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Last active February 19, 2017 21:39
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Related blog post:
// ==============================================
// PART 3b - Parallel grep
// ==============================================
// ==============================================
// Tree implementation
// ==============================================
type Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> =
| LeafNode of 'LeafData
| InternalNode of 'INodeData * Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> seq
module Tree =
let rec cata fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) :'r =
let recurse = cata fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
fNode nodeInfo (subtrees |> recurse)
let rec fold fLeaf fNode acc (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) :'r =
let recurse = fold fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf acc leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
// determine the local accumulator at this level
let localAccum = fNode acc nodeInfo
// thread the local accumulator through all the subitems using Seq.fold
let finalAccum = subtrees |> Seq.fold recurse localAccum
// ... and return it
let rec map fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) =
let recurse = map fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
let newLeafInfo = fLeaf leafInfo
LeafNode newLeafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
let newSubtrees = subtrees |> recurse
let newNodeInfo = fNode nodeInfo
InternalNode (newNodeInfo, newSubtrees)
let rec iter fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) =
let recurse = iter fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
subtrees |> Seq.iter recurse
fNode nodeInfo
// ==============================================
// IO FileSystem as Tree
// ==============================================
module IOFileSystem_Tree =
open System
open System.IO
type FileSystemTree = Tree<IO.FileInfo,IO.DirectoryInfo>
let fromFile (fileInfo:FileInfo) =
LeafNode fileInfo
let rec fromDir (dirInfo:DirectoryInfo) =
let subItems = seq{
yield! dirInfo.EnumerateFiles() |> fromFile
yield! dirInfo.EnumerateDirectories() |> fromDir
InternalNode (dirInfo,subItems)
// ==============================================
// Parallel grep implementation
// ==============================================
module ParallelGrep =
open System
open System.IO
open IOFileSystem_Tree
/// Fold over the lines in a file asynchronously
/// passing in the current line and line number tothe folder function.
/// Signature:
/// folder:('a -> int -> string -> 'a) ->
/// acc:'a ->
/// fi:FileInfo ->
/// Async<'a>
let foldLinesAsync folder acc (fi:FileInfo) =
async {
let mutable acc = acc
let mutable lineNo = 1
use sr = new StreamReader(path=fi.FullName)
while not sr.EndOfStream do
let! lineText = sr.ReadLineAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
acc <- folder acc lineNo lineText
lineNo <- lineNo + 1
return acc
let asyncMap f asyncX = async {
let! x = asyncX
return (f x) }
/// return the matching lines in a file, as an async<string list>
let matchPattern textPattern (fi:FileInfo) =
// set up the regex
let regex = Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern=textPattern)
// set up the function to use with "fold"
let folder results lineNo lineText =
if regex.IsMatch lineText then
let result = sprintf "%40s:%-5i %s" fi.Name lineNo lineText
result :: results
// pass through
// main flow
|> foldLinesAsync folder []
// the fold output is in reverse order, so reverse it
|> asyncMap List.rev
let grep filePattern textPattern fileSystemItem =
let regex = Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern=filePattern)
/// if the file matches the pattern
/// do the matching and return Some async, else None
let matchFile (fi:FileInfo) =
if regex.IsMatch fi.Name then
Some (matchPattern textPattern fi)
/// process a file by adding its async to the list
let fFile asyncs (fi:FileInfo) =
// add to the list of asyncs
(matchFile fi) :: asyncs
// for directories, just pass through the list of asyncs
let fDir asyncs (di:DirectoryInfo) =
|> Tree.fold fFile fDir [] // get the list of asyncs
|> Seq.choose id // choose the Somes (where a file was processed)
|> Async.Parallel // merge all asyncs into a single async
|> asyncMap (Array.toList >> List.collect id) // flatten array of lists into a single list
// ---------------------------------
// testing
// ---------------------------------
// set the current directory to the current source directory
Directory.SetCurrentDirectory __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
// get the current directory as a Tree
let currentDir = fromDir (DirectoryInfo("."))
|> grep "fsx" "LinkedList"
|> Async.RunSynchronously
// get the current directory as a Tree
let dropbox = fromDir (DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\swlaschin\Dropbox\code"))
|> grep ".fsx" "a"
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore
// example output
" SizeOfTypes.fsx:120 type LinkedList<'a> = ";
" SizeOfTypes.fsx:122 | Cell of head:'a * tail:LinkedList<'a>";
" SizeOfTypes.fsx:125 let S = size(LinkedList<'a>)";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:15 // LinkedList";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:18 type LinkedList<'a> = ";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:20 | Cons of head:'a * tail:LinkedList<'a>";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:26 module LinkedList = ";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:39 list:LinkedList<'a> ";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:64 list:LinkedList<'a> -> ";
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