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git fetch origin master
git checkout -b main origin/master --no-track
git push origin main
git remote set-head origin main
gh api -XPATCH "repos/:owner/:repo" -f default_branch="main"
git push --delete origin master
git branch -d master
set base-url
kernel ${base-url}/coreos_production_pxe.vmlinuz initrd=coreos_production_pxe_image.cpio.gz
initrd ${base-url}/coreos_production_pxe_image.cpio.gz
$ brew upgrade php56
==> Upgrading 1 outdated package, with result:
php56 5.6.8
==> Upgrading php56
==> Downloading
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: Invalid certificate chain
More details here:
curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am swestcott on github.
  • I am swestcott ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 17EC 4D56 26E5 745D AF62 62DA 4492 8641 2442 4477

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Scanning dependencies of target double-conversion
[ 0%] Building CXX object hphp/third_party/double-conversion/CMakeFiles/double-conversion.dir/src/
[ 0%] Building CXX object hphp/third_party/double-conversion/CMakeFiles/double-conversion.dir/src/
[ 0%] Building CXX object hphp/third_party/double-conversion/CMakeFiles/double-conversion.dir/src/
[ 0%] Building CXX object hphp/third_party/double-conversion/CMakeFiles/double-conversion.dir/src/
[ 0%] Building CXX object hphp/third_party/double-conversion/CMakeFiles/double-conversion.dir/src/
[ 0%] Building CXX object hphp/third_party/double-conversion/CMakeFiles/double-conversion.dir/src/
[ 0%] Building CXX object hphp/third_party/double-conversion/CMakeFiles/double-conversion.dir/src/
[ 0%] Building CXX object hphp/third_party/double-conversion/CMakeFiles/double-conversion.dir/src/
Linking CXX static library libdouble-conversion.a
var lazy = require("lazy"),
fs = require("fs");
new lazy(fs.createReadStream('./data.txt'))
.forEach(function(line) {
$ bin/behat
Feature: Simple Calculator
Scenario: Addition # features/SimpleCalculator.feature:3
[2013-02-03 16:33:34] FeatureContext.INFO: Initialised calculator ["stdClass"] []
Given I have a calculator # FeatureContext::iHaveACalculator()
[2013-02-03 16:33:34] AdditionContext.INFO: Adding values ["2","3"] []
When I add together "2" and "3" # AdditionContext::iAddTogetherAnd()
[2013-02-03 16:33:34] FeatureContext.INFO: Asserting expected result "5" equals "5" [] []
Then the result should be "5" # FeatureContext::theResultShouldBe()
swestcott / gist:3172927
Created July 24, 2012 21:55
Behat Multi Session - Use Chat Room
* @When /^"([^"]*)" posts a message$/
public function postsAMessage($user)
// Ensure message is unique
$this->message = 'Selenium Test ' . microtime(true);
$this->getSession($user)->getPage()->fillField("chat", $this->message);
swestcott / gist:3172857
Created July 24, 2012 21:42
Behat Multi Session - Enter Chat Room
* @Given /^"([^"]*)" enters the chat room$/
public function entersTheChatRoom($user)
if(is_null($this->defaultDriver)) {
$this->defaultDriver = $this->getSession()->getDriver();
swestcott / behat.yml.dist
Created July 2, 2012 21:50
Behat + WebDriver + SauceLabs
browser: iexplore
capabilities: { "platform": "VISTA", "browser": "iexplore", "version": "9"}