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Last active April 13, 2022 17:37
Code examples from
(* ===================================
Code from my series of posts "Six approaches to dependency injection"
=================================== *)
open System
(* ======================================================================
4. Dependency Injection
Pass in dependencies AFTER other parameters
====================================================================== *)
type ILogger =
abstract Debug : string -> unit
abstract Info : string -> unit
abstract Error : string -> unit
let defaultLogger = {new ILogger with
member __.Debug str = printfn "DEBUG %s" str
member __.Info str = printfn "INFO %s" str
member __.Error str = printfn "ERROR %s" str
type IConsole =
abstract ReadLn : unit -> string
abstract WriteLn : string -> unit
let defaultConsole = {new IConsole with
member __.ReadLn() = Console.ReadLine()
member __.WriteLn str = printfn "%s" str
type ComparisonResult =
| Bigger
| Smaller
| Equal
// Class with constructor injection
module OODependencyInjection =
// "infrastructure services" passed in via the constructor
type StringComparisons(logger:ILogger) =
member __.CompareTwoStrings str1 str2 =
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Starting"
let result =
if str1 > str2 then
else if str1 < str2 then
logger.Info (sprintf "compareTwoStrings: result=%A" result)
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Finished"
// create the logger
let logger : ILogger = defaultLogger
// construct the class
let stringComparisons = StringComparisons logger
// call the method
stringComparisons.CompareTwoStrings "a" "b"
// logging using a dependency parameter in last place
module FPInjection_DependencyInLastPlace =
let compareTwoStrings str1 str2 (logger:ILogger) =
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Starting"
let result =
if str1 > str2 then
else if str1 < str2 then
logger.Info (sprintf "compareTwoStrings: result=%A" result)
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Finished"
// returning a function
module FPInjection_InterpretedAsReturningAFunction =
let compareTwoStrings str1 str2 =
fun (logger:ILogger) ->
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Starting"
let result =
if str1 > str2 then
else if str1 < str2 then
logger.Info (sprintf "compareTwoStrings: result=%A" result)
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Finished"
// ==================================================
// Reader monad
// ==================================================
type Reader<'env,'a> = Reader of action:('env -> 'a)
module Reader =
/// Run a Reader with a given environment
let run env (Reader action) =
action env // simply call the inner function
/// Create a Reader which returns the environment itself
let ask = Reader id
/// Map a function over a Reader
let map f reader =
Reader (fun env -> f (run env reader))
/// flatMap a function over a Reader
let bind f reader =
let newAction env =
let x = run env reader
run env (f x)
Reader newAction
/// Transform a Reader's environment from subtype to supertype.
let withEnv (f:'superEnv->'subEnv) reader =
Reader (fun superEnv -> (run (f superEnv) reader))
// The new Reader environment is now "superEnv"
type ReaderBuilder() =
member __.Return(x) = Reader (fun _ -> x)
member __.Bind(x,f) = Reader.bind f x
member __.Zero() = Reader (fun _ -> ())
// the builder instance
let reader = ReaderBuilder()
module FPInjection_ReaderMonad =
let compareTwoStrings str1 str2 : Reader<ILogger,ComparisonResult> =
fun (logger:ILogger) ->
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Starting"
let result =
if str1 > str2 then
else if str1 < str2 then
logger.Info (sprintf "compareTwoStrings: result=%A" result)
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Finished"
|> Reader // <------------------ NEW!!!
module FPInjection_ReaderComputationExpression =
let compareTwoStrings str1 str2 =
reader {
let! (logger:ILogger) = Reader.ask
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Starting"
let result =
if str1 > str2 then
else if str1 < str2 then
logger.Info (sprintf "compareTwoStrings: result=%A" result)
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Finished"
return result
let readFromConsole_bad() =
reader {
let! (console:IConsole) = Reader.ask
// let! (logger:ILogger) = Reader.ask // error
console.WriteLn "Enter the first value"
let str1 = console.ReadLn()
console.WriteLn "Enter the second value"
let str2 = console.ReadLn()
return str1,str2
(* ======================================================================
Like any monad, Readers can be chained, composed, etc
Approach 1 - using inheritance
====================================================================== *)
module ReaderComposition_v1 =
let readFromConsole() =
reader {
let! (console:#IConsole) = Reader.ask
let! (logger:#ILogger) = Reader.ask // OK
console.WriteLn "Enter the first value"
let str1 = console.ReadLn()
console.WriteLn "Enter the second value"
let str2 = console.ReadLn()
return str1,str2
let compareTwoStrings str1 str2 =
reader {
let! (logger:#ILogger) = Reader.ask
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Starting"
let result =
if str1 > str2 then
else if str1 < str2 then
logger.Info (sprintf "compareTwoStrings: result=%A" result)
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Finished"
return result
let writeToConsole (result:ComparisonResult) =
reader {
let! (console:#IConsole) = Reader.ask
match result with
| Bigger ->
console.WriteLn "The first value is bigger"
| Smaller ->
console.WriteLn "The first value is smaller"
| Equal ->
console.WriteLn "The values are equal"
// compose them together in a program
type IServices =
inherit ILogger
inherit IConsole
let program :Reader<IServices,_> = reader {
let! str1,str2 = readFromConsole()
let! result = compareTwoStrings str1 str2
do! writeToConsole result
let services =
{ new IServices
interface IConsole with
member __.ReadLn() = defaultConsole.ReadLn()
member __.WriteLn str = defaultConsole.WriteLn str
interface ILogger with
member __.Debug str = defaultLogger.Debug str
member __.Info str = defaultLogger.Info str
member __.Error str = defaultLogger.Error str
// test
open ReaderComposition_v1 services program
(* ======================================================================
Like any monad, Readers can be chained, composed, etc
Approach 2 - using withEnv
====================================================================== *)
module ReaderComposition_v2 =
let readFromConsole() =
reader {
// ask for an IConsole,ILogger pair
let! (console:IConsole),(logger:ILogger) = Reader.ask // a tuple
console.WriteLn "Enter the first value"
let str1 = console.ReadLn()
console.WriteLn "Enter the second value"
let str2 = console.ReadLn()
return str1,str2
let compareTwoStrings str1 str2 =
reader {
// ask for an ILogger
let! (logger:ILogger) = Reader.ask
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Starting"
let result =
if str1 > str2 then
else if str1 < str2 then
logger.Info (sprintf "compareTwoStrings: result=%A" result)
logger.Debug "compareTwoStrings: Finished"
return result
let writeToConsole (result:ComparisonResult) =
reader {
// ask for an IConsole
let! (console:IConsole) = Reader.ask
match result with
| Bigger ->
console.WriteLn "The first value is bigger"
| Smaller ->
console.WriteLn "The first value is smaller"
| Equal ->
console.WriteLn "The values are equal"
type Services = {
Logger : ILogger
Console : IConsole
let program_bad = reader {
let! str1, str2 = readFromConsole()
let! result = compareTwoStrings str1 str2 // error
do! writeToConsole result // error
let program = reader {
// helper functions to transform the environment
let getConsole services = services.Console
let getLogger services = services.Logger
let getConsoleAndLogger services = services.Console,services.Logger // a tuple
let! str1, str2 =
|> Reader.withEnv getConsoleAndLogger
let! result =
compareTwoStrings str1 str2
|> Reader.withEnv getLogger
do! writeToConsole result
|> Reader.withEnv getConsole
let services = {
Console = defaultConsole
Logger = defaultLogger
// test
open ReaderComposition_v2 services program
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