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Last active November 11, 2023 05:45
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Function calldata
const abi = [
"function withdraw(address,uint256)"
const iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(abi);
const calldata = iface.encodeFunctionData("withdraw", ["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", ethers.BigNumber.from("10000000000000000")]);
// Solidity
address _addr = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
uint256 _val = 100;
bytes memory payload = abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256(bytes("withdraw(address,uint256)"))), _addr, _val);
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swkim109 commented Dec 26, 2022

함수 시그너처는 "함수명(...파라미터)"의 keccak256 해시의 앞 4바이트이다.


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swkim109 commented Oct 27, 2023

함수 전달 파라미터나 리턴 값을 ABI 인코딩할 때

const abiCoder = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder;
const v = abiCoder.encode(["address","bytes"], ["0x9a508486f8e338b79258F4A918b27AaE63c54501", "0x"]);

ethers에서는 bytes 타입의 빈 값은 "0x", 솔리디티에서는 ""을 넣어야 한다("0x"라고 하면 아스키 문자로 인식하여 0x3078이 들어간다).

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