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Last active December 30, 2020 11:16
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Code examples from
(* ===================================
Code from my series of posts "Six approaches to dependency injection"
=================================== *)
open System
#load "Expecto.fsx" // from
(* ======================================================================
3. Dependency Parameterization
Pass in dependencies BEFORE other parameters
====================================================================== *)
// A pure implementation with a "strategy" dependency but no I/O dependencies
module PureCore =
type ComparisonResult =
| Bigger
| Smaller
| Equal
let compareTwoStrings (comparison:StringComparison) str1 str2 =
// The StringComparison enum lets you pick culture and case-sensitivity options
let result = String.Compare(str1,str2,comparison)
if result > 0 then
else if result < 0 then
type CompareTwoStrings = string -> string -> ComparisonResult
// these both have the same type as `CompareTwoStrings`
let compareCaseSensitive = compareTwoStrings StringComparison.CurrentCulture
let compareCaseInsensitive= compareTwoStrings StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase
// An implementation with the "infrastructure services" passed in as separate parameters
module Program_v1 =
open PureCore
// "infrastructure services" passed in as parameters
let compareTwoStrings (readLn:unit->string) (writeLn:string->unit) =
// ----------- impure section -----------
writeLn "Enter the first value"
let str1 = readLn()
writeLn "Enter the second value"
let str2 = readLn()
// ----------- pure section -----------
let result = PureCore.compareCaseSensitive str1 str2
// ----------- impure section -----------
match result with
| Bigger ->
writeLn "The first value is bigger"
| Smaller ->
writeLn "The first value is smaller"
| Equal ->
writeLn "The values are equal"
// the final code with the "services" passed in
let program() =
let readLn() = Console.ReadLine()
let writeLn str = printfn "%s" str
// call the parameterized function
compareTwoStrings readLn writeLn
// run the program
module Program_v1_Test =
open Expecto
// define a mock console for testing
type MockConsole(inputs:string[]) =
let mutable readIndex = -1
let mutable writtenStr = ""
member __.ReadLn() =
readIndex <- readIndex + 1
member __.WriteLn str =
writtenStr <- str
member __.WrittenStr = writtenStr
// setup tests
let tests = testList "tests" [
testCase "smaller" <| fun () ->
let mockConsole = MockConsole [|"a"; "b"|]
let readLn,writeLn = mockConsole.ReadLn, mockConsole.WriteLn
let expected = "The first value is smaller"
Program_v1.compareTwoStrings readLn writeLn
let actual = mockConsole.WrittenStr
Expect.equal expected actual "a < b"
testCase "equal" <| fun () ->
let mockConsole = MockConsole [|"a"; "a"|]
let readLn,writeLn = mockConsole.ReadLn, mockConsole.WriteLn
let expected = "The values are equal"
Program_v1.compareTwoStrings readLn writeLn
let actual = mockConsole.WrittenStr
Expect.equal expected actual "a = a"
testCase "bigger" <| fun () ->
let mockConsole = MockConsole [|"b"; "a"|]
let readLn,writeLn = mockConsole.ReadLn, mockConsole.WriteLn
let expected = "The first value is bigger"
Program_v1.compareTwoStrings readLn writeLn
let actual = mockConsole.WrittenStr
Expect.equal expected actual "b > a"
let runTests() =
runTest tests
// run the tests
// An implementation with the "infrastructure services" passed in as a single parameter
module Program_v2 =
open PureCore
/// All the actions combined in a single interface
type IConsole =
abstract ReadLn : unit -> string
abstract WriteLn : string -> unit
// All "infrastructure services" passed in as a single interface
let compareTwoStrings (console:IConsole) =
// ----------- impure section -----------
console.WriteLn "Enter the first value"
let str1 = console.ReadLn()
console.WriteLn "Enter the second value"
let str2 = console.ReadLn()
// ----------- pure section -----------
let result = PureCore.compareCaseSensitive str1 str2
// ----------- impure section -----------
match result with
| Bigger ->
console.WriteLn "The first value is bigger"
| Smaller ->
console.WriteLn "The first value is smaller"
| Equal ->
console.WriteLn "The values are equal"
// the final code with the "services" passed in
let program() =
let console = {
new IConsole with
member this.ReadLn() = Console.ReadLine()
member this.WriteLn str = printfn "%s" str
// call the parameterized function
compareTwoStrings console
// run the program
// How to manage logging? One option is use parameters
type ILogger =
abstract Debug : string -> unit
abstract Info : string -> unit
abstract Error : string -> unit
module LoggingExample =
open PureCore
let compareTwoStrings str1 str2 (logger:ILogger) =
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Starting"
let result =
if str1 > str2 then
else if str1 < str2 then
logger.Info (sprintf "compareTwoStrings: result=%A" result)
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Finished"
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