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Last active February 2, 2022 17:25
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A config file for Phoenix
Seth Wieder's Config file for Phoenix.js, an OS X window management tool
Last Tested with Version 2.5
daemon: true, // if true, runs in background w/o status bar
openAtLogin: true
* Debugging
const debugMode = true;
// Prints to Applications > Utilities > Console
function debug( message ) {
if ( debugMode ) Phoenix.log( message );
* Functions
function centerWindowInFrame( window, targetFrame ) {
var windowFrame = window.frame(),
targetFrameCenter = {x: targetFrame.x + targetFrame.width / 2, y: targetFrame.y + targetFrame.height / 2};
window.setTopLeft( {x: targetFrameCenter.x - windowFrame.width / 2, y: targetFrameCenter.y - windowFrame.height / 2} );
function getNextScreen( window ) {
return window.screen().previous();
function getPreviousScreen( window ) {
return window.screen().next();
function getCurrentWindow(){
return Window.focused();
function getCurrentScreenFrame(){
return getCurrentWindow().screen().flippedVisibleFrame();
const modCtrlAlt = ['ctrl','alt'];
const modCtrlAltCmd = ['ctrl','alt','cmd'];
const modShftCtrlAlt = ['shift','ctrl','alt'];
// Full/Center
Key.on( 'f', modCtrlAltCmd, function() {
debug( 'Maximizing current window' );
} );
Key.on( 'c', modCtrlAltCmd, function() {
debug( 'Centering in screen' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
centerWindowInFrame( getCurrentWindow(), screenFrame );
} );
// Halfs
Key.on( 'left', modCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to left-half' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x, y: screenFrame.y, width: screenFrame.width / 2, height: screenFrame.height} );
} );
Key.on( 'right', modCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to right-half' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x + screenFrame.width / 2, y: screenFrame.y, width: screenFrame.width / 2, height: screenFrame.height} );
} );
// Top/Bottom 80/20 - ideal for vertical monitors
Key.on( 'up', modCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to top 80' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x, y: screenFrame.y, width: screenFrame.width, height: screenFrame.height * 0.8} );
} );
Key.on( 'down', modCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to bottom 20' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x, y: screenFrame.y + screenFrame.height * 0.8, width: screenFrame.width, height: screenFrame.height * 0.2} );
} );
// Thirds
Key.on( 'left', modShftCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to left third' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x, y: screenFrame.y, width: screenFrame.width / 3, height: screenFrame.height} );
} );
Key.on( 'up', modShftCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to center third' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x + screenFrame.width / 3, y: screenFrame.y, width: screenFrame.width / 3, height: screenFrame.height} );
} );
Key.on( 'right', modShftCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to right third%' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x + (screenFrame.width / 3 * 2), y: screenFrame.y, width: screenFrame.width / 3, height: screenFrame.height} );
} );
// Quarters
Key.on( 'keypad7', modShftCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to top-left 25%' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x, y: screenFrame.y, width: screenFrame.width / 2, height: screenFrame.height / 2} );
} );
Key.on( 'keypad1', modShftCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to bottom-left 25%' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x, y: screenFrame.y + screenFrame.height / 2, width: screenFrame.width / 2, height: screenFrame.height / 2} );
} );
Key.on( 'keypad3', modShftCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to bottom-right 25%' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x + screenFrame.width / 2, y: screenFrame.y + screenFrame.height / 2, width: screenFrame.width / 2, height: screenFrame.height / 2} );
} );
Key.on( 'keypad9', modShftCtrlAlt, function() {
debug( 'Moving to top-right 25%' );
var screenFrame = getCurrentScreenFrame();
getCurrentWindow().setFrame( {x: screenFrame.x + screenFrame.width / 2, y: screenFrame.y, width: screenFrame.width / 2, height: screenFrame.height / 2} );
} );
// Screen Switch
Key.on( 'right', modCtrlAltCmd, function() {
debug( 'Switch to Left Screen' );
if(Screen.all().length > 1){
var win = getCurrentWindow(),
targetWindow = getPreviousScreen(win);
} );
Key.on( 'left', modCtrlAltCmd, function() {
debug( 'Switch to Right Screen' );
if(Screen.all().length > 1){
var win = getCurrentWindow(),
targetWindow = getNextScreen(win);
} );
// Screen focus
// Key.on( 'right', modShftCtrlAlt, function(){
// debug('Select screen to "east"');
// getCurrentWindow().focusClosestNeighbour('east')
// } );
// Key.on('left', modShftCtrlAlt, function () {
// debug('Select screen to "west"');
// getCurrentWindow().focusClosestNeighbour('west')
// });
// /***********************************************
// * Hints
// ***********************************************/
// var HINT_APPEARANCE = "dark";
// var HINT_BUTTON = "s";
// var HINT_CANCEL = "escape";
// var hintsActive = false;
// var hintkeys = [];
// var hints = {};
// var escbind = null;
// var bsbind = null;
// function cancelHints () {
// for (var activator in hints) {
// hints[activator].modal.close();
// };
// hints = {};
// hintkeys = [];
// hintsActive = false;
// }
// function showHints (windows, prefix) {
// prefix = prefix || "";
// if (windows.length > HINT_CHARS.length) {
// var partitionSize = Math.floor(windows.length / HINT_CHARS.length);
// var lists = _.toArray(_.groupBy(windows, function (win, k) {
// return k % HINT_CHARS.length;
// }));
// for (var j = 0; j < HINT_CHARS.length; j++) {
// showHints(lists[j], prefix + HINT_CHARS[j]);
// }
// return;
// }
// windows.forEach(function (win, i) {
// var helper = "";
// if ( > 1) {
// helper += " | " + win.title().substr(0, 15) + (win.title().length > 15 ? "…" : "");
// }
// var hint = buildhint(prefix + HINT_CHARS[i] + helper, win);
// var activators = Object.keys(hints);
// for (var l = 0; l < activators.length; l++) {
// var hint2 = hints[activators[l]].modal;
// if (
// hint.origin.x < hint2.origin.x + hint2.frame().width + 10
// && hint.origin.x + hint.frame().width > hint2.origin.x - 10
// && hint.origin.y < hint2.origin.y + hint2.frame().height + 10
// && hint.origin.y + hint.frame().width > hint2.origin.y - 10
// ) {
// hint.origin = {
// x: hint.origin.x,
// y: hint2.origin.y + hint2.frame().height + 10
// };
// l = -1;
// }
// }
// hints[prefix + HINT_CHARS[i]] = {
// win: win,
// modal: hint,
// position: 0,
// active: true
// };
// });
// escbind = Key.on(HINT_CANCEL, [], cancelHints);
// hintsActive = true;
// }
// Key.on(HINT_BUTTON, modCtrlAltCmd, function () {
// if (hintsActive) {
// cancelHints();
// } else {
// showHints(Window.all({
// visible: true
// }));
// var sequence = "";
// HINT_CHARS.split("").forEach(function (hintchar) {
// hintkeys.push(Key.on(hintchar, [], function () {
// sequence += hintchar;
// for (var activator in hints) {
// var hint = hints[activator];
// if (! continue;
// if (activator[hint.position] === hintchar) {
// hint.position++;
// if (hint.position === activator.length) {
// Mouse.move({
// x: hint.modal.origin.x + hint.modal.frame().width / 2,
// y: Screen.all()[0].frame().height - hint.modal.origin.y - hint.modal.frame().height / 2
// });
// return cancelHints();
// }
// hint.modal.text = hint.modal.text.substr(1);
// } else {
// hint.modal.close();
// = false;
// }
// }
// }));
// });
// bsbind = Key.on("delete", [], function () {
// if (!sequence.length) cancelHints();
// var letter = sequence[sequence.length - 1];
// sequence = sequence.substr(0, sequence.length - 1);
// for (var activator in hints) {
// var hint = hints[activator];
// if ( {
// hint.position--;
// hint.modal.text = letter + hint.modal.text;
// } else if (activator.substr(0, sequence.length) === sequence) {
// = true;
// }
// }
// });
// }
// });
// Event.on("mouseDidLeftClick", cancelHints);
// function buildhint (msg, win) {
// var wf = win.frame();
// var wsf = win.screen().frame();
// var modal ={
// text: msg,
// appearance: HINT_APPEARANCE,
// icon:,
// weight: 16
// });
// var mf = modal.frame();
// modal.origin = {
// x: Math.min(
// Math.max(wf.x + wf.width / 2 - mf.width / 2, wsf.x),
// wsf.x + wsf.width - mf.width
// ),
// y: Math.min(
// Math.max(Screen.all()[0].frame().height - (wf.y + wf.height / 2 + mf.height / 2), wsf.y),
// wsf.y + wsf.height - mf.height
// )
// };
// return modal;
// }
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