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Created July 25, 2015 15:50
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user fd
- name: set open fd soft and hard limit
lineinfile: dest=/etc/security/limits.conf regexp="{{ item.regexp }}" line="{{ item.line }}" insertbefore="# End of file" state=present
- { regexp: '^neo4j\s+soft', line: 'neo4j soft nofile {{ neo4j_nofile_value }}' }
- { regexp: '^neo4j\s+hard', line: 'neo4j hard nofile {{ neo4j_nofile_value }}' }
when: neo4j_update_limits
- name: enable fd soft and hard limit
lineinfile: dest=/etc/pam.d/su regexp='^session\s+require\s+pam_limits' line='session required' state=present
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