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Created August 14, 2011 13:31
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rvm use 1.8.7でやるとこうなっておちる>再起動して無限ループする。
/home/swirhen/fig% bundle exec ruby fig.rb 22:27
(in /home/swirhen/fig)
I, [2011-08-14T22:27:36.001361 #29444] INFO -- : Host: Port:16822
I, [2011-08-14T22:27:40.442334 #29444] INFO -- : Client connected, new session starting...
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:40.442611 #29444] DEBUG -- :
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/server.rb:64: warning: Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:42.312331 #29444] DEBUG -- : id: -611421728, name: MinakoKotobuki
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/server.rb:77: warning: Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:43.182038 #29444] DEBUG -- : RECEIVE: NICK swirhen
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:43.183370 #29444] DEBUG -- : RECEIVE: USER swirhen 0 * 翠蓮さん@tiarra(ubuntu)
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:43.183668 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :FacebookIrcGateway 001 swirhen :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network swirhen!swirhen@localhost
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:43.183871 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :FacebookIrcGateway 002 swirhen :Your host is FacebookIrcGateway, running version 0.5.0 end def main_channel
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:43.184053 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :FacebookIrcGateway 003 swirhen :This server was created Sun Aug 14 22:27:43 +0900 2011
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:43.184208 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :FacebookIrcGateway 004 swirhen :FacebookIrcGateway 0.5.0 end def main_channel eixwy spknm
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:44.806903 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :FacebookIrcGateway NOTICE #events :start: 夏だ! 肉だ! 大木屋だ! (103024336462920)
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:44.811507 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :swirhen!swirhen@localhost JOIN #events
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:44.811823 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :FacebookIrcGateway MODE #events +o swirhen
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:45.551434 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :FacebookIrcGateway NOTICE #groups :start: FacebookIrcGateway (226602600688023)
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:45.551753 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :swirhen!swirhen@localhost JOIN #groups
D, [2011-08-14T22:27:45.551976 #29444] DEBUG -- : SEND: :FacebookIrcGateway MODE #groups +o swirhen
undefined method `tr' for nil:NilClass
/home/swirhen/fig/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/net-irc-0.0.9/lib/net/irc/server.rb:175:in `post'
/home/swirhen/fig/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/net-irc-0.0.9/lib/net/irc/server.rb:173:in `map'
/home/swirhen/fig/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/net-irc-0.0.9/lib/net/irc/server.rb:173:in `post'
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/channel.rb:36:in `send_irc_command'
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/channel.rb:44:in `notice'
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/channel.rb:99:in `start'
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/session.rb:68:in `join'
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/session.rb:27:in `initialize'
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/server.rb:91:in `new'
./lib/facebook_irc_gateway/server.rb:91:in `on_user'
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