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Created March 10, 2014 03:43
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from sliderepl import Deck
### slide::
# Let's start by loading some stuff we're going to need.
import requests
import json
import os
from pprint import pprint
### slide::
# This can be different if you use GH:E
gh = ''
user = 'swenson'
pw = os.environ['GITHUB_PASS'].strip()
auth = (user, pw) # useful for requests
def get(url, *args, **kwargs):
return requests.get(gh + url, *args, **kwargs)
def post(url, *args, **kwargs):
return + url, *args, **kwargs)
### slide::
# optional, get an OAuth token
data = { 'note': 'testing' }
resp = post('authorizations', auth=auth, data=json.dumps(data))
token = resp.json()['token']
### slide::
authheaders = { 'authorization': 'token ' + token }
### slide::
resp = get('users/swenson/orgs', headers=authheaders)
# pprint(resp.json())
### slide::
resp = get('repos/swenson/sort/issues', headers=authheaders)
# pprint(resp.json())
### slide::
resp = get('repos/swenson/sort/pulls', headers=authheaders)
# pprint(resp.json())
### slide::
resp = get('repos/swenson/sort/pulls/6/comments', headers=authheaders)
# pprint(resp.json())
### slide::
resp = get('repos/swenson/sort/issues/6/comments', headers=authheaders)
# pprint(resp.json())
### slide::
data = {
'title': "Test issue",
'body': "Test body"
resp = post('repos/swenson/testrepo/issues',
# pprint(resp.json())
### slide::
# Talk about some things you've done, @swenson
# Docbrown
# Docwho
# swiper scoring
# trac importing
### slide::
# This is the end -- the next slide deletes the authorization
### slide::
# cleanup
resp = get('authorizations', auth=auth)
for token in resp.json():
if token['note'] == 'testing':
print 'deleting ' + token['token'],
deleted = requests.delete(token['url'], auth=auth)
print deleted.ok
### slide:: end
#!/usr/bin/env python
This file contains the sample code for XXX. Search for the string CONTENT to
skip directly to it.
Executing this file will begin an enhanced interactive Python session. You
can step through each slide of sample code and explore the results. If your
explorations hose the environment, just quit, restart and jump directly to the
slide where you left off.
The block of code below sets up the interactive session. Skip over it to view
the sample code.
# sage_sliderepl - 0.12.1
# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Jason Kirtland <> and
# Christopher Swenson <>
# sage_sliderepl lives at
# sliderepl lives at
# sage_sliderepl and sliderepl and licensed under the MIT License:
# sliderepl may be textually included in a file that also contains its input
# data. The input data may be under a different license. sliderepl's MIT
# License covers only this block of sliderepl code, extensions and other
# derivative works.
# Looking for the sample code?
# _ _ _
# ___ ___ _ __ ___ | | | __| | _____ ___ __
# / __|/ __| '__/ _ \| | | / _` |/ _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \
# \__ \ (__| | | (_) | | | | (_| | (_) \ V V /| | | |
# |___/\___|_| \___/|_|_| \__,_|\___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|
# This bootstrapping code loads the sample code below into an interactive
# Python session.
environ = globals().copy()
import code, inspect, itertools, logging, os.path, re, sys, traceback
from sage.misc.preparser import preparse
sage_present = True
sage_present = False
preparse = lambda x: x
import rlcompleter, readline
except ImportError:
readline = None
class Deck(object):
expose = ('commands', 'next', 'goto', 'show', 'info', 'quick')
def __init__(self, path=None):
self.path = path or '<no file>'
self.slides = []
self.current = 0
self.enter_advances = False
def start(self):
def next(self):
"""Advance to the next slide."""
if self.current >= len(self.slides):
print "% The slideshow is over."
slide = self.slides[self.current]
self.current += 1
print "%%\n%% Running slide %s\n%%" % (self.current)
if ( and
not ( and int( == self.current)):
print "%% %s" %
def slide_actor(fn):
def decorated(self, slide_number):
if isinstance(slide_number, str) and not slide_number.isdigit():
print "%% Usage: %s slide_number" % fn.__name__
num = int(slide_number)
if num < 1 or num > len(self.slides):
print "%% Slide #%s is out of range (1 - %s)." % (
num, len(self.slides))
return fn(self, num)
decorated.__doc__ = fn.__doc__
return decorated
def show(self, slide_number):
"""show NUM, display a slide without executing it."""
print str(self.slides[slide_number - 1]).strip()
show = slide_actor(show)
def goto(self, slide_number):
"""goto NUM, skip forward to another slide."""
if slide_number <= self.current:
print "% Cowardly refusing to re-run slides."
for _ in range(slide_number - self.current):
goto = slide_actor(goto)
def info(self):
"""Display information about this slide deck."""
print "%% Now at slide %s of %s from deck %s" % (
self.current, len(self.slides), self.path)
def commands(self):
"""Display this help message."""
for cmd in self.expose:
print "% " + cmd
print "%\t" + getattr(self, cmd).__doc__
def quick(self, toggle):
"""quick on|off, type enter to advance to the next slide."""
if toggle not in ('on', 'off'):
print 'usage: quick on|off'
self.enter_advances = (toggle == 'on')
print "%% Quick mode %s (enter will advance to the next slide)" % (
del slide_actor
class Slide(object):
def __init__(self, name=None): = name
self.codeblocks = []
self.lines = []
self._stack = []
self._level = None
def run(self):
for display, co in self.codeblocks:
if not getattr(self, 'no_echo', False):
shown = [getattr(sys, 'ps1', '>>> ') + display[0]]
shown.extend([getattr(sys, 'ps2', '... ') + l
for l in display[1:]])
print ''.join(shown).rstrip()
exec co in environ
def __str__(self):
return ''.join(self.lines)
def _append(self, line):
if not self._stack and line.isspace():
indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if not self._stack:
self._level = indent
elif indent <= self._level:
co = self._compile()
if co:
self.codeblocks.append((self._pop(), co))
except SyntaxError:
def _close(self):
if self._stack:
co = self._compile()
assert co
self.codeblocks.append((self._pop(), co))
def _compile(self):
style = getattr(self, 'no_return', False) and 'exec' or 'single'
# preparse here, so that it pretty prints above, but executes in Sage correctly
return code.compile_command(preparse(''.join(self._stack)), '<input>', style)
def _pop(self):
lines = list(itertools.dropwhile(str.isspace, self._stack))
self._stack = []
return lines
def run(cls, path=None):
"""Run an interactive session for this Deck and exit when complete.
If '--run-all' is first on the command line, all slides are executed
immediately and the script will exit. Useful for sanity testing.
if path is None:
# try to read in the ".sage" file instead of the auto-generated ".py"
py_path = sys.argv[0]
sage_path = py_path.replace('.py', '.sage')
if os.path.exists(sage_path):
path = sage_path
path = py_path
deck = cls.from_path(path)
if not deck:
sys.stderr.write("Aborting: no slides!\n")
if sys.argv[1:] and sys.argv[1] == '--run-all':
console = code.InteractiveConsole()
global environ
environ = console.locals
console.raw_input = deck.readfunc
if readline:
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
# ensure that all the Sage goodies are available at the prompt
if sage_present:
console.push("from sage.all import *")
run = classmethod(run)
def from_path(cls, path):
"""Create a Deck from slides embedded in a file at path."""
sl_re = re.compile(r'### +slide::\s*')
a_re = re.compile(r',\s*')
fh, deck, slide = open(path), cls(path), None
for line in fh:
if not sl_re.match(line):
if slide:
if slide:
metadata = sl_re.split(line, 2)[1].split('-*-', 2)
name = metadata[0].strip()
if name == 'end':
slide = cls.Slide(name=name or None)
if len(metadata) >= 2:
for option in (metadata[1] and a_re.split(metadata[1]) or []):
setattr(slide, option.strip(), True)
return deck.slides and deck or None
from_path = classmethod(from_path)
def banner(self):
return """\
%% This is an interactive Python prompt.
%% Extra commands: %s
%% Type "next" to start the presentation.""" % ', '.join(self.expose)
banner = property(banner)
def readfunc(self, prompt=''):
line = raw_input(prompt)
if prompt == getattr(sys, 'ps1', '>>> '):
tokens = line.split()
if line == '' and self.enter_advances:
tokens = ('next',)
if tokens and tokens[0] in self.expose:
fn = getattr(self, tokens[0])
if len(tokens) != len(inspect.getargspec(fn)[0]):
print "usage: %s %s" % (
tokens[0], ' '.join(inspect.getargspec(fn)[0][1:]))
return ''
# if it not a special, we need to run it through Sage
line = preparse(line)
return line
def _add_history(cls, line):
if readline and line:
_add_history = classmethod(_add_history)
# end of sliderepl
# ____ ___ _ _ _____ _____ _ _ _____ _
# / ___/ _ \| \ | |_ _| ____| \ | |_ _| |
# | | | | | | \| | | | | _| | \| | | | | |
# | |__| |_| | |\ | | | | |___| |\ | | | |_|
# \____\___/|_| \_| |_| |_____|_| \_| |_| (_)
# Slide CONTENT starts here.
### slide::
welcome = ['Welcome to the demo slide content.',
'Type "next" to advance to the next slide.']
print '\n'.join(welcome)
### slide::
msg = ('sliderepl was written to provide an interactive accompaniment '
'to an in-person presentation. Slides of sample code '
'corresponded to sample code shown on screen. With sliderepl, '
'participants could run the code themselves without retyping or '
'copy-and-pasting from a text file.')
more = ('The >>> prompt is a regular interactive session, with tab '
'completion enabled if the host supports it.'
'Type "show 2" to see the source for this slide.')
### slide::
# A basic deck with sliderepl embedded will read its own source file
# for slide definitions.
# Just include sliderepl before your slides and call
### slide::
s = 234
### slide::
print s
# the execution environment is preserved from slide to slide.
### slide::
assert False
except NameError:
print "Slides are executed in an isolated Python environment."
print "sliderepl and its imports will not be visible to "
print "the code in your slides."
### slide::
s = """\
Slides are delimited with ### slide:: markers in the text.
They must start at the beginning of a line. If you like, you
can number them for folks reading the slide source:
### slide:: 12
The last slide must be marked:
### slide:: end
sliderepl ignores everything in the slide source file except the lines
between the first slide and the last.
### slide:: -*- no_echo -*-
print """\
There are a couple of additional tricks available when defining slides.
If you want to do a purely messaging slide, like this one, you can mark
the slide -*- no_echo -*- and its code won't be shown: just the output.
Type "show 8" to see the source for this slide.
### slide::
# but most of the time you'll probably just comment to illustrate a point
stuff = [i ** 2 for i in range(1, 10)]
### slide:: -*- no_echo -*-
print """\
This is about walking through code interactively, not projecting
onto a screen. There are other tools that combine a Python prompt
with "bullet points and graphics" style presentation.
That said, this deck will keep acting like a presentation anyways.
Consider it a kind of doctest.
### slide::
a = "Does your terminal have readline support?"
b = "Each bit of code is added to the readline history as if you typed it."""
### slide:: -*- no_return -*-
"Adding -*- no_return -*- suppresses the auto-repr of a statement's result."
"Both options can be used in combination, -*- no_echo, no_return -*-"
### slide:: -*- no_echo -*-
print """\
If you execute this script with --run-all, it will run all the slides
and exit. Useful for testing that the code still works.
### slide:: -*- no_echo, no_return -*-
print """\
You can extend Deck to add custom initialization and commands.
A Deck calls .start() as its first action. In start() you can do
things like run commands (self.quick('on')) and ensure that the
user has the correct versions of required libraries installed.
To add commands, just provide an extended .expose in your subclass and
add the command as a method. It's simple, see Deck for examples.
sliderepl has been tested with Python 2.3, 2.4, 2.5. and 2,6a.
### slide:: -*- no_echo -*
print """That's it!
Test cases follow."""
### slide::
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self):
self._bar = 123
def bar(self):
return self._bar
f = Foo()
### slide::
assert == 123
### slide:: end
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