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Last active June 14, 2022 13:26
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  • Save swiftui-lab/e317fbe4e7bb911c073c845e57cb318b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Author: The SwiftUI-Lab
// The charts in this code are used in the article:
import SwiftUI
import Charts
struct ChartGistApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.navigationTitle("SwiftUI Evolution Charts")
enum HistoryPlatform: String {
case macOS = "macOS"
case iOS = "iOS"
case tvOS = "tvOS"
case watchOS = "watchOS"
case anyOS = "anyOS"
enum HistoryDataType: String, Plottable {
case view = "Views"
case `protocol` = "Protocols"
case scene = "Scenes"
case shape = "Shapes"
case env = "Environment Values"
case style_protocol = "Style Protocols"
case style = "Styles"
case wrapper = "Property Wrappers"
case static_method = "Type Methods"
case method = "Methods"
case static_property = "Type Properties"
case property = "Properties"
case initializer = "Initializers"
var weight: Int {
switch self {
case .view:
return 1
case .protocol:
return 2
case .shape:
return 3
case .style_protocol:
return 4
case .style:
return 5
case .wrapper:
return 6
case .scene:
return 7
case .env:
return 8
case .initializer:
return 9
case .static_method:
return 10
case .method:
return 11
case .static_property:
return 12
case .property:
return 13
enum HistoryOperation: Equatable {
case introduced
case deprecated
case extended(HistoryPlatform)
struct HistoryDataPoint {
let year: Int
let dataType: HistoryDataType
let operation: HistoryOperation
let count: Int
struct DataPoint: Identifiable {
let id: String
let value: Int
let dataType: HistoryDataType
struct DataSeries: Identifiable {
let id: String
let data: [DataPoint]
let rawData: [HistoryDataPoint] = [
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .initializer, operation: .introduced, count: 221),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .protocol, operation: .introduced, count: 24),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .shape, operation: .introduced, count: 11),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .env, operation: .introduced, count: 37),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_property, operation: .introduced, count: 61),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .introduced, count: 8),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_method, operation: .introduced, count: 21),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .property, operation: .introduced, count: 77),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .method, operation: .introduced, count: 306),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style, operation: .introduced, count: 46),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .view, operation: .introduced, count: 45),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .introduced, count: 13),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .scene, operation: .introduced, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .initializer, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .protocol, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .shape, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .env, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_property, operation: .deprecated, count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_method, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .property, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .method, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .view, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .deprecated, count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .scene, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2019, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .initializer, operation: .introduced, count: 114),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .protocol, operation: .introduced, count: 15),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .shape, operation: .introduced, count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .env, operation: .introduced, count: 9),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_property, operation: .introduced, count: 35),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .introduced, count: 11),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_method, operation: .introduced, count: 7),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .property, operation: .introduced, count: 34),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .method, operation: .introduced, count: 142),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style, operation: .introduced, count: 31),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .view, operation: .introduced, count: 22),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .introduced, count: 8),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .scene, operation: .introduced, count: 5),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .initializer, operation: .deprecated, count: 5),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .protocol, operation: .deprecated, count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .shape, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .env, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_property, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_method, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .property, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .method, operation: .deprecated, count: 45),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style, operation: .deprecated, count: 5),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .view, operation: .deprecated, count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .deprecated, count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .scene, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 8),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 7),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 5),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 7),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2020, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .initializer, operation: .introduced, count: 86),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .protocol, operation: .introduced, count: 7),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .shape, operation: .introduced, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .env, operation: .introduced, count: 16),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_property, operation: .introduced, count: 43),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .introduced, count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_method, operation: .introduced, count: 10),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .property, operation: .introduced, count: 34),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .method, operation: .introduced, count: 173),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style, operation: .introduced, count: 14),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .view, operation: .introduced, count: 8),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .introduced, count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .scene, operation: .introduced, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .initializer, operation: .deprecated, count: 38),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .protocol, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .shape, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .env, operation: .deprecated, count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_property, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_method, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .property, operation: .deprecated, count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .method, operation: .deprecated, count: 11),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style, operation: .deprecated, count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .view, operation: .deprecated, count: 9),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .scene, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 7),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2021, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .initializer, operation: .introduced, count: 193),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .protocol, operation: .introduced, count: 5),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .shape, operation: .introduced, count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .env, operation: .introduced, count: 20),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_property, operation: .introduced, count: 21),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .introduced, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_method, operation: .introduced, count: 6),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .property, operation: .introduced, count: 25),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .method, operation: .introduced, count: 156),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style, operation: .introduced, count: 19),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .view, operation: .introduced, count: 20),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .introduced, count: 5),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .scene, operation: .introduced, count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .initializer, operation: .deprecated, count: 15),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .protocol, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .shape, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .env, operation: .deprecated, count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_property, operation: .deprecated, count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_method, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .property, operation: .deprecated, count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .method, operation: .deprecated, count: 6),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style, operation: .deprecated, count: 5),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .view, operation: .deprecated, count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .deprecated, count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .scene, operation: .deprecated, count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 38),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 9),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 8),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 30),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 4),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.anyOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 5),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 7),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.macOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 24),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 6),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 3),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.iOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.tvOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .initializer, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 14),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .protocol, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 6),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .shape, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .env, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_property, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .wrapper, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .static_method, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 2),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .property, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 6),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .method, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 17),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .view, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 1),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .style_protocol, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
HistoryDataPoint(year: 2022, dataType: .scene, operation: .extended(.watchOS), count: 0),
struct MainView: View {
let chart1: [HistoryDataType] = [.view, .protocol, .shape, .style_protocol, .style, .env, .scene]
let chart2: [HistoryDataType] = [.initializer, .static_method, .method, .static_property, .property]
let smallChartsHeight: CGFloat = 180
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
VStack {
Text("WWDC 2022 SwiftUI Components").font(.largeTitle)
NewStuffChart(domain: 0...30, height: 350, strideBy: 10, series: seriesForNewStuff(include: chart1))
VStack {
Text("WWDC 2022: Initializers, Methods and Properties").font(.largeTitle)
NewStuffChart(domain: 0...300, height: 150, strideBy: 50, series: seriesForNewStuff(include: chart2, mergeStatic: true))
VStack {
Text("Over the Years (additions)").font(.title)
HStack {
DataPerYearChart(title: "Protocols", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.protocol]), color: .green)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Views", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.view]), color: .green)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Shapes", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.shape]), color: .green)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Style Protocols", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.style_protocol]), color: .green)
HStack {
DataPerYearChart(title: "Styles", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.style]), color: .green)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Property Wrappers", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.wrapper]), color: .green)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Scenes", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.scene]), color: .green)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Environment Values", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.env]), color: .green)
VStack {
HStack {
DataPerYearChart(title: "Initializers", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.initializer]), color: .purple)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Methods", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.method, .static_method]), color: .purple)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Properties", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyAdditions(dataType: [.property, .static_property]), color: .purple)
VStack {
Text("Over the Years (totals)").font(.title)
HStack {
DataPerYearChart(title: "Protocols", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.protocol]), color: .pink)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Views", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.view]), color: .pink)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Shapes", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.shape]), color: .pink)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Style Protocols", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.style_protocol]), color: .pink)
HStack {
DataPerYearChart(title: "Styles", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.style]), color: .pink)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Property Wrappers", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.wrapper]), color: .pink)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Scenes", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.scene]), color: .pink)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Environment Values", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.env]), color: .pink)
VStack {
HStack {
DataPerYearChart(title: "Initializers", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.initializer]), color: .mint)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Methods", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.method, .static_method]), color: .mint)
DataPerYearChart(title: "Properties", height: smallChartsHeight, data: yearlyTotals(dataType: [.property, .static_property]), color: .mint)
struct NewStuffChart: View {
let domain: ClosedRange<Int>
let height: CGFloat
let strideBy: CGFloat
let series: [DataSeries]
var body: some View {
Chart {
ForEach(series) { s in
chart(series: series, s: s)
.chartXScale(domain: domain)
.chartXAxis {
AxisMarks(values: .stride(by: strideBy))
.chartForegroundStyleScale(["New": .green, "Deprecated": .orange, "Extended": .yellow])
.chartPlotStyle { proxy in
proxy.frame(height: height)
func chart(series: [DataSeries], s: DataSeries) -> some ChartContent {
ForEach( { dataValue in
BarMark(x: .value("Desc", dataValue.value),
y: .value("Value",, width: 25)
.foregroundStyle(by: .value("Desc",
.annotation(position: .trailing, alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
if series.last?.id == {
} else {
struct DataPerYearChart: View {
let title: String
let height: CGFloat
let data: [DataPoint]
let color: Color
var body: some View {
VStack {
Chart {
ForEach(data) { dt in
BarMark(x: .value("Year",, y: .value("Count", dt.value))
.chartPlotStyle { proxy in
proxy.frame(height: height)
.padding(.horizontal, 20)
.padding(.vertical, 10)
func seriesForNewStuff(include: [HistoryDataType], mergeStatic: Bool = true) -> [DataSeries] {
let introduced = rawData.filter { $0.operation == .introduced && $0.year == 2022 && include.contains($0.dataType) }.map {
DataPoint(id: $0.dataType.rawValue, value: $0.count, dataType: $0.dataType)
}.mergeStatic(merge: mergeStatic, groupById: false).sorted { $0.dataType.weight < $1.dataType.weight }
let deprecated = rawData.filter { $0.operation == .deprecated && $0.year == 2022 && include.contains($0.dataType)}.map {
DataPoint(id: $0.dataType.rawValue, value: $0.count, dataType: $0.dataType)
}.mergeStatic(merge: mergeStatic, groupById: false).sorted { $0.dataType.weight < $1.dataType.weight }
let extended = rawData.filter { $0.operation == .extended(.anyOS) && $0.year == 2022 && include.contains($0.dataType)}.map {
DataPoint(id: $0.dataType.rawValue, value: $0.count, dataType: $0.dataType)
}.mergeStatic(merge: mergeStatic, groupById: false).sorted { $0.dataType.weight < $1.dataType.weight }
let series = [
DataSeries(id: "New", data: introduced),
DataSeries(id: "Deprecated", data: deprecated),
DataSeries(id: "Extended", data: extended)
return series
func yearlyAdditions(dataType: Set<HistoryDataType>) -> [DataPoint] {
return rawData.filter { dataType.contains($0.dataType) && $0.operation == .introduced }.map {
DataPoint(id: "\($0.year)", value: $0.count, dataType: $0.dataType)
}.mergeStatic(merge: false).sorted { $ < $ }
func yearlyTotals(dataType: Set<HistoryDataType>) -> [DataPoint] {
let values = yearlyAdditions(dataType: dataType).mergeStatic(merge: true, groupById: true)
let totals = values.enumerated().map { (idx, v) in
print("\( - \(v.value) - \(v.dataType)")
return DataPoint(id:, value: values[0...idx].reduce(0) { $0 + $1.value }, dataType: v.dataType)
totals.forEach {
print("_to: \($ -> \($0.value) -> \($0.dataType)")
return totals
extension Array where Element == DataPoint {
func mergeStatic(merge: Bool = true, groupById: Bool = true) -> [DataPoint] {
guard merge else { return self }
return { dpoint in
if dpoint.dataType == .method {
if let st = self.first { $0.dataType == .static_method && (!groupById || $ == } {
return DataPoint(id:, value: (dpoint.value + st.value), dataType: dpoint.dataType)
else if dpoint.dataType == .property {
if let st = self.first { $0.dataType == .static_property && (!groupById || $ ==} {
return DataPoint(id:, value: (dpoint.value + st.value), dataType: dpoint.dataType)
return dpoint
.filter { $0.dataType != .static_method && $0.dataType != .static_property }
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