool total_length) :
pos (p),
H (p.image.header()),
scale (fraction_scaling_factor),
lstdi (length_scaled),
totallength (total_length),
buffer_size (H.dim(0) * H.dim(1) * H.dim(2)) { }
virtual void write (const T& voxels) = 0;
Image::Position& pos;
const Image::Header& H;
const float scale;
const bool lstdi;
const bool totallength;
const size_t buffer_size;
template <class V>
size_t voxel_to_index (const V& vox)
return (vox.x + (vox.y * H.dim(0)) + (vox.z * H.dim(0) * H.dim(1)));
template <class value_type>
class MapWriter : public MapWriterBase<SetVoxel>
MapWriter (Image::Position& p, const float fraction_scaling_factor, const bool length_scaled, const bool total_length) :
MapWriterBase<SetVoxel> (p, fraction_scaling_factor, length_scaled, total_length),
buffer (new value_type[buffer_size])
memset(buffer, 0, buffer_size * sizeof(value_type));
void write (const SetVoxel&);
value_type* buffer;
template <>
MapWriter<uint32_t>::~MapWriter<uint32_t> ()
ProgressBar::init (H.dim(2), "writing image... ");
size_t index = 0;
for (pos.set(2,0); pos[2] < H.dim(2); {
for (pos.set(1,0); pos[1] < H.dim(1); {
for (pos.set(0,0); pos[0] < H.dim(0);, ++index)
pos.value (buffer[index]);
delete[] buffer;
template <>
MapWriter<float>::~MapWriter<float> ()
ProgressBar::init (H.dim(2), "writing image... ");
size_t index = 0;
for (pos.set(2,0); pos[2] < H.dim(2); {
for (pos.set(1,0); pos[1] < H.dim(1); {
for (pos.set(0,0); pos[0] < H.dim(0);, ++index)
pos.value (scale * buffer[index]);
delete[] buffer;
template <>
void MapWriter<uint32_t>::write (const SetVoxel& voxels)
for (SetVoxel::const_iterator i = voxels.begin(); i != voxels.end(); ++i)
template <>
void MapWriter<float>::write (const SetVoxel& voxels)
for (SetVoxel::const_iterator i = voxels.begin(); i != voxels.end(); ++i)
if (lstdi) {
buffer[voxel_to_index(*i)] += 1.0 / float(voxels.length);
else if (totallength) {
buffer[voxel_to_index(*i)] += float(voxels.length);
else {
buffer[voxel_to_index(*i)] += 1.0;
class MapWriterColour : public MapWriterBase<SetVoxelDir>
MapWriterColour (Image::Position& p, const float fraction_scaling_factor, const bool length_scaled, const bool total_length) :
MapWriterBase<SetVoxelDir> (p, fraction_scaling_factor, length_scaled, total_length),
buffer (new Point[buffer_size])
for (size_t i = 0; i != buffer_size; ++i)
buffer[i] = Point (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
~MapWriterColour ()
ProgressBar::init (H.dim(2), "writing colour image... ");
size_t index = 0;
for (pos.set(2,0); pos[2] < H.dim(2); {
for (pos.set(1,0); pos[1] < H.dim(1); {
for (pos.set(0,0); pos[0] < H.dim(0);, ++index) {
pos.set(3, 0); pos.value ((buffer[index])[0]);; pos.value ((buffer[index])[1]);; pos.value ((buffer[index])[2]);
delete[] buffer;
void write (const SetVoxelDir& voxels)
SetVoxelDir::const_iterator i = voxels.begin();
while (i != voxels.end()) {
const std::set<VoxelDir>::const_iterator this_voxel = i;
Point this_voxel_dir (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
do {
this_voxel_dir += i->dir;
} while ((++i) != voxels.end() && *i == *this_voxel);
buffer[voxel_to_index(*this_voxel)] += this_voxel_dir.normalise() * (lstdi ? (1.0 / float(voxels.length)) : 1.0);
Point* buffer;
class Hermite
Hermite (float tension = 0.0) :
t (0.5 * tension) { }
void set (float position) {
float p2 = position * position;
float p3 = position * p2;
w[0] = (0.5 - t) * ((2.0 * p2) - p3 - position);
w[1] = 1.0 + ((1.5 + t) * p3) - ((2.5 + t) * p2);
w[2] = ((2.0 + (2.0 * t)) * p2) + ((0.5 - t) * position) - ((1.5 + t) * p3);
w[3] = (0.5- t) * (p3 - p2);
float coef (const unsigned int i) const { return (w[i]); }
float value (const float& a, const float& b, const float& c, const float& d) const
return (w[0]*a + w[1]*b + w[2]*c + w[3]*d);
float value (const float* vals) const
return (value (vals[0], vals[1], vals[2], vals[3]));
float w[4];
float t;
void generate_header (Image::Header& header, DWI::Tractography::Reader& file, const std::vector<float>& voxel_size)
std::vector<Point> tck;
size_t track_counter = 0;
ProgressBar::init (0, "creating new template image... ");
while ( (tck) && track_counter++ < MAX_TRACKS_READ_FOR_HEADER) {
for (std::vector<Point>::const_iterator i = tck.begin(); i != tck.end(); ++i) {
min_values[0] = std::min (min_values[0], (*i)[0]);
max_values[0] = std::max (max_values[0], (*i)[0]);
min_values[1] = std::min (min_values[1], (*i)[1]);
max_values[1] = std::max (max_values[1], (*i)[1]);
min_values[2] = std::min (min_values[2], (*i)[2]);
max_values[2] = std::max (max_values[2], (*i)[2]);
min_values -= Point (3.0*voxel_size[0], 3.0*voxel_size[1], 3.0*voxel_size[2]);
max_values += Point (3.0*voxel_size[0], 3.0*voxel_size[1], 3.0*voxel_size[2]); = "tckmap image header";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
header.axes.dim[i] = ceil ((max_values[i] - min_values[i]) / voxel_size[i]);
header.axes.vox[i] = voxel_size[i];
header.axes.axis[i] = i;
header.axes.units[i] = Image::Axis::millimeters;
header.axes.desc[0] = Image::Axis::left_to_right;
header.axes.desc[1] = Image::Axis::posterior_to_anterior;
header.axes.desc[2] = Image::Axis::inferior_to_superior;
Math::Matrix M (4, 4);
M(0,3) = min_values[0];
M(1,3) = min_values[1];
M(2,3) = min_values[2];
header.set_transform (M);
Math::Matrix gen_interp_matrix (const unsigned int os_factor)
Math::Matrix M;
if (os_factor > 1) {
const unsigned int dim = os_factor - 1;
Hermite interp (HERMITE_TENSION);
M.allocate (dim, 4);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != dim; ++i) {
interp.set ((i + 1.0) / float(os_factor));
for (unsigned int j = 0; j != 4; ++j)
M(i,j) = interp.coef (j);
return (M);
void oversample_header (Image::Header& header, const std::vector<float>& voxel_size)
info ("oversampling header...");
Math::Matrix M (header.transform());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
M(i, 3) += 0.5 * (voxel_size[i] - header.axes.vox[i]);
header.axes.dim[i] = ceil (header.axes.dim[i] * header.axes.vox[i] / voxel_size[i]);
header.axes.vox[i] = voxel_size[i];
DWI::Tractography::Properties properties;
DWI::Tractography::Reader file; (argument[0].get_string(), properties);
const size_t num_tracks = properties["count"] .empty() ? 0 : to<size_t> (properties["count"]);
const size_t total_num_tracks = properties["total_count"].empty() ? 0 : to<size_t> (properties["total_count"]);
const float step_size = properties["step_size"] .empty() ? 0.0 : to<float> (properties["step_size"]);
const bool colour = get_options (2).size();
const bool fibre_fraction = get_options (3).size();
const bool fraction_by_total_count = get_options (4).size();
const bool lstdi = get_options (5).size();
const bool totallength = get_options (6).size();
std::vector<float> voxel_size;
std::vector<OptBase> opt = get_options(1);
if (opt.size())
voxel_size = parse_floats (opt[0][0].get_string());
if (voxel_size.size() == 1)
voxel_size.assign (3, voxel_size.front());
else if (!voxel_size.empty() && voxel_size.size() != 3)
throw Exception ("voxel size must either be a single isotropic value, or a list of 3 comma-separated voxel dimensions");
if (!voxel_size.empty())
info("creating image with voxel dimensions [ " + str(voxel_size[0]) + " " + str(voxel_size[1]) + " " + str(voxel_size[2]) + " ]");
Image::Header header;
opt = get_options (0);
if (opt.size()) {
header = (*opt[0][0].get_image()).header();
if (!voxel_size.empty())
oversample_header (header, voxel_size);
else {
if (voxel_size.empty())
throw Exception ("please specify either a template image or the desired voxel size");
generate_header (header, file, voxel_size);
file.close(); (argument[0].get_string(), properties);
opt = get_options (7);
if (opt.size())
header.data_type.parse (data_type_choices[opt[0][0].get_int()]);
header.data_type = (fibre_fraction || colour || lstdi) ? DataType::Float32 : DataType::UInt32;
for (DWI::Tractography::Properties::const_iterator i = properties.begin(); i != properties.end(); ++i)
header.comments.push_back (i->first + ": " + i->second);
for (std::vector< RefPtr<DWI::Tractography::ROI> >::const_iterator i = properties.roi.begin(); i != properties.roi.end(); ++i)
header.comments.push_back ("ROI: " + (*i)->specification());
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = properties.comments.begin(); i != properties.comments.end(); ++i)
header.comments.push_back ("comment: " + *i);
float scaling_factor = 1.0;
if (fibre_fraction) {
if (fraction_by_total_count) {
if (!total_num_tracks)
throw Exception ("required entry 'total_count' not found in header - aborting");
scaling_factor /= total_num_tracks;
scaling_factor /= num_tracks;
header.comments.push_back("scaling_factor: " + str(scaling_factor));
info ("intensity scaling factor set to " + str(scaling_factor));
size_t resample_factor;
opt = get_options (8);
if (opt.size()) {
resample_factor = opt[0][0].get_int();
info ("track interpolation factor manually set to " + str(resample_factor));
else if (step_size) {
resample_factor = ceil (step_size / (minvalue (header.vox(0), header.vox(1), header.vox(2)) * INTERP_VOX_DIM_FRACTION));
info ("track interpolation factor automatically set to " + str(resample_factor));
else {
resample_factor = 1;
info ("track interpolation off; no track step size information in header");
Math::Matrix interp_matrix (gen_interp_matrix (resample_factor));
std::vector<Point> tck;
if (colour) {
header.axes.dim[3] = 3;
header.axes.vox[3] = 0;
header.axes.axis[0] = 1;
header.axes.axis[1] = 2;
header.axes.axis[2] = 3;
header.axes.axis[3] = 0;
header.axes.desc[3] = "direction";
header.comments.push_back (std::string ("coloured track density map"));
Image::Position pos (*argument[1].get_image (header));
TrackMapper<SetVoxelDir> mapper (pos, interp_matrix);
MapWriterColour writer (pos, scaling_factor, lstdi, totallength);
ProgressBar::init (num_tracks, "mapping tracks to colour image... ");
while ( (tck)) {
SetVoxelDir mapped_voxels; (tck, mapped_voxels);
writer.write (mapped_voxels);
else {
header.comments.push_back (std::string (("track ") + str(fibre_fraction ? "fraction" : "count") + " map" + str (lstdi ? ", scaled by inverse track length" : "") + str (totallength ? ", total track length per voxel" : "")));
Image::Position pos (*argument[1].get_image(header));
TrackMapper<SetVoxel> mapper (pos, interp_matrix);
if (fibre_fraction || lstdi || totallength) {
MapWriter<float> writer (pos, scaling_factor, lstdi, totallength);
ProgressBar::init (num_tracks, "mapping tracks to image... ");
while ( (tck)) {
SetVoxel mapped_voxels; (tck, mapped_voxels);
writer.write (mapped_voxels);
} else {
MapWriter<uint32_t> writer (pos, scaling_factor, lstdi, totallength);
ProgressBar::init (num_tracks, "mapping tracks to image... ");
while ( (tck)) {
SetVoxel mapped_voxels; (tck, mapped_voxels);
writer.write (mapped_voxels);
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