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Last active September 19, 2020 16:03
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from pwn import *
import numpy as np
import string
import json
f = open("", "rb")
code =
mdict = {}
user_input_str = ""
user_input_str += "\x00"*(25-len(user_input_str))
user_input = [ord(c) for c in user_input_str]
user_input_tmp = {}
user_input_tmp["x"] = 5
user_input_tmp["y"] = 5
user_input_tmp["matrix"] = np.reshape(user_input, (5, 5))
mdict[0x3e8] = user_input_tmp
idx = 0
while True:
if (len(code) == idx):
# If code ended
opcode = code[idx]
idx += 1
if opcode == 0x0:
tmp = {}
id = u64(code[idx:idx+8], sign="signed")
x = u64(code[idx+8:idx+16], sign="signed")
y = u64(code[idx+16:idx+24], sign="signed")
tmp["x"] = x
tmp["y"] = y
idx += 24
tmpcode = code[idx:idx+(8*x*y)]
tmp["code"] = []
matrix = [[0 for w in range(x)] for h in range(y)]
for z in range(0, len(tmpcode), 8):
v = u64(tmpcode[z:z+8], sign="signed")
idx += 8*x*y
result = (np.reshape(tmp["code"], (x, y)))
tmp["matrix"] = result
if id == 0x3e8:
# 0x3e8 has already declared. (user_input_str)
print(("mdict[%x]=" %id), mdict[id]["matrix"])
mdict[id] = tmp
print(("mdict[%x]=" %id), mdict[id]["matrix"])
elif opcode >= 1 and opcode <= 3:
if opcode == 1:
result = u64(code[idx:idx+8], sign="signed")
m1 = u64(code[idx+8:idx+16], sign="signed")
m2 = u64(code[idx+16:idx+24], sign="signed")
m1m = mdict[m1]["matrix"]
m2m = mdict[m2]["matrix"]
new_matrix =
tmp = {}
tmp["x"] = new_matrix.shape[0]
tmp["y"] =new_matrix.shape[1]
tmp["matrix"] = new_matrix
mdict[result] = tmp
print("mdict[%x] = mdict[%x].dot((mdict[%x]))" % (result, m1, m2))
idx += 24
elif opcode == 4:
dst_id = u64(code[idx:idx+8], sign="signed")
dst_x = u64(code[idx+8:idx+16], sign="signed")
dst_y = u64(code[idx+16:idx+24], sign="signed")
src_id = u64(code[idx+24:idx+32], sign="signed")
src_x = u64(code[idx+32:idx+40], sign="signed")
src_y = u64(code[idx+40:idx+48], sign="signed")
mdict[dst_id]["matrix"][dst_x][dst_y] = mdict[src_id]["matrix"][src_x][src_y]
tmpstr = 0
if src_id == 0x3ec:
tmpstr = (mdict[src_id]["matrix"][src_x][src_y])
print('mdict[%x][%d][%d] = mdict[%x][%d][%d]'%(dst_id, dst_x, dst_y, src_id, src_x, src_y), tmpstr)
idx += 48
elif opcode == 5:
id = u64(code[idx:idx+8], sign="signed")
v = mdict[id]["matrix"][0]
print("compare : mdict[%x][0][0] == 0" % id)
print(v, v[0] == 0, mdict[id]["matrix"])
print(mdict[0x3eb]) # refer Tips section
exit(-1) # this allows to stop at first comparing operation
idx += 16
print("unknown opcode", opcode)
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