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Created July 6, 2021 21:25
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;;; helloworld.lisp
;;; by Paul Sweeney Jr
;; My first Hello World here!
(format t "Hello, world! ~%") ; this is inline comment
;; functions
(defun add (x y)
(format t "~d + ~d = ~d ~%" (values x) (values y) (+ x y))
(defun sub (x y)
(format t "~d - ~d = ~d ~%" (values x) (values y) (- x y))
(defun multiply (x y)
(format t "~d * ~d = ~d ~%" (values x) (values y) (* x y))
(defun divide (x y)
(format t "~d / ~d = ~d ~%" (values x) (values y) (/ x y))
(add 1 2)
(sub 1 4)
(multiply 3 3)
(divide 10 2)
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