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Demonstrates some techniques for performance improvements while remaining type-safe. Related blog post:
Demonstrates some techniques for performance improvements while remaining type-safe.
Related blog post:
See also the others in this series: "typesafe-performance-with-compiler-directives-XXX".fsx
// ====================================
// "Wrapped" version of CustomerId
// ====================================
// type is an wrapper for a primitive type
type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
// create two silly functions for mapping and filtering
let add1ToCustomerId (CustomerId i) =
CustomerId (i+1)
let isCustomerIdSmall (CustomerId i) =
i < 100000
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 1 million element array
// ---------------------------------
Array.init 1000000 CustomerId
// map it
|> add1ToCustomerId
// map it again
|> add1ToCustomerId
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
|> Array.length
// results
// Real: 00:00:00.296, CPU: 00:00:00.296, GC gen0: 6, gen1: 4, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:00.240, CPU: 00:00:00.249, GC gen0: 7, gen1: 5, gen2: 1
// Real: 00:00:00.309, CPU: 00:00:00.280, GC gen0: 6, gen1: 4, gen2: 0
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 10 million element array
// ---------------------------------
Array.init 10000000 CustomerId
// map it
|> add1ToCustomerId
// map it again
|> add1ToCustomerId
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
|> Array.length
// results
// Real: 00:00:02.801, CPU: 00:00:02.792, GC gen0: 64, gen1: 42, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:03.489, CPU: 00:00:03.541, GC gen0: 68, gen1: 46, gen2: 2
// Real: 00:00:03.774, CPU: 00:00:03.822, GC gen0: 65, gen1: 34, gen2: 3
Demonstrates some techniques for performance improvements while remaining type-safe.
Related blog post:
See also the others in this series: "typesafe-performance-with-compiler-directives-XXX".fsx
// ====================================
// Type alias version of CustomerId
// ====================================
type CustomerId = int
type OrderId = int
// create two silly functions for mapping and filtering
let add1ToCustomerId (id:CustomerId) :CustomerId =
// val add1ToCustomerId : id:CustomerId -> CustomerId
let isCustomerIdSmall (id:CustomerId) =
id < 100000
// val isCustomerIdSmall : id:CustomerId -> bool
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 1 million element array
// ---------------------------------
Array.init 1000000 (fun i -> i)
// map it
|> add1ToCustomerId
// map it again
|> add1ToCustomerId
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
|> Array.length
// results
// Real: 00:00:00.017, CPU: 00:00:00.015, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:00.016, CPU: 00:00:00.015, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 10 million element array
// ---------------------------------
Array.init 10000000 (fun i -> i)
// map it
|> add1ToCustomerId
// map it again
|> add1ToCustomerId
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
|> Array.length
// results
// Real: 00:00:00.166, CPU: 00:00:00.156, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:00.171, CPU: 00:00:00.171, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// ---------------------------------
// why I'm wary of type aliases
// ---------------------------------
// create two
let cid : CustomerId = 12
let oid : OrderId = 12
// test
cid = oid // true
// can pass OrderId to function expecting a CustomerId
add1ToCustomerId oid // CustomerId = 13
Demonstrates some techniques for performance improvements while remaining type-safe.
Related blog post:
See also the others in this series: "typesafe-performance-with-compiler-directives-XXX".fsx
// ====================================
// Unit of measure version of CustomerId
// ====================================
type [<Measure>] CustomerIdUOM
type [<Measure>] OrderIdUOM
type CustomerId = int<CustomerIdUOM>
type OrderId = int<OrderIdUOM>
// create two silly functions for mapping and filtering
let add1ToCustomerId id =
let isCustomerIdSmall i =
i < 100000<CustomerIdUOM>
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 1 million element array
// ---------------------------------
Array.init 1000000 (fun i -> LanguagePrimitives.Int32WithMeasure<CustomerIdUOM> i)
// map it
|> add1ToCustomerId
// map it again
|> add1ToCustomerId
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
|> ignore
// results
// Real: 00:00:00.022, CPU: 00:00:00.031, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:00.019, CPU: 00:00:00.031, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:00.021, CPU: 00:00:00.015, GC gen0: 1, gen1: 1, gen2: 0
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 10 million element array
// ---------------------------------
Array.init 10000000 (fun i -> LanguagePrimitives.Int32WithMeasure<CustomerIdUOM> i)
// map it
|> add1ToCustomerId
// map it again
|> add1ToCustomerId
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
|> ignore
// results
//Real: 00:00:00.157, CPU: 00:00:00.156, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
//Real: 00:00:00.156, CPU: 00:00:00.156, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
//Real: 00:00:00.154, CPU: 00:00:00.156, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// ---------------------------------
// why I'm wary of UOMs
// ---------------------------------
// create a customer id and order id
let cid = 12<CustomerIdUOM>
let oid = 4<OrderIdUOM>
// what does it mean that you can divide them!
let ratio = cid / oid
// val ratio : int<CustomerIdUOM/OrderIdUOM> = 3
Demonstrates some techniques for performance improvements while remaining type-safe.
Related blog post:
See also the others in this series: "typesafe-performance-with-compiler-directives-XXX".fsx
// ====================================
// Swap implementations based on compiler directive
// ====================================
#if COMPILED // uncomment to use aliased version
//#if INTERACTIVE // uncomment to use wrapped version
// type is an wrapper for a primitive type
type CustomerId = CustomerId of int
// constructor
let createCustomerId i = CustomerId i
// get data
let customerIdValue (CustomerId i) = i
// pattern matching
// not needed
// type is an alias for a primitive type
type CustomerId = int
// constructor
let inline createCustomerId i :CustomerId = i
// get data
let inline customerIdValue (id:CustomerId) = id
// pattern matching
let inline (|CustomerId|) (id:CustomerId) :int = id
// ---------------------------------
// usage example that is ignorant of the implementation
// ---------------------------------
// test the getter
let testGetter c1 c2 =
let i1 = customerIdValue c1
let i2 = customerIdValue c2
printfn "Get inner value from customers %i %i" i1 i2
// Note that the signature is as expected:
// c1:CustomerId -> c2:CustomerId -> unit
// test pattern matching
let testPatternMatching c1 =
let (CustomerId i) = c1
printfn "Get inner value from Customers via pattern match: %i" i
match c1 with
| CustomerId i2 -> printfn "match/with %i" i
// Note that the signature is as expected:
// c1:CustomerId -> unit
let test() =
// create two ids
let c1 = createCustomerId 1
let c2 = createCustomerId 2
let custArray : CustomerId [] = [| c1; c2 |]
// test them
testGetter c1 c2
testPatternMatching c1
// ---------------------------------
// create two silly functions for mapping and filtering
// ---------------------------------
let add1ToCustomerId (CustomerId i) =
createCustomerId (i+1)
let isCustomerIdSmall (CustomerId i) =
i < 100000
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 1 million element array
// ---------------------------------
Array.init 1000000 createCustomerId
// map it
|> add1ToCustomerId
// map it again
|> add1ToCustomerId
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
|> Array.length
// results using wrapped version
// Real: 00:00:00.408, CPU: 00:00:00.405, GC gen0: 7, gen1: 4, gen2: 1
// results using aliased version
// Real: 00:00:00.022, CPU: 00:00:00.031, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 10 million element array
// ---------------------------------
Array.init 10000000 createCustomerId
// map it
|> add1ToCustomerId
// map it again
|> add1ToCustomerId
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerIdSmall
|> Array.length
// results using wrapped version
// Real: 00:00:03.199, CPU: 00:00:03.354, GC gen0: 67, gen1: 45, gen2: 2
// results using aliased version
// Real: 00:00:00.239, CPU: 00:00:00.202, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
Demonstrates some techniques for performance improvements while remaining type-safe.
Related blog post:
See also the others in this series: "typesafe-performance-with-compiler-directives-XXX".fsx
// ====================================
// A complex example
// ====================================
#if COMPILED // uncomment to use aliased version
//#if INTERACTIVE // uncomment to use wrapped version
module EmailAddress =
// type with private constructor
type EmailAddress = private EmailAddress of string
// safe constructor
let create s =
if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) then
else if s.Contains("@") then
Some (EmailAddress s)
// get data
let value (EmailAddress s) = s
// pattern matching
// not needed
module ActivityHistory =
open EmailAddress
// type with private constructor
type ActivityHistory = private {
emailAddress : EmailAddress
visits : int
// safe constructor
let create email visits =
{emailAddress = email; visits = visits }
// get data
let email {emailAddress=e} = e
let visits {visits=a} = a
// pattern matching
// not needed
module Classification =
open EmailAddress
open ActivityHistory
type Classification =
| Active of EmailAddress * int
| Inactive of EmailAddress
// constructor
let createActive email visits =
Active (email,visits)
let createInactive email =
Inactive email
// pattern matching
// not needed
// label for printing report
let WrappedOrAliased = "Wrapped"
module EmailAddress =
// aliased type
type EmailAddress = string
// safe constructor
let inline create s :EmailAddress option =
if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) then
else if s.Contains("@") then
Some s
// get data
let inline value (e:EmailAddress) :string = e
// pattern matching
let inline (|EmailAddress|) (e:EmailAddress) :string = e
module ActivityHistory =
open EmailAddress
type ActivityHistory(emailAddress : EmailAddress, visits : int) =
member this.EmailAddress = emailAddress
member this.Visits = visits
// safe constructor
let create email visits =
// get data
let email (act:ActivityHistory) = act.EmailAddress
let visits (act:ActivityHistory) = act.Visits
// pattern matching
// not needed
module Classification =
open EmailAddress
open ActivityHistory
open System
type Classification(isActive : bool, email: EmailAddress, visits: int) =
member this.IsActive = isActive
member this.Email = email
member this.Visits = visits
// constructor
let inline createActive email visits =
let inline createInactive email =
// pattern matching
let inline (|Active|Inactive|) (c:Classification) =
if c.IsActive then
Active (c.Email,c.Visits)
Inactive (c.Email)
// label for printing report
let WrappedOrAliased = "Aliased"
// for compiling whole file, finish compiling first part here
// ---------------------------------
// helper functions which are independent of the implementation
// ---------------------------------
let rand = new System.Random()
let createCustomerWithRandomActivityHistory() =
let emailOpt = EmailAddress.create ""
match emailOpt with
| Some email ->
let visits = rand.Next(0,100)
ActivityHistory.create email visits
| None ->
failwith "should not happen"
let add1ToVisits activity =
let email = activity
let visits = ActivityHistory.visits activity
ActivityHistory.create email (visits+1)
let isCustomerInactive activity =
let visits = ActivityHistory.visits activity
visits < 3
// execute creation and iteration for a large number of records
let mapAndFilter noOfRecords =
Array.init noOfRecords (fun _ -> createCustomerWithRandomActivityHistory() )
// map it
|> add1ToVisits
// map it again
|> add1ToVisits
// filter it
|> Array.filter isCustomerInactive
|> ignore // we don't actually care!
// ---------------------------------
// helper functions for Classification
// ---------------------------------
let createClassifiedCustomer activity =
let email = activity
let visits = ActivityHistory.visits activity
if isCustomerInactive activity then
Classification.createInactive email
Classification.createActive email visits
open Classification
// execute creation and iteration for a large number of records
let extractActiveEmails noOfRecords =
Array.init noOfRecords (fun _ -> createCustomerWithRandomActivityHistory() )
// map to a classification
|> createClassifiedCustomer
// extract emails for active customers
|> Array.choose (function
| Active (email,visits) -> email |> Some
| Inactive _ -> None )
|> ignore
// ---------------------------------
// timer tool
// ---------------------------------
/// Do countN repetitions of the function f and print the
/// time elapsed, number of GCs and change in total memory
let time countN label f =
let stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
// do a full GC at the start but NOT thereafter
// allow garbage to collect for each iteration
printfn "Started"
let getGcStats() =
let gen0 = System.GC.CollectionCount(0)
let gen1 = System.GC.CollectionCount(1)
let gen2 = System.GC.CollectionCount(2)
let mem = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false)
printfn "======================="
printfn "%s (%s)" label WrappedOrAliased
printfn "======================="
for iteration in [1..countN] do
let gen0,gen1,gen2,mem = getGcStats()
let gen0',gen1',gen2',mem' = getGcStats()
// convert memory used to K
let changeInMem = (mem'-mem) / 1000L
printfn "#%2i elapsed:%6ims gen0:%3i gen1:%3i gen2:%3i mem:%6iK" iteration stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds (gen0'-gen0) (gen1'-gen1) (gen2'-gen2) changeInMem
// ---------------------------------
// timed with a 100L. 1M and 10M element array
// ---------------------------------
let size = 100000
let label = sprintf "mapAndFilter: %i records" size
time 10 label (fun () -> mapAndFilter size)
let size = 1000000
let label = sprintf "mapAndFilter: %i records" size
time 10 label (fun () -> mapAndFilter size)
let size = 1000000
let label = sprintf "extractActiveEmails: %i records" size
time 10 label (fun () -> extractActiveEmails size)
mapAndFilter: 100000 records (Wrapped)
# 1 elapsed: 97ms gen0: 1 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 7202K
# 2 elapsed: 78ms gen0: 1 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 7200K
# 3 elapsed: 60ms gen0: 1 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 7244K
# 4 elapsed: 74ms gen0: 1 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 7475K
# 5 elapsed: 104ms gen0: 2 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 6883K
# 6 elapsed: 43ms gen0: 1 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 7196K
# 7 elapsed: 98ms gen0: 1 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 7204K
# 8 elapsed: 32ms gen0: 1 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 7195K
# 9 elapsed: 87ms gen0: 1 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 7640K
#10 elapsed: 103ms gen0: 2 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 6763K
mapAndFilter: 1000000 records (Wrapped)
# 1 elapsed: 820ms gen0: 13 gen1: 8 gen2: 1 mem: 72159K
# 2 elapsed: 878ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 71997K
# 3 elapsed: 850ms gen0: 12 gen1: 6 gen2: 0 mem: 72005K
# 4 elapsed: 885ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 72000K
# 5 elapsed: 6690ms gen0: 16 gen1: 10 gen2: 1 mem:-216005K
# 6 elapsed: 714ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 72003K
# 7 elapsed: 668ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 71995K
# 8 elapsed: 670ms gen0: 12 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 72001K
# 9 elapsed: 6676ms gen0: 16 gen1: 11 gen2: 2 mem:-215998K
#10 elapsed: 712ms gen0: 13 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 71998K
extractActiveEmails: 1000000 records (Wrapped)
# 1 elapsed: 664ms gen0: 12 gen1: 6 gen2: 0 mem: 64542K
# 2 elapsed: 584ms gen0: 14 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 64590K
# 3 elapsed: 589ms gen0: 13 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 63616K
# 4 elapsed: 573ms gen0: 11 gen1: 5 gen2: 0 mem: 69438K
# 5 elapsed: 640ms gen0: 15 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 58464K
# 6 elapsed: 4297ms gen0: 13 gen1: 7 gen2: 1 mem:-256192K
# 7 elapsed: 593ms gen0: 14 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 64623K
# 8 elapsed: 621ms gen0: 13 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 63689K
# 9 elapsed: 577ms gen0: 11 gen1: 5 gen2: 0 mem: 69415K
#10 elapsed: 609ms gen0: 15 gen1: 7 gen2: 0 mem: 58480K
mapAndFilter: 100000 records (Aliased)
# 1 elapsed: 21ms gen0: 0 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 3621K
# 2 elapsed: 13ms gen0: 0 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 3620K
# 3 elapsed: 13ms gen0: 0 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 3645K
# 4 elapsed: 13ms gen0: 0 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 3628K
# 5 elapsed: 83ms gen0: 1 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: -2374K
# 6 elapsed: 13ms gen0: 0 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 3628K
# 7 elapsed: 13ms gen0: 1 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 2047K
# 8 elapsed: 13ms gen0: 1 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 2055K
# 9 elapsed: 15ms gen0: 1 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 2064K
#10 elapsed: 13ms gen0: 1 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 2080K
mapAndFilter: 1000000 records (Aliased)
# 1 elapsed: 193ms gen0: 7 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 25325K
# 2 elapsed: 142ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23779K
# 3 elapsed: 143ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23761K
# 4 elapsed: 138ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23745K
# 5 elapsed: 135ms gen0: 7 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 25327K
# 6 elapsed: 135ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23762K
# 7 elapsed: 137ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23755K
# 8 elapsed: 140ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23777K
# 9 elapsed: 174ms gen0: 7 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 25327K
#10 elapsed: 180ms gen0: 8 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 23762K
extractActiveEmails: 1000000 records (Aliased)
# 1 elapsed: 254ms gen0: 32 gen1: 1 gen2: 0 mem: 33162K
# 2 elapsed: 221ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31532K
# 3 elapsed: 196ms gen0: 32 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 33113K
# 4 elapsed: 185ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31523K
# 5 elapsed: 187ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31532K
# 6 elapsed: 186ms gen0: 32 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 33095K
# 7 elapsed: 191ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31514K
# 8 elapsed: 200ms gen0: 32 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 33096K
# 9 elapsed: 189ms gen0: 33 gen1: 0 gen2: 0 mem: 31531K
#10 elapsed: 3732ms gen0: 33 gen1: 1 gen2: 1 mem:-256432K
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