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Created December 22, 2020 13:24
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A simple test framework for demos and blogs posts, based on Expecto
// ======================================
// A simple test framework for demos and blogs posts, based on Expecto
// ======================================
open System
open System.Diagnostics
module Domain =
type ExpectoException(msg) = inherit Exception(msg)
type AssertException(msg) = inherit ExpectoException(msg)
type FailedException(msg) = inherit ExpectoException(msg)
type IgnoreException(msg) = inherit ExpectoException(msg)
/// Actual test function; either an async one, or a synchronous one.
type TestCode =
| Sync of stest: (unit -> unit)
| Async of atest: Async<unit>
/// Test tree – this is how you compose your tests as values. Since
/// any of these can act as a test, you can pass any of these DU cases
/// into a function that takes a Test.
type Test =
/// A test case is a function from unit to unit, that can be executed
/// by Expecto to run the test code.
| TestCase of code:TestCode
/// A collection/list of tests.
| TestList of tests:Test list
/// A labelling of a Test (list or test code).
| TestLabel of label:string * test:Test
type FlatTest = {
name : string list
test : TestCode
member x.shouldSkipEvaluation =
false // not supported here
member x.fullName (joinWith: string) =
String.concat joinWith
let rec private exnWithInnerMsg (ex: exn) msg =
let currentMsg =
msg + (sprintf "%s%s" Environment.NewLine (ex.ToString()))
if isNull ex.InnerException then
exnWithInnerMsg ex.InnerException currentMsg
type TestResult =
| Passed
| Ignored of string
| Failed of string
| Error of exn
override x.ToString() =
match x with
| Passed -> "Passed"
| Ignored reason -> "Ignored: " + reason
| Failed error -> "Failed: " + error
| Error e -> "Exception: " + exnWithInnerMsg e ""
member x.tag =
match x with
| Passed -> 0
| Ignored _ -> 1
| Failed _ -> 2
| Error _ -> 3
member x.order =
match x with
| Ignored _ -> 0
| Passed -> 1
| Failed _ -> 2
| Error _ -> 3
member x.isPassed =
match x with
| Passed -> true
| _ -> false
member x.isIgnored =
match x with
| Ignored _ -> true
| _ -> false
member x.isFailed =
match x with
| Failed _ -> true
| _ -> false
member x.isException =
match x with
| Error _ -> true
| _ -> false
static member max (a:TestResult) (b:TestResult) =
if a.tag>=b.tag then a else b
type TestSummary =
{ result : TestResult
count : int
meanDuration : float
maxDuration : float }
member x.duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds x.meanDuration
static member single result duration =
{ result = result
count = 1
meanDuration = duration
maxDuration = duration }
static member (+) (s:TestSummary, (r,x): TestResult*float) =
{ result = TestResult.max s.result r
count = s.count + 1
meanDuration =
s.meanDuration + (x-s.meanDuration)/float(s.count + 1)
maxDuration = max s.maxDuration x }
type TestRunSummary =
{ results : (FlatTest * TestSummary) list
duration : TimeSpan
maxMemory : int64
memoryLimit : int64
timedOut : FlatTest list
static member fromResults results =
{ results = results
duration =
|> List.sumBy (fun (_,r:TestSummary) -> r.meanDuration)
|> TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds
maxMemory = 0L
memoryLimit = 0L
timedOut = [] }
member x.passed = List.filter (fun (_,r) -> r.result.isPassed) x.results
member x.ignored = List.filter (fun (_,r) -> r.result.isIgnored) x.results
member x.failed = List.filter (fun (_,r) -> r.result.isFailed) x.results
member x.errored = List.filter (fun (_,r) -> r.result.isException) x.results
member x.errorCode =
(if List.isEmpty x.failed then 0 else 1) |||
(if List.isEmpty x.errored then 0 else 2) |||
(if x.maxMemory <= x.memoryLimit then 0 else 4) |||
(if List.isEmpty x.timedOut then 0 else 8)
member x.successful = x.errorCode = 0
let joinWithformat (parts: string list) =
let by = "."
String.concat by parts
/// Hooks to print report through test run
type TestPrinters =
{ /// Called before a test run (e.g. at the top of your main function)
beforeRun: Test -> Async<unit>
/// Called before atomic test (TestCode) is executed.
beforeEach: string -> Async<unit>
/// info
info: string -> Async<unit>
/// test name -> time taken -> unit
passed: string -> TimeSpan -> Async<unit>
/// test name -> ignore message -> unit
ignored: string -> string -> Async<unit>
/// test name -> other message -> time taken -> unit
failed: string -> string -> TimeSpan -> Async<unit>
/// test name -> exception -> time taken -> unit
exn: string -> exn -> TimeSpan -> Async<unit>
/// Prints a summary given the test result counts
summary : TestRunSummary -> Async<unit> }
static member printResult (printer:TestPrinters) (test:FlatTest) (result:TestSummary) =
let name = joinWithformat
match result.result with
| Passed -> printer.passed name result.duration
| Failed message -> printer.failed name message result.duration
| Ignored message -> printer.ignored name message
| Error e -> printer.exn name e result.duration
// Extra functions for Async
module AsyncUtil =
/// Lift a function to Async
let map f xA =
async {
let! x = xA
return f x
/// Apply an Async function to an Async value
let apply fA xA =
async {
// start the two asyncs in parallel
let! fChild = Async.StartChild fA // run in parallel
let! x = xA
// wait for the result of the first one
let! f = fChild
return f x
/// Convert a list of Async into a Async<list> using monadic composition.
/// All the errors are returned. The error type must be a list.
let sequence (asyncList:Async<'a> list) :Async<'a list> =
let (<*>) = apply
let (<!>) = map
let cons head tail = head::tail
let consA headA tailA = cons <!> headA <*> tailA
let initialValue = async.Return [] // empty list inside Async
// loop through the list, prepending each element
// to the initial value
List.foldBack consA asyncList initialValue
module Impl =
let joinWithformat (parts: string list) =
let by = "."
String.concat by parts
/// Flattens a tree of tests
let toTestCodeList (test:Test) :FlatTest list =
let rec loop parentName testList =
| TestLabel (name, test) ->
let fullName =
if List.isEmpty parentName
then [name]
else parentName @ [name]
loop fullName testList test
| TestCase (test) ->
{ name=parentName
} :: testList
| TestList (tests) ->
List.collect (loop parentName testList) tests
loop [] [] test
// per-thread global state for current running test
type private TestNameHolder() =
static val mutable private name : string
static member Name
with get () =
and set name = <- name
let printer : TestPrinters =
let logger level msg = async {printfn "%s%s" level msg }
beforeRun = fun _tests -> logger "Info " "Running tests..."
beforeEach = fun n -> logger "" (sprintf "'%s' starting..." n)
info = fun s -> logger "Info " s
passed = fun n d -> logger "" (sprintf "'%s' passed in %O." n d)
ignored = fun n m -> logger "" (sprintf "'%s' was ignored. %s" n m)
failed = fun n m d -> logger "Error " (sprintf "'%s' failed in %O. %s" n d m)
exn = fun n e d -> logger "Error " (sprintf "'%s' errored in %O. %s" n d e.Message)
summary = fun summary ->
let splitSign = "."
let spirit = if summary.successful then "Success!" else System.String.Empty
let commonAncestor =
let rec loop (ancestor: string) (descendants : string list) =
match descendants with
| [] -> ancestor
| hd::tl when hd.StartsWith(ancestor)->
loop ancestor tl
| _ ->
if ancestor.Contains(splitSign) then
loop (ancestor.Substring(0, ancestor.LastIndexOf splitSign)) descendants
let parentNames =
|> (fun (flatTest, _) ->
if > 1 then
let size = - 1
joinWithformat )
match parentNames with
| [x] -> x
| hd::tl ->
loop hd tl
| _ -> "miscellaneous" //we can't get here
let inline commaString (i:int) = i.ToString("#,##0")
let total = summary.results |> List.sumBy (fun (_,r) -> if r.result.isIgnored then 0 else r.count) |> commaString
let passes = summary.passed |> List.sumBy (fun (_,r) -> r.count) |> commaString
let ignores = summary.ignored |> List.sumBy (fun (_,r) -> r.count) |> commaString
let failures = summary.failed |> List.sumBy (fun (_,r) -> r.count) |> commaString
let errors = summary.errored |> List.sumBy (fun (_,r) -> r.count) |> commaString
logger "" (sprintf "%s tests run in '%s' for %O – %s passed, %s ignored, %s failed, %s errored. %s" total commonAncestor summary.duration passes ignores failures errors spirit)
// run a single test
let execTestAsync (test:FlatTest) : Async<TestSummary> =
async {
let w = Stopwatch.StartNew()
TestNameHolder.Name <- joinWithformat
match test.test with
| Sync test ->
| Async test ->
do! test
return TestSummary.single Passed (float w.ElapsedMilliseconds)
| :? AssertException as e ->
let msg =
"\n" + e.Message + "\n" +
|> Seq.skipWhile (fun l -> l.StartsWith(" at Expecto.Expect."))
|> Seq.truncate 5
|> String.concat "\n")
return TestSummary.single (Failed msg) (float w.ElapsedMilliseconds)
| :? FailedException as e ->
return TestSummary.single (Failed ("\n"+e.Message)) (float w.ElapsedMilliseconds)
| :? IgnoreException as e ->
return TestSummary.single (Ignored e.Message) (float w.ElapsedMilliseconds)
| :? AggregateException as e when e.InnerExceptions.Count = 1 ->
if e.InnerException :? IgnoreException then
return TestSummary.single (Ignored e.InnerException.Message) (float w.ElapsedMilliseconds)
return TestSummary.single (Error e.InnerException) (float w.ElapsedMilliseconds)
| e ->
return TestSummary.single (Error e) (float w.ElapsedMilliseconds)
let execTestsAsync (tests:FlatTest list) =
let evalTestAsync (test:FlatTest) =
let beforeEach (test:FlatTest) =
let name = joinWithformat
//printer.beforeEach name
async.Return ()
async {
let! beforeAsync = beforeEach test |> Async.StartChild
let! result = execTestAsync test
do! beforeAsync
do! TestPrinters.printResult printer test result
return test,result
async {
let w = Stopwatch.StartNew()
let! results =
|> evalTestAsync
|> AsyncUtil.sequence
let testRunSummary : TestRunSummary = {
results = results
duration = w.Elapsed
maxMemory = 0L
memoryLimit = 0L
timedOut = []
do! printer.summary testRunSummary
return testRunSummary.errorCode
module Api =
/// Fail this test
let inline failtest msg = raise <| AssertException msg
/// Fail this test with a formatted message
let inline failtestf fmt = Printf.ksprintf failtest fmt
// create a single test
let inline testCase name test = TestLabel(name, TestCase (Sync test))
// create a single async test
let inline testCaseAsync name test = TestLabel(name, TestCase (Async test))
// create a list of tests
let inline testList name tests = TestLabel(name, TestList (tests))
let runTests (tests:Test list) =
let flatTests = tests |> List.collect Impl.toTestCodeList
Impl.execTestsAsync flatTests |> Async.RunSynchronously
let runTest (test:Test) =
let flatTests = test |> Impl.toTestCodeList
Impl.execTestsAsync flatTests |> Async.RunSynchronously
// This module is your main entry-point when asserting.
/// All expect-functions have the signature
/// actual -> expected -> string -> unit
/// leaving out expected when obvious from the function.
module Expect =
/// Expects the two values to equal each other.
let equal (actual: 'a) (expected: 'a) message =
if expected <> actual then
failtestf "%s. Actual value was not equal to %A but had expected them to be equal." message actual
/// Expects the two values not to equal each other.
let notEqual (actual : 'a) (expected : 'a) message =
if expected = actual then
failtestf "%s. Actual value was equal to %A but had expected them to be non-equal." message actual
/// Expects the value to be a Result.Ok value
/// and returns it or fails the test.
let wantOk x message =
match x with
| Ok x -> x
| Result.Error x ->
failtestf "%s. Expected Ok, was Error(%A)." message x
/// Expects the value to be a Result.Ok value.
let isOk x message = wantOk x message |> ignore
/// Expects the value to be a Result.Error value
/// and returns it or fails the test.
let wantError x message =
match x with
| Ok x ->
failtestf "%s. Expected Error, was Ok(%A)." message x
| Result.Error x -> x
/// Expects the value to be a Result.Error value.
let isError x message = wantError x message |> ignore
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