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Last active November 18, 2022 03:13
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import math
# copied from
# Dollars and Kgs
Dollar* = distinct float
Kg* = distinct float
proc `$`*(x: Dollar) :string =
proc `==`*(x, y: Dollar) :bool {.borrow.}
# Fruit class, procs are generic
Fruit* = ref object of RootObj
origin*: string
price*: Dollar
proc `$`*(self: Fruit): string =
self.origin & " " & $self.price
# Default reduction is 0
proc reduction*[T](self: T) :Dollar =
# This one factored out from calcPrice
# so that subclasses can "super" call it.
proc basePrice[T](self: T): Dollar =
Dollar(round(self.price.float * 100)/100 - self.reduction().float)
# Default implementation, if you don't override.
proc calcPrice*[T](self: T) :Dollar =
# Banana class, relies on inherited calcPrice()
Banana* = ref object of Fruit
size*: int
proc reduction*(self: Banana): Dollar =
# Pumpkin, overrides calcPrice() and calls basePrice()
Pumpkin* = ref object of Fruit
weight*: Kg
proc reduction*(self: Pumpkin): Dollar =
# Override to multiply super implementation by weight.
# Calling basePrice works because it will not lose type of self so
# when it calls self.reduction() it will resolve properly.
proc calcPrice*(self: Pumpkin) :Dollar =
Dollar(self.basePrice().float * self.weight.float)
# BigPumpkin, overrides calcPrice() without super call
# No reduction.
BigPumpkin* = ref object of Pumpkin
proc calcPrice*(self: BigPumpkin) :Dollar =
# Construction procs
proc newPumpkin*(weight, origin, price): Pumpkin = Pumpkin(weight: weight, origin: origin, price: price)
proc newBanana*(size, origin, price): Banana = Banana(size: size, origin: origin, price: price)
proc newBigPumpkin*(weight, origin, price): BigPumpkin = BigPumpkin(weight: weight, origin: origin, price: price)
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