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Created August 18, 2019 12:35
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// Redux.swift
// Elf
// Created by JimLai on 2019/8/18.
// Copyright © 2019 JimLai. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
protocol Redux {
associatedtype Store
var binding: Binding<Store> {get}
var store: Store {get}
var action: Action<Store> {get}
func effect(desc: String, _ action: Action<Store>)
extension Redux {
var store: Store {
var action: Action<Store> {
var s = store
let b = Binding<Store>(get: {s}, set: {s = $0})
return Action<Store>(binding: b)
func effect(desc: String = #function, _ action: Action<Store>) {
binding.value = action.binding.value
struct Action<T> {
var binding: Binding<T>
subscript<V>(dynamicMember kp: WritableKeyPath<T, V>) -> V {
get {
binding.value[keyPath: kp]
nonmutating set {
binding.value[keyPath: kp] = newValue
debug(kp, newValue)
func map(_ transform: (Action<T>) -> Void) -> Action<T> {
var s = binding.value
let b = Binding<T>(get: {s}, set: {s = $0})
let action = Action<T>(binding: b)
return action
func debug<V>(_ kp: WritableKeyPath<T, V>, _ v: V) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: binding.value)
for c in mirror.children {
guard c.value as AnyObject === binding.value[keyPath: kp] as AnyObject else {continue}
print("\(c.label ?? "") <- \(v)")
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