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Created December 19, 2023 15:19
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Self sorting cells.
using System;
namespace CellviewAlgos
public class Cell
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
private bool cantBeMoved { get; set; }
private bool cantMove { get; set; }
public bool CantBeMoved() { return cantBeMoved; }
public bool CantMove() { return cantMove; }
public List<Cell> cells { get; set; }
public Cell(bool _cantBeMoved, bool _cantMove, string name, int position, int value)
cantBeMoved = _cantBeMoved;
cantMove = _cantMove;
this.Position = position;
this.Name = name;
this.Value = value;
private SemaphoreSlim semaphoreSlim = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
public async Task<bool> AttemptSetPosition(int position)
await semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();
if (!CantBeMoved())
Position = position;
return true;
return false;
public async Task Start(List<Cell> cells)
while (true) // Consider adding a condition to break this loop
var left_cells = cells.Where(e => e.Position < this.Position);
var right_cells = cells.Where(e => e.Position > this.Position);
Cell left_cell = null;
Cell right_cell = null;
if (left_cells.Any())
left_cell = left_cells.Aggregate((max, current) => max.Position > current.Position ? max : current);
//Console.WriteLine($"Left Cell of {this.Name} is {left_cell.Name}");
if (right_cells.Any())
right_cell = right_cells.Aggregate(
(min, current) => min.Position < current.Position ? min : current);
//Console.WriteLine($"Right Cell of {this.Name} is {right_cell.Name}");
if (left_cell != null && left_cell.Value > this.Value && !CantMove())
// Operations for left cell
Console.Write($"{this.Name} wants to swap with {left_cell?.Name}");
var temp = left_cell.Position;
var success = await left_cell.AttemptSetPosition(this.Position);
if (success)
this.Position = temp;
Console.WriteLine(" and did successfully.");
Console.WriteLine(" but couldn't.");
else if (right_cell != null && right_cell.Value < this.Value && !CantMove())
// Operations for right cell
Console.Write($"{this.Name} wants to swap with {right_cell?.Name}");
var temp = right_cell.Position;
var success = await right_cell.AttemptSetPosition(this.Position);
if (success)
this.Position = temp;
Console.WriteLine(" and did successfully.");
Console.WriteLine(" but couldn't.");
// Rest of your code
var cell1 = cells.Where(e => e.Name == "cell_1").FirstOrDefault()?.Position;
var cell2 = cells.Where(e => e.Name == "cell_2").FirstOrDefault()?.Position;
var cell3 = cells.Where(e => e.Name == "cell_0").FirstOrDefault()?.Position;
var cell4 = cells.Where(e => e.Name == "cell_3").FirstOrDefault()?.Position;
Console.WriteLine($"Cell_1 : {cell1} / Cell_2 : {cell2} / Cell_0 : {cell3} / cell_3 : {cell4}");
public class CellViewSort
public static async Task Main()
var cell2 = new Cell(false,true, "cell_2", 3, 2);
var cell1 = new Cell(false, false, "cell_1", 2, 1);
var cell0 = new Cell(false, false, "cell_0", 1, 0);
var cell4 = new Cell(false, false, "cell_3", 0, 3);
var cellList = new List<Cell> { cell1, cell2, cell0, cell4 };
var task1 = Task.Run(() => cell4.Start(cellList));
var task2 = Task.Run(() => cell2.Start(cellList));
var task3 = Task.Run(() => cell0.Start(cellList));
var task4 = Task.Run(() => cell1.Start(cellList));
await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3, task4);
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