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Last active March 14, 2023 20:41
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// Author: The SwiftUI Lab
// Post: Advanced SwiftUI Animations - Part 4
// Link: (TimelineView)
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
.colorScheme(.dark) // force .dark mode
struct HelloThere: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
ZStack {
AnimatedEmoji(keyframes: leftKF)
AnimatedEmoji(keyframes: rightKF)
.frame(width: 500, height: 300, alignment: .bottom)
struct TitleView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 6) {
Text("Advanced SwiftUI Animations")
.font(.custom("Arial Rounded MT Bold", size: 24))
Text("Part 4 - TimelineView")
.font(.custom("Arial Rounded MT Bold", size: 16))
struct OffsetsTimelineSchedule: TimelineSchedule {
let timeOffsets: [TimeInterval]
func entries(from startDate: Date, mode: TimelineScheduleMode) -> Entries {
Entries(last: startDate, offsets: timeOffsets)
struct Entries: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
var last: Date
let offsets: [TimeInterval]
var idx: Int = -1
mutating func next() -> Date? {
idx += 1
if idx >= offsets.count { return nil }
last = last.addingTimeInterval(offsets[idx])
return last
extension TimelineSchedule where Self == OffsetsTimelineSchedule {
static func offsets(_ timeOffsets: [TimeInterval]) -> OffsetsTimelineSchedule {
.init(timeOffsets: timeOffsets)
struct AnimatedEmoji: View {
let keyframes: [KeyFrame]
var body: some View {
let offsets = Array( { $0.offset }.dropFirst())
TimelineView(.offsets(offsets)) { timeline in
Emoji(date:, keyframes: keyframes)
struct Emoji: View {
let date: Date
let keyframes: [KeyFrame]
@State var idx: Int = 0
@State var kf: KeyFrame? = nil
var body: some View {
Text((kf ?? keyframes[0]).e)
.font(.system(size: 100.0))
.modifier(Effects(keyframe: kf ?? keyframes[0]))
.onChange(of: date) { _ in advanceKeyFrame() }
.onAppear { advanceKeyFrame()}
func advanceKeyFrame() {
idx = min(idx + 1, keyframes.count - 1)
withAnimation(keyframes[idx].animation) {
kf = keyframes[idx]
struct Effects: ViewModifier {
let keyframe: KeyFrame
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.overlay(alignment: .bottomLeading) {
if let t = keyframe.b {
Bubble(text: t)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: keyframe.a))
.offset(x: keyframe.x, y: keyframe.y)
struct Bubble: View {
let text: Text
var body: some View {
.padding(.vertical, 5)
.padding(.horizontal, 15)
.font(.custom("Bradley Hand", size: 22))
.offset(x: 100, y: -100)
struct BubbleShape: Shape {
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
// Bubble
var path = RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15.0).path(in: rect)
// Tail
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 10, y: rect.maxY))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 20.0, y: rect.maxY))
path .addLine(to: CGPoint(x: -10, y: rect.maxY + 10.0))
return path
struct KeyFrame {
// time offset
let offset: TimeInterval
// opacity
var o: Double = 1.0
// emoji face
let e: String
// rotation angle
let a: Double
// x, y offsets
let x: CGFloat
let y: CGFloat
// bubble text, nil for no bubble
var b: Text? = nil
// scale
var s: CGSize = CGSize(width: 1.0, height: 1.0)
// animation kind
let animationKind: KeyFrameAnimation
var animation: Animation? {
switch animationKind {
case .none: return nil
case .linear: return .linear(duration: offset)
case .easeIn: return .easeIn(duration: offset)
case .easeOut: return .easeOut(duration: offset)
case .easeInOut: return .easeInOut(duration: offset)
enum KeyFrameAnimation {
case none
case linear
case easeOut
case easeIn
case easeInOut
let l_text_1 = Text("Hi there! I'm a View")
let l_text_2 = Text("would you like to learn\nhow I move around?")
let l_text_3 = Text("come visit\nand I'll show you!")
let l_text_4 = Text("meet me at\")
let leftKF = [
// Start off-screen
KeyFrame(offset: 0.0, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 0, x: -320, y: -62, animationKind: .none),
// Peek
KeyFrame(offset: 1.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 45, x: -220, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
// Blink twice
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 45, x: -220, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 45, x: -220, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 45, x: -220, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.8, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 45, x: -220, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
// Hide
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 0, x: -320, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
// Re-appear and blink once
KeyFrame(offset: 0.8, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
// Say "Hi there"
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, b: l_text_1, animationKind: .easeIn),
KeyFrame(offset: 2.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, b: l_text_1, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Blink once
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
// Say "would you like to learn how I move around?"
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, b: l_text_2, animationKind: .easeIn),
KeyFrame(offset: 3.0, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, b: l_text_2, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
// Blink once
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
// Get hit and roll eyes
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ™‚", a: 330, x: -170, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ™„", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 1.7, e: "πŸ™„", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Get angry and strike back
KeyFrame(offset: 0.5, e: "😠", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 1.0, e: "😑", a: 360, x: -150, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.3, e: "😑", a: 300, x: -170, y: -22, animationKind: .easeInOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.3, e: "😑", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .easeInOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "😠", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ™‚", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Smile again and blink
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.3, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.3, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Say "come visit and I'll show you!" (and blink)
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, b: l_text_3, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, b: l_text_3, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, b: l_text_3, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, b: l_text_3, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 2.0, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, b: l_text_3, animationKind: .none),
// Blink
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Say "meet me at"
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, b: l_text_4, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 3.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, b: l_text_4, animationKind: .none),
// Blink
KeyFrame(offset: 0.3, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Fade out
KeyFrame(offset: 0.8, o: 0.0, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 720, x: 0, y: -22, animationKind: .easeInOut),
let r_text_1 = Text("I know, I know, I know!")
let r_text_2 = Text("It's super easy!")
let rightKF = [
// Start off screen
KeyFrame(offset: 0.0, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 0, x: 300, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Wait off-screen for the other emoji to do its thing
KeyFrame(offset: 9.5, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: 0, x: 300, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Hit the other guy
KeyFrame(offset: 0.6, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, animationKind: .linear),
// Blink
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, animationKind: .linear),
// Bounce three times and say "I know, I know, I know!"
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -2, b: r_text_1, s: CGSize(width: 1, height: 0.5), animationKind: .easeIn),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_1, s: CGSize(width: 1, height: 0.5), animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -44, b: r_text_1, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_1, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -2, b: r_text_1, s: CGSize(width: 1, height: 0.5), animationKind: .easeIn),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_1, s: CGSize(width: 1, height: 0.5), animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -44, b: r_text_1, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_1, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -2, b: r_text_1, s: CGSize(width: 1, height: 0.5), animationKind: .easeIn),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_1, s: CGSize(width: 1, height: 0.5), animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -44, b: r_text_1, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_1, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.4, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_1, animationKind: .none),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.4, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, animationKind: .none),
// Say: "It's super easy!"
KeyFrame(offset: 0.1, e: "πŸ˜€", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_2, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 1.7, e: "πŸ˜ƒ", a: -720, x: -53, y: -22, b: r_text_2, animationKind: .none),
// Get pushed off screen with dizzy eyes face
KeyFrame(offset: 0.4, e: "πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«", a: -720, x: 300, y: -22, animationKind: .linear),
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