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Created March 24, 2015 21:57
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Code from O'Reilly webcast: "Domain Modelling with the F# Type System"
// ================================================
// DDD : Model a card game
// ================================================
A card is a combination of a Suit (Heart, Spade) and a Rank (Two, Three, ... King, Ace)
A hand is a list of cards
A deck is a list of cards
A player has a name and a hand
A game consists of a deck and list of players
module CardGame =
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = {Name : string; Hand : Hand}
type Game = {Deck : Deck; Players : Player list}
type ShuffledDeck = ShuffledDeck of Deck
type Shuffle = Deck -> ShuffledDeck
type Deal = ShuffledDeck -> (ShuffledDeck * Card)
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) -> Hand
module CardGameUtil =
open CardGame
open System
let allSuits = [Club; Diamond; Spade; Heart]
let allRanks = [Two; Three; Four; Five; Six; Seven; Eight; Nine; Ten; Jack; Queen; King; Ace]
let newDeck :Deck =
[ for suit in allSuits do
for rank in allRanks do
yield (suit,rank) ]
let shuffle : Shuffle =
let rand = Random()
fun deck ->
|> (fun card -> card, rand.Next())
|> List.sortBy snd
|> fst
|> ShuffledDeck
let deal : Deal =
fun (ShuffledDeck deck) ->
match deck with
| first::rest -> (ShuffledDeck rest,first)
| [] -> failwith "empty deck"
let makeHand n deck =
let rec loop n deck hand =
match n with
| 0 ->
let sortedHand:Hand = hand |> List.sort
| _ ->
let newDeck,card = deal deck
let newHand = card::hand
loop (n-1) newDeck newHand
loop n deck []
open CardGame
open CardGameUtil
let deck = newDeck |> shuffle
let deck1, hand1 = makeHand 5 deck
let deck2, hand2 = makeHand 5 deck1
let deck3, hand3 = makeHand 5 deck2
hand1, hand2, hand3
// ================================================
// DDD : Model the cargo example from the DDD book
// ================================================
module Cargo =
open System
type TrackingId = TrackingId of string
type Location = Location of string
type RouteSpecification = {
Origin: Location
Destination: Location }
type TransportStatus = Claimed | NotReceived | InPort | OnboardCarrier | Unknown
type UntrackedCargo = {
RouteSpecification : RouteSpecification
TransportStatus : TransportStatus }
type TrackedCargo = {
TrackingId : TrackingId
Cargo : UntrackedCargo }
type Leg = {
LoadLocation : Location
UnloadLocation : Location
LoadTime : DateTime
UnloadTime : DateTime }
type Itinerary = Leg list
type RoutedCargo = {
Itinerary : Itinerary
Cargo : TrackedCargo }
type Track = UntrackedCargo * TrackingId -> TrackedCargo
type Route = TrackedCargo * Itinerary -> RoutedCargo
type Reroute = RoutedCargo * Itinerary -> RoutedCargo
type ActiveCargo = {
LastLocation: Location
Cargo : RoutedCargo }
type Start = RoutedCargo * Location -> ActiveCargo
type Handle = ActiveCargo * Location -> ActiveCargo
let (|OnLand|AtSea|Completed|) status =
match status with
| Claimed -> Completed
| NotReceived -> OnLand
| InPort -> OnLand
| OnboardCarrier -> AtSea
| Unknown -> OnLand
// custom methods
type Location with
member this.Code = match this with Location code -> code
type TrackedCargo with
member this.TransportStatus = this.Cargo.TransportStatus
member this.Origin = this.Cargo.RouteSpecification.Origin
member this.Dest = this.Cargo.RouteSpecification.Destination
member this.UpdateStatus s = {this with Cargo = {this.Cargo with TransportStatus=s}}
type RoutedCargo with
member this.TransportStatus = this.Cargo.TransportStatus
member this.Origin = this.Cargo.Origin
member this.Dest = this.Cargo.Dest
member this.UpdateStatus s = {this with Cargo = this.Cargo.UpdateStatus s}
type ActiveCargo with
member this.TransportStatus = this.Cargo.TransportStatus
member this.Origin = this.Cargo.Origin
member this.Dest = this.Cargo.Dest
member this.UpdateStatus s = {this with Cargo = this.Cargo.UpdateStatus s}
module CargoImpl =
open Cargo
open System
// implementation
let track id cargo =
{ TrackingId = id; Cargo = cargo }
let route itinerary cargo =
{ Itinerary= itinerary; Cargo = cargo }
let handle loc cargo =
{ cargo with LastLocation = loc}
let makeLeg load unload =
{ LoadLocation=load; UnloadLocation=unload; LoadTime=DateTime.Now; UnloadTime=DateTime.Now}
let updateStatus status (cargo:ActiveCargo) =
cargo.UpdateStatus status
let start loc cargo =
{ LastLocation = loc; Cargo = cargo}
|> updateStatus OnboardCarrier
let depart loc cargo =
|> updateStatus OnboardCarrier
|> handle loc
let arrive loc cargo =
|> handle loc
|> updateStatus (if loc = cargo.Dest then Claimed else InPort)
let printInfo (cargo:ActiveCargo) =
match cargo.TransportStatus with
| AtSea -> printfn "%s->%s : at sea departed from %s" cargo.Origin.Code cargo.Dest.Code cargo.LastLocation.Code
| OnLand -> printfn "%s->%s : on land at %s" cargo.Origin.Code cargo.Dest.Code cargo.LastLocation.Code
| Completed -> printfn "%s->%s : at final destination" cargo.Origin.Code cargo.Dest.Code
let newyork = Location "USNYC"
let helsinki = Location "FIHEL"
let rotterdam = Location "NLRTM"
open Cargo
open CargoImpl
let untracked = {
RouteSpecification = { Origin = newyork; Destination = helsinki }
TransportStatus = OnboardCarrier
let leg1 = makeLeg newyork rotterdam
let leg2 = makeLeg rotterdam helsinki
let cargo =
|> track (TrackingId "AB123")
|> route [leg1; leg2]
|> start newyork
|> printInfo
|> arrive rotterdam
|> printInfo
|> depart rotterdam
|> printInfo
|> arrive helsinki
|> printInfo
DDD Algebraic types
open System
// ================================================
// Product types
// ================================================
let intPair = 1,2
// val intPair : int * int = (1, 2)
let boolPair = true,false
// val boolPair : bool * bool = (true, false)
type Person = Person of string
type Birthday = Person * DateTime
let today = DateTime.Today
let alice = Person "Alice"
let alicesBirthday : Birthday = alice, today
// ================================================
// Sum types - Temp
// ================================================
type Temp =
| F of int
| C of float
let isFever temp =
match temp with
| F tempInF -> tempInF > 102
| C tempInC -> tempInC > 38.9
let tempF = F 100
isFever tempF
let tempC = C 39.0
isFever tempC
let convertTemp temp =
match temp with
| F tempInF ->
let tempInC = (float tempInF - 32.0) / 1.8
C tempInC
| C tempInC ->
let tempInF = int (tempInC * 1.8) + 32
F tempInF
let zeroC = C 0.0
let zeroF = convertTemp zeroC
let boilingF = F 212
let boilingC = convertTemp boilingF
let feverF = F 102
let feverC = convertTemp feverF
// ================================================
// Sum types - PaymentMethod
// ================================================
type CardType = Visa | Mastercard
type CardNumber = CardNumber of int
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Cheque of int
| Card of CardType * CardNumber
let printPayment meth =
match meth with
| Cash -> printfn "Paid in cash"
| Cheque checkNo -> printfn "Paid by cheque: %i" checkNo
| Card (cardType,cardNo) -> printfn "Paid with %A %A" cardType cardNo
let cheque = Cheque 1234
let card = Card (Visa, CardNumber 1234)
printPayment cheque
printPayment card
DDD Designing with types
open System
// ================================================
// Using options
// ================================================
// nothing special about Option -- no compiler support needed
type Optional<'T> =
| Something of 'T
| Nothing
// type alias
type optional<'T> = Optional<'T>
type PersonalName =
FirstName: string
MiddleInitial: string optional
LastName: string
// ================================================
// Using single choice types to keep types distinct
// ================================================
Is an EmailAddress just a string?
Is a CustomerId just a int?
Use single choice types to keep them distinct
type EmailAddress = EmailAddress of string
type PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber of string
let value1a = EmailAddress "123"
let value1b = PhoneNumber "123"
let areEqual1 = (value1a=value1b)
type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
type OrderId = OrderId of int
let value2a = CustomerId 123
let value2b = OrderId 123
let areEqual2 = (value2a=value2b)
// ================================================
// (from slides) Constructing optional values
// ================================================
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let createEmailAddress (s:string) =
if Regex.IsMatch(s,@"^\S+@\S+\.\S+$")
then Some (EmailAddress s)
else None
// val createEmailAddress : s:string -> EmailAddress option
type String50 = String50 of string
let createString50 (s:string) =
if s.Length <= 50
then Some (String50 s)
else None
// val createString50 : s:string -> String50 option
type OrderLineQty = OrderLineQty of int
let createOrderLineQty qty =
if qty >0 && qty <= 99
then Some (OrderLineQty qty)
else None
// val createOrderLineQty : qty:int -> OrderLineQty option
createEmailAddress ""
createEmailAddress ""
let create n =
match createOrderLineQty n with
| Some qty -> qty
| None -> failwith "should not happen"
let decrement (OrderLineQty i) =
let newQty = createOrderLineQty (i-1)
match newQty with
| Some qty -> printfn "New qty is %A" qty
| None -> printfn "Item will be removed"
let one = create 1
let two = create 2
decrement two
decrement one
// ================================================
// The final domain!
// ================================================
module StringTypes =
type String1 = String1 of string
type String50 = String50 of string
let createString1 (s:string) =
if (s.Length <= 1)
then Some (String50 s)
else None
let createString50 (s:string) =
if s.Length <= 50
then Some (String50 s)
else None
module DomainTypes =
open StringTypes
type EmailAddress =
EmailAddress of string
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 option
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
Email: EmailContactInfo }
type VerificationHash = byte[]
type VerificationService =
(EmailAddress * VerificationHash) -> VerifiedEmail option
type Result = string
type PasswordResetService =
VerifiedEmail -> Result
// ================================================
// (from slides) The new domain with address info added as well
// ================================================
module DomainTypes_WithAddress =
open StringTypes
type EmailAddress =
EmailAddress of string
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmail
type PostalContactInfo = {
address1: string
address2: string
address3: string
address4: string
country: string
type ContactInfo =
| EmailOnly of EmailContactInfo
| AddrOnly of PostalContactInfo
| EmailAndAddr of EmailContactInfo * PostalContactInfo
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 option
LastName: String50 }
type Contact = {
Name: PersonalName
ContactInfo : ContactInfo }
// ================================================
// Worked example: Modeling email state transition
// See email_transition_diagram.png
// ================================================
All the state transitions are going to work the same way.
1) Start with the domain types that are independent of state
2) Create the "API"
2a) Create a type to represent the data stored for each type
2b) Create a type that represent the choice of all the states
2c Create transition functions that transition from one state type to another
These functions take as input:
* a state type
* and maybe some extra data
These functions output:
* a new state type
* or maybe a state OPTION if the transition might not work
3) Clients then write functions using the state union type and the "API"
// Let's see this in action using the email transitions as our example
// 1) Start with the domain types that are independent of state
module EmailDomainTypes =
type EmailAddress =
EmailAddress of string
// 2) Create the "API"
module EmailApi =
open EmailDomainTypes
// 2a) Create a type to represent the data stored for each type
type VerifiedEmail =
VerifiedEmail of EmailAddress
// 2b) Create a type that represent the choice of all the states
type EmailContactInfo =
| UnverifiedState of EmailAddress
| VerifiedState of VerifiedEmail
// 2c) Create transition functions that transition from one *individual* state to the next
module EmailVerificationService =
let verify email hash =
if hash="OK" then
Some (VerifiedEmail email)
// 3) Clients write functions using the state union type
module EmailApiClient =
open EmailDomainTypes
open EmailApi
// Rule: "You can't send a verification message to a verified email"
let sendVerificationMessage state =
match state with
| UnverifiedState email ->
printfn "Sending verification message to %A" email
| VerifiedState _ ->
printfn "Already verified"
// Rule: "You can't send a password reset message to a unverified email "
let sendPasswordResetMessage state =
match state with
| UnverifiedState email ->
printfn "Not verified. Can't send"
| VerifiedState (VerifiedEmail email) ->
printfn "Sending password reset message to %A" email
// Examples
open EmailDomainTypes
open EmailApi
open EmailApiClient
let emailAddress = EmailAddress ""
let unverifiedEmailState =
UnverifiedState emailAddress
let verifiedEmailState =
let hash = "OK"
let verifiedEmailOpt = EmailVerificationService.verify emailAddress hash
let verifiedEmail = verifiedEmailOpt.Value // don't do this in real code!
VerifiedState verifiedEmail
sendVerificationMessage unverifiedEmailState
sendVerificationMessage verifiedEmailState
sendPasswordResetMessage unverifiedEmailState
sendPasswordResetMessage verifiedEmailState
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