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F# scripts demonstrating a custom state monad. Related blog post:
Demonstrates how the state monad works
See also monadster2.fsx for the refactored version using computation expressions.
Related blog post:
// =================================================================================
// The Common Context (Label,VitalForce)
// =================================================================================
/// All body parts have a label
type Label = string
/// The Animal Electricity needed to create a live part
type VitalForce = {units:int}
// get one unit of vital force and return the unit and the remaining
let getVitalForce vitalForce =
let oneUnit = {units = 1}
let remaining = {units = vitalForce.units-1} // decrement
oneUnit, remaining // return both
// =================================================================================
// The Left Leg
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead left leg lying around in the lab
type DeadLeftLeg = DeadLeftLeg of Label
// and can make a live left leg from it
type LiveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg of Label * VitalForce
// how to make a live thing? -- First approach
module Approach1 =
// version 1 -- the input is a tuple of DeadLeftLeg * VitalForce
type MakeLiveLeftLeg =
DeadLeftLeg * VitalForce -> LiveLeftLeg * VitalForce
let makeLiveLeftLeg (deadLeftLeg,vitalForce) =
// get the label from the dead leg using pattern matching
let (DeadLeftLeg label) = deadLeftLeg
// get one unit of vital force
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
// create a live leg from the label and vital force
let liveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg (label,oneUnit)
// return the leg and the remaining vital force
liveLeftLeg, remainingVitalForce
// version 2 -- the input is a curried version.
module Approach2 =
// First param is DeadLeftLeg, and then VitalForce is a separate param
type MakeLiveLeftLeg =
DeadLeftLeg -> VitalForce -> LiveLeftLeg * VitalForce
let makeLiveLeftLeg deadLeftLeg vitalForce =
let (DeadLeftLeg label) = deadLeftLeg
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg (label,oneUnit)
liveLeftLeg, remainingVitalForce
// version 3 -- the input is a DeadLeftLeg, returning a generator function
module Approach3 =
type MakeLiveLeftLeg =
DeadLeftLeg -> (VitalForce -> LiveLeftLeg * VitalForce)
let makeLiveLeftLeg deadLeftLeg =
// create an inner intermediate function
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let (DeadLeftLeg label) = deadLeftLeg
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg (label,oneUnit)
liveLeftLeg, remainingVitalForce
// return it
// Demonstrates how currying works
module CurryingExample =
// currying example - two parameters
let add_v1 x y =
x + y
// currying example - one parameter
let add_v2 x =
fun y -> x + y
// currying example - intermediate function
let add_v3 x =
let addX y = x + y
addX // return the function
// =================================================================================
// Creating the Monadster type
// =================================================================================
// version 4 -- make the function generic
module Approach4 =
type M<'LiveBodyPart> =
VitalForce -> 'LiveBodyPart * VitalForce
let makeLiveLeftLeg deadLeftLeg :M<LiveLeftLeg> =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let (DeadLeftLeg label) = deadLeftLeg
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg (label,oneUnit)
liveLeftLeg, remainingVitalForce
// final version -- wrap Monadster body part recipe with "M"
type M<'LiveBodyPart> =
M of (VitalForce -> 'LiveBodyPart * VitalForce)
// the creation function looks like this now
let makeLiveLeftLegM deadLeftLeg =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let (DeadLeftLeg label) = deadLeftLeg
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg (label,oneUnit)
liveLeftLeg, remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive // wrap the function in a single case union
// and the function signature is:
// val makeLiveLeftLegM : DeadLeftLeg -> M<LiveLeftLeg>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the left leg
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// create Left Leg
let deadLeftLeg = DeadLeftLeg "Boris"
let leftLegM = makeLiveLeftLegM deadLeftLeg
// pretend that vital force is available
let vf = {units = 10}
let (M innerFn) = leftLegM
let liveLeftLeg, remainingAfterLeftLeg = innerFn vf
//val liveLeftLeg : LiveLeftLeg =
// LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;})
//val remainingAfterLeftLeg : VitalForce =
// {units = 9;}
// encapsulate the function call that "runs" the recipe
let runM (M f) vitalForce = f vitalForce
let liveLeftLeg2, remainingAfterLeftLeg2 = runM leftLegM vf
// =================================================================================
// The Right Leg
// =================================================================================
// no right legs were available -- see the definition of LiveBody later for the workaround
// =================================================================================
// The Left Arm
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead but broken left arm lying around in the lab
type DeadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm of Label
// You can have a live version of the broken arm too.
type LiveLeftBrokenArm = LiveLeftBrokenArm of Label * VitalForce
// There is a live version of a heathly arm, but no dead version
type LiveLeftArm = LiveLeftArm of Label * VitalForce
// However, Dr Frankenfunctor CAN turn a broken left arm into a heathly left arm
type HealBrokenArm = LiveLeftBrokenArm -> LiveLeftArm
// implementation of HealBrokenArm
let healBrokenArm (LiveLeftBrokenArm (label,vf)) = LiveLeftArm (label,vf)
// version 1 - explicit, hard-coded arm type
module HealArm_v1 =
/// convert a M<LiveLeftBrokenArm> into a M<LiveLeftArm>
let makeHealedLeftArm brokenArmM =
// create a new inner function that takes a vitalForce parameter
let healWhileAlive vitalForce =
// run the incoming brokenArmM with the vitalForce
// to get a broken arm
let brokenArm,remainingVitalForce = runM brokenArmM vitalForce
// heal the broken arm
let healedArm = healBrokenArm brokenArm
// return the healed arm and the remaining VitalForce
healedArm, remainingVitalForce
// wrap the inner function and return it
M healWhileAlive
/// Make generic by passing in a "f" to do the transform
/// As a result, it convert a M<'a> into a M<'b>
let makeGenericTransform f brokenArmM =
// create a new inner function that takes a vitalForce parameter
let healWhileAlive vitalForce =
let brokenArm,remainingVitalForce = runM brokenArmM vitalForce
// heal the broken arm using passed in f
let healedArm = f brokenArm
healedArm, remainingVitalForce
M healWhileAlive
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Introducing mapM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A generic map that works with ANY body part
let mapM f bodyPartM =
let transformWhileAlive vitalForce =
let bodyPart,remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce
let updatedBodyPart = f bodyPart
updatedBodyPart, remainingVitalForce
M transformWhileAlive
// signature
// mapM : f:('a -> 'b) -> M<'a> -> M<'b>
// so final version is simple
let healBrokenArmM = mapM healBrokenArm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The importance of mapM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// some examples of map
module TheImportanceOfMap =
// map works with options
let healBrokenArmO = healBrokenArm
// LiveLeftBrokenArm option -> LiveLeftArm option
// map works with lists
let healBrokenArmL = healBrokenArm
// LiveLeftBrokenArm list -> LiveLeftArm list
// conversely, mapM will work with ANY normal type
module MapMWorksWithAllTypes =
let isEven x = (x%2 = 0) // int -> bool
// map it
let isEvenM = mapM isEven // M<int> -> M<bool>
let isEmpty x = (String.length x)=0 // string -> bool
// map it
let isEmptyM = mapM isEmpty // M<string> -> M<bool>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the left arm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm =
let (DeadLeftBrokenArm label) = deadLeftBrokenArm
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveLeftBrokenArm = LiveLeftBrokenArm (label,oneUnit)
liveLeftBrokenArm, remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive
/// create a dead Left Broken Arm
let deadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm "Victor"
/// create a M<BrokenLeftArm> from the dead one
let leftBrokenArmM = makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm
/// create a M<LeftArm> using mapM and healBrokenArm
let leftArmM = leftBrokenArmM |> mapM healBrokenArm
// now we can run it with the vital force
//let vf = {units = 10}
let liveLeftArm, remainingAfterLeftArm = runM leftArmM vf
//val liveLeftArm : LiveLeftArm = LiveLeftArm ("Victor",{units = 1;})
//val remainingAfterLeftArm : VitalForce = {units = 9;}
// =================================================================================
// The Right Arm
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has TWO bits of a right arm, not a whole one
type DeadRightLowerArm = DeadRightLowerArm of Label
type DeadRightUpperArm = DeadRightUpperArm of Label
// which she can turn into LIVE ones
type LiveRightLowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm of Label * VitalForce
type LiveRightUpperArm = LiveRightUpperArm of Label * VitalForce
// and then combine the two live parts to make a whole arm
type LiveRightArm = {
lowerArm : LiveRightLowerArm
upperArm : LiveRightUpperArm
let armSurgery lowerArm upperArm =
{lowerArm=lowerArm; upperArm=upperArm}
/// convert a M<LiveRightLowerArm> and M<LiveRightUpperArm> into a M<LiveRightArm>
let makeArmSurgeryM_v1 lowerArmM upperArmM =
// create a new inner function that takes a vitalForce parameter
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
// run the incoming lowerArmM with the vitalForce
// to get the lower arm
let liveLowerArm,remainingVitalForce = runM lowerArmM vitalForce
// run the incoming upperArmM with the remainingVitalForce
// to get the upper arm
let liveUpperArm,remainingVitalForce2 = runM upperArmM remainingVitalForce
// do the surgery to create a liveRightArm
let liveRightArm = armSurgery liveLowerArm liveUpperArm
// return the whole arm and the SECOND remaining VitalForce
liveRightArm, remainingVitalForce2
// wrap the inner function and return it
M becomeAlive
// This has the correct signature
// M<LiveRightLowerArm> -> M<LiveRightUpperArm> -> M<LiveRightArm>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Introducing map2M
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here is a generic version
let map2M f m1 m2 =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let v1,remainingVitalForce = runM m1 vitalForce
let v2,remainingVitalForce2 = runM m2 remainingVitalForce
let v3 = f v1 v2
v3, remainingVitalForce2
M becomeAlive
// f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> M<'a> -> M<'b> -> M<'c>
// we can then define armSurgeryM using map2M
// let armSurgeryM = map2M armSurgery
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the right arm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveRightLowerArm (DeadRightLowerArm label) =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveRightLowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm (label,oneUnit)
liveRightLowerArm, remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive
let makeLiveRightUpperArm (DeadRightUpperArm label) =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveRightUpperArm = LiveRightUpperArm (label,oneUnit)
liveRightUpperArm, remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive
// create the parts
let deadRightLowerArm = DeadRightLowerArm "Tom"
let lowerRightArmM = makeLiveRightLowerArm deadRightLowerArm
let deadRightUpperArm = DeadRightUpperArm "Jerry"
let upperRightArmM = makeLiveRightUpperArm deadRightUpperArm
// create a function to make a whole arm
let armSurgeryM = map2M armSurgery
let rightArmM = armSurgeryM lowerRightArmM upperRightArmM
let liveRightArm, remainingFromRightArm = runM rightArmM vf
//val liveRightArm : LiveRightArm =
// {lowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm ("Tom",{units = 1;});
// upperArm = LiveRightUpperArm ("Jerry",{units = 1;});}
//val remainingFromRightArm : VitalForce = {units = 8;}
// =================================================================================
// The Head
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead brain and a skull
type DeadBrain = DeadBrain of Label
type Skull = Skull of Label
// Only the brain needs to be made live
type LiveBrain = LiveBrain of Label * VitalForce
// and then the live brain is combined with the skull to make a head
type LiveHead = {
brain : LiveBrain
skull : Skull // not live
let headSurgery brain skull =
{brain=brain; skull=skull}
// Now we need an M<Skull>
// But the Skull doesn't need any vital force.
// We just need to "lift" it into the world of M<_>
let wrapSkullInM skull =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
skull, vitalForce
M becomeAlive
// val wrapSkullInM : 'a -> M<'a>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Introducing returnM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// generic version
let returnM x =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
x, vitalForce
M becomeAlive
// val returnM : 'a -> M<'a>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the head
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveBrain (DeadBrain label) =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveBrain = LiveBrain (label,oneUnit)
liveBrain, remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive
// create the dead parts
let deadBrain = DeadBrain "Abby Normal"
let skull = Skull "Yorick"
// create "M" versions
let liveBrainM = makeLiveBrain deadBrain
let skullM = returnM skull
// combine the parts
let headSurgeryM = map2M headSurgery
let headM = headSurgeryM liveBrainM skullM
// run the head with vital force
let liveHead, remainingFromHead = runM headM vf
//val liveHead : LiveHead = {brain = LiveBrain ("Abby normal",{units = 1;});
// skull = Skull "Yorick";}
//val remainingFromHead : VitalForce = {units = 9;}
// =================================================================================
// The Beating Heart
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead heart
type DeadHeart = DeadHeart of Label
// First, a live heart needs to be made
type LiveHeart = LiveHeart of Label * VitalForce
// and then a beating heart must be made from a LiveHeart
// and some more vital force
type BeatingHeart = BeatingHeart of LiveHeart * VitalForce
let makeLiveHeart (DeadHeart label) =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveHeart = LiveHeart (label,oneUnit)
liveHeart, remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive
let makeBeatingHeart liveHeart =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let beatingHeart = BeatingHeart (liveHeart, oneUnit)
beatingHeart, remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive
//val makeLiveHeart : DeadHeart -> M<LiveHeart>
//val makeBeatingHeart : LiveHeart -> M<BeatingHeart>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// how to connect the two M-generating functions?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// problem is, I can only get a live heart from inside an M,
// not on its own :(
let makeBeatingHeartFromLiveHeartM liveHeartM =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
// extract the liveHeart from liveHeartM
let liveHeart, remainingVitalForce = runM liveHeartM vitalForce
// use the liveHeart to create a beatingHeartM
let beatingHeartM = makeBeatingHeart liveHeart
// what goes here?
// return a beatingHeart and remaining vital force
beatingHeart, remainingVitalForce
// wrap the inner function and return it
M becomeAlive
let makeBeatingHeartFromLiveHeartM liveHeartM =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
// extract the liveHeart from liveHeartM
let liveHeart, remainingVitalForce = runM liveHeartM vitalForce
// use the liveHeart to create a beatingHeartM
let beatingHeartM = makeBeatingHeart liveHeart
// run beatingHeartM to get a beatingHeart
let beatingHeart, remainingVitalForce2 = runM beatingHeartM remainingVitalForce
// return a beatingHeart and remaining vital force
beatingHeart, remainingVitalForce2
// wrap the inner function and return it
M becomeAlive
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Introducing bindM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let bindM f bodyPartM =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let bodyPart, remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce
let newBodyPartM = f bodyPart
let newBodyPart, remainingVitalForce2 = runM newBodyPartM remainingVitalForce
newBodyPart, remainingVitalForce2
M becomeAlive
// val bindM : f:('a -> M<'b>) -> M<'a> -> M<'b>
// alternate version
let bindM' f bodyPartM =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let bodyPart, remainingVitalForce = runM bodyPartM vitalForce
runM (f bodyPart) remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive
// bindM in use
// create a dead heart
let deadHeart = DeadHeart "Anne"
// create a live heart generator (M<LiveHeart>)
let liveHeartM = makeLiveHeart deadHeart
// create a beating heart generator (M<BeatingHeart>)
// from liveHeartM and the makeBeatingHeart function
let beatingHeartM = bindM makeBeatingHeart liveHeartM
// or simpler
let beatingHeartM =
DeadHeart "Anne"
|> makeLiveHeart
|> bindM makeBeatingHeart
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the heart
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let beatingHeartM =
DeadHeart "Anne"
|> makeLiveHeart
|> bindM makeBeatingHeart
let beatingHeart, remainingFromHeart = runM beatingHeartM vf
//val beatingHeart : BeatingHeart =
// BeatingHeart ("Anne",{units = 2;})
//val remainingFromHeart : VitalForce =
// {units = 8;}
// =================================================================================
// The whole body
// =================================================================================
// the live body is assembled from the subcomponents
type LiveBody = {
leftLeg: LiveLeftLeg
rightLeg : LiveLeftLeg
leftArm : LiveLeftArm
rightArm : LiveRightArm
head : LiveHead
heart : BeatingHeart
// how to create this type? there are 6 fields!
// we could create a series of map functions.
// e.g. map3M looks like this
let map3M f m1 m2 m3 =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let v1,remainingVitalForce = runM m1 vitalForce
let v2,remainingVitalForce2 = runM m2 remainingVitalForce
let v3,remainingVitalForce3 = runM m3 remainingVitalForce2
let v4 = f v1 v2 v3
v4, remainingVitalForce3
M becomeAlive
// but that is tedious.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Introducing applyM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// let's use a generic way
let applyM mf mx =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let f,remainingVitalForce = runM mf vitalForce
let x,remainingVitalForce2 = runM mx remainingVitalForce
let y = f x
y, remainingVitalForce2
M becomeAlive
// val applyM : M<('a -> 'b)> -> M<'a> -> M<'b>
// a function to create the body
let createBody leftLeg rightLeg leftArm rightArm head beatingHeart =
leftLeg = leftLeg
rightLeg = rightLeg
leftArm = leftArm
rightArm = rightArm
head = head
heart = beatingHeart
// val createBody : LiveLeftLeg -> LiveLeftLeg -> LiveLeftArm -> LiveRightArm -> LiveHead -> BeatingHeart -> LiveBody
// clone the left leg
let rightLegM = leftLegM
// this is an example of using applyM, but in a ugly way
module UglyApplicativeExample =
let sixParamM = returnM createBody // move to M-world
let fiveParamM = applyM sixParamM leftLegM // apply first M-param
let fourParamM = applyM fiveParamM rightLegM // apply second M-param
let threeParamM = applyM fourParamM leftArmM
let twoParamM = applyM threeParamM rightArmM
let oneParamM = applyM twoParamM headM
let bodyM = applyM oneParamM beatingHeartM // result is a M<LiveBody>
// short cut
let (<*>) = applyM
// this is an example of using applyM in a nicer way
module InfixApplicativeExample =
let bodyM =
returnM createBody
<*> leftLegM
<*> rightLegM
<*> leftArmM
<*> rightArmM
<*> headM
<*> beatingHeartM
// another short cut
let (<!>) = mapM
let bodyM =
<!> leftLegM
<*> rightLegM
<*> leftArmM
<*> rightArmM
<*> headM
<*> beatingHeartM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the whole body
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// It's alive!
let liveBody, remainingFromBody = runM bodyM vf
//val liveBody : LiveBody =
// {leftLeg = LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;});
// rightLeg = LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;});
// leftArm = LiveLeftArm ("Victor",{units = 1;});
// rightArm = {lowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm ("Tom",{units = 1;});
// upperArm = LiveRightUpperArm ("Jerry",{units = 1;});};
// head = {brain = LiveBrain ("Abby Normal",{units = 1;});
// skull = Skull "Yorick";};
// heart = BeatingHeart (LiveHeart ("Anne",{units = 1;}),{units = 1;});}
//val remainingFromBody : VitalForce = {units = 2;}
The monadster code refactored to use computation expressions
See also monadster.fsx for the original version.
Related blog post:
// =================================================================================
// The Common Context (Label,VitalForce)
// =================================================================================
/// All body parts have a label
type Label = string
/// The Animal Electricity needed to create a live part
type VitalForce = {units:int}
// get one unit of vital force and return the unit and the remaining
let getVitalForce vitalForce =
let oneUnit = {units = 1}
let remaining = {units = vitalForce.units-1} // decrement
oneUnit, remaining // return both
// =================================================================================
// Monadster type and associated functions
// =================================================================================
// Wrap Monadster body part recipe with "M"
type M<'LiveBodyPart> =
M of (VitalForce -> 'LiveBodyPart * VitalForce)
// encapsulate the function call that "runs" the recipe
let runM (M f) vitalForce = f vitalForce
// lift a value to M
let returnM x =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
x, vitalForce
M becomeAlive
// val returnM : 'a -> M<'a>
// transform a function
let bindM f xM =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let x, remainingVitalForce = runM xM vitalForce
runM (f x) remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creating a monster
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
type MonsterBuilder()=
member this.Return(x) = returnM x
member this.ReturnFrom(xM) = xM
member this.Bind(xM,f) = bindM f xM
let monster = new MonsterBuilder()
// usage
monster {
let! x = xM // unwrap an M<X> into an X and bind to "x"
return y // wrap a Y and return an M<Y>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefining mapM and the others
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mapM can be implemented using monster
let mapM f xM =
monster {
let! x = xM // unwrap the M<X>
return f x // return M of (f x)
// val mapM : f:('a -> 'b) -> M<'a> -> M<'b>
// map2M can be implemented using monster
let map2M f xM yM =
monster {
let! x = xM // unwrap M<X>
let! y = yM // unwrap M<Y>
return f x y // return M of (f x y)
// val map2M : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> M<'a> -> M<'b> -> M<'c>
// applyM can be implemented using monster
let applyM fM xM =
monster {
let! f = fM // unwrap M<F>
let! x = xM // unwrap M<X>
return f x // return M of (f x)
// val applyM : M<('a -> 'b)> -> M<'a> -> M<'b>
// short cuts
let (<*>) = applyM
let (<!>) = mapM
// =================================================================================
// Get/Put state
// =================================================================================
let getM =
let doSomethingWhileLive vitalForce =
// return the current vital force in the first element of the tuple
vitalForce, vitalForce
M doSomethingWhileLive
// getterM is a M-value containing vital force
// val getterM : M<VitalForce>
let putM newVitalForce =
let doSomethingWhileLive vitalForce =
// return nothing in the first element of the tuple
// return the newVitalForce in the second element of the tuple
(), newVitalForce
M doSomethingWhileLive
// setterM is a function
// val setterM : VitalForce -> M<unit>
// =================================================================================
// Combining the getM and putM functions
// =================================================================================
// combine get and put to extract one unit
let useUpOneUnitM =
monster {
let! vitalForce = getM
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
do! putM remainingVitalForce
return oneUnit
// useUpOneUnitM is a M-value containing vital force
// val useUpOneUnitM : M<VitalForce>
// =================================================================================
// The Left Leg
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead left leg lying around in the lab
type DeadLeftLeg = DeadLeftLeg of Label
// and can make a live left leg from it
type LiveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg of Label * VitalForce
// old version with explicit handling of vital force
let makeLiveLeftLegM_old deadLeftLeg =
let becomeAlive vitalForce =
let (DeadLeftLeg label) = deadLeftLeg
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
let liveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg (label,oneUnit)
liveLeftLeg, remainingVitalForce
M becomeAlive // wrap the function in a single case union
// new version with implicit handling of vital force
let makeLiveLeftLegM deadLeftLeg =
monster {
let (DeadLeftLeg label) = deadLeftLeg
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitM
return LiveLeftLeg (label,oneUnit)
/// create Left Leg
let deadLeftLeg = DeadLeftLeg "Boris"
let leftLegM = makeLiveLeftLegM deadLeftLeg
// pretend that vital force is available
let vf = {units = 10}
let liveLeftLeg, remainingAfterLeftLeg = runM leftLegM vf
//val liveLeftLeg : LiveLeftLeg =
// LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;})
//val remainingAfterLeftLeg : VitalForce =
// {units = 9;}
// =================================================================================
// The Right Leg
// =================================================================================
// no right legs were available -- see the definition of LiveBody later for the workaround
// =================================================================================
// The Left Arm
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead but broken left arm lying around in the lab
type DeadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm of Label
// You can have a live version of the broken arm too.
type LiveLeftBrokenArm = LiveLeftBrokenArm of Label * VitalForce
// There is a live version of a heathly arm, but no dead version
type LiveLeftArm = LiveLeftArm of Label * VitalForce
// implementation of HealBrokenArm
let healBrokenArm (LiveLeftBrokenArm (label,vf)) = LiveLeftArm (label,vf)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the left arm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm =
monster {
let (DeadLeftBrokenArm label) = deadLeftBrokenArm
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitM
return LiveLeftBrokenArm (label,oneUnit)
/// create a dead Left Broken Arm
let deadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm "Victor"
/// create a M<BrokenLeftArm> from the dead one
let leftBrokenArmM = makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm
/// create a M<LeftArm> using mapM and healBrokenArm
let leftArmM = leftBrokenArmM |> mapM healBrokenArm
// now we can run it with the vital force
//let vf = {units = 10}
let liveLeftArm, remainingAfterLeftArm = runM leftArmM vf
//val liveLeftArm : LiveLeftArm = LiveLeftArm ("Victor",{units = 1;})
//val remainingAfterLeftArm : VitalForce = {units = 9;}
// =================================================================================
// The Right Arm
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has TWO bits of a right arm, not a whole one
type DeadRightLowerArm = DeadRightLowerArm of Label
type DeadRightUpperArm = DeadRightUpperArm of Label
// which she can turn into LIVE ones
type LiveRightLowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm of Label * VitalForce
type LiveRightUpperArm = LiveRightUpperArm of Label * VitalForce
// and then combine the two live parts to make a whole arm
type LiveRightArm = {
lowerArm : LiveRightLowerArm
upperArm : LiveRightUpperArm
let armSurgery lowerArm upperArm =
{lowerArm=lowerArm; upperArm=upperArm}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the right arm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveRightLowerArm (DeadRightLowerArm label) =
monster {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitM
return LiveRightLowerArm (label,oneUnit)
let makeLiveRightUpperArm (DeadRightUpperArm label) =
monster {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitM
return LiveRightUpperArm (label,oneUnit)
// create the M-parts
let lowerRightArmM = DeadRightLowerArm "Tom" |> makeLiveRightLowerArm
let upperRightArmM = DeadRightUpperArm "Jerry" |> makeLiveRightUpperArm
// turn armSurgery into an M-function
let armSurgeryM = map2M armSurgery
// do surgery to combine the two M-parts into a new M-part
let rightArmM = armSurgeryM lowerRightArmM upperRightArmM
// simpler version of rightArmM that eliminates need for
// special `armSurgery` and `armSurgeryM ` functions
let rightArmM_simpler = monster {
let! lowerArm = DeadRightLowerArm "Tom" |> makeLiveRightLowerArm
let! upperArm = DeadRightUpperArm "Jerry" |> makeLiveRightUpperArm
return {lowerArm=lowerArm; upperArm=upperArm}
// run it
let liveRightArm, remainingFromRightArm = runM rightArmM vf
//val liveRightArm : LiveRightArm =
// {lowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm ("Tom",{units = 1;});
// upperArm = LiveRightUpperArm ("Jerry",{units = 1;});}
//val remainingFromRightArm : VitalForce = {units = 8;}
// =================================================================================
// The Head
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead brain and a skull
type DeadBrain = DeadBrain of Label
type Skull = Skull of Label
// Only the brain needs to be made live
type LiveBrain = LiveBrain of Label * VitalForce
// and then the live brain is combined with the skull to make a head
type LiveHead = {
brain : LiveBrain
skull : Skull // not live
let headSurgery brain skull =
{brain=brain; skull=skull}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the head
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveBrain (DeadBrain label) =
monster {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitM
return LiveBrain (label,oneUnit)
// create the dead parts
let deadBrain = DeadBrain "Abby Normal"
let skull = Skull "Yorick"
// create "M" versions
let liveBrainM = makeLiveBrain deadBrain
let skullM = returnM skull
// combine the parts
let headSurgeryM = map2M headSurgery
let headM = headSurgeryM liveBrainM skullM
// simpler version of rightArmM that eliminates need for
// special `headSurgery` and `headSurgeryM ` functions
let headM_simpler = monster {
let! brain= makeLiveBrain deadBrain
return {brain=brain; skull=skull}
// run the head with vital force
let liveHead, remainingFromHead = runM headM vf
//val liveHead : LiveHead = {brain = LiveBrain ("Abby normal",{units = 1;});
// skull = Skull "Yorick";}
//val remainingFromHead : VitalForce = {units = 9;}
// =================================================================================
// The Beating Heart
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead heart
type DeadHeart = DeadHeart of Label
// First, a live heart needs to be made
type LiveHeart = LiveHeart of Label * VitalForce
// and then a beating heart must be made from a LiveHeart
// and some more vital force
type BeatingHeart = BeatingHeart of LiveHeart * VitalForce
let makeLiveHeart (DeadHeart label) =
monster {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitM
return LiveHeart (label,oneUnit)
let makeBeatingHeart liveHeart =
monster {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitM
return BeatingHeart (liveHeart,oneUnit)
//val makeLiveHeart : DeadHeart -> M<LiveHeart>
//val makeBeatingHeart : LiveHeart -> M<BeatingHeart>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the heart
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let beatingHeartM =
monster {
let! liveHeart = DeadHeart "Anne" |> makeLiveHeart
return! makeBeatingHeart liveHeart
let beatingHeart, remainingFromHeart = runM beatingHeartM vf
//val beatingHeart : BeatingHeart =
// BeatingHeart (LiveHeart ("Anne",{units = 1;}),{units = 1;})
//val remainingFromHeart : VitalForce =
// {units = 8;}
// =================================================================================
// The whole body
// =================================================================================
// the live body is assembled from the subcomponents
type LiveBody = {
leftLeg: LiveLeftLeg
rightLeg : LiveLeftLeg
leftArm : LiveLeftArm
rightArm : LiveRightArm
head : LiveHead
heart : BeatingHeart
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creating the body using applicatives
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// a function to create the body
let createBody leftLeg rightLeg leftArm rightArm head beatingHeart =
leftLeg = leftLeg
rightLeg = rightLeg
leftArm = leftArm
rightArm = rightArm
head = head
heart = beatingHeart
// val createBody : LiveLeftLeg -> LiveLeftLeg -> LiveLeftArm -> LiveRightArm -> LiveHead -> BeatingHeart -> LiveBody
// clone the left leg
let rightLegM = leftLegM
let bodyM_v1 =
<!> leftLegM
<*> rightLegM
<*> leftArmM
<*> rightArmM
<*> headM
<*> beatingHeartM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creating the body using bind
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// a function to create a M-body given all the M-parts
let createBodyM leftLegM rightLegM leftArmM rightArmM headM beatingHeartM =
monster {
let! leftLeg = leftLegM
let! rightLeg = rightLegM
let! leftArm = leftArmM
let! rightArm = rightArmM
let! head = headM
let! beatingHeart = beatingHeartM
// create the record
return {
leftLeg = leftLeg
rightLeg = rightLeg
leftArm = leftArm
rightArm = rightArm
head = head
heart = beatingHeart
// create the M-body
let bodyM = createBodyM leftLegM rightLegM leftArmM rightArmM headM beatingHeartM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the whole body
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let liveBody, remainingFromBody = runM bodyM vf
//val liveBody : LiveBody =
// {leftLeg = LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;});
// rightLeg = LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;});
// leftArm = LiveLeftArm ("Victor",{units = 1;});
// rightArm = {lowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm ("Tom",{units = 1;});
// upperArm = LiveRightUpperArm ("Jerry",{units = 1;});};
// head = {brain = LiveBrain ("Abby Normal",{units = 1;});
// skull = Skull "Yorick";};
// heart = BeatingHeart (LiveHeart ("Anne",{units = 1;}),{units = 1;});}
//val remainingFromBody : VitalForce = {units = 2;}
Demonstrates how the state monad works using computation expressions
See also monadster.fsx for the original version.
Related blog post:
// =================================================================================
// State type and associated functions
// =================================================================================
type S<'State,'Value> =
S of ('State -> 'Value * 'State)
// encapsulate the function call that "runs" the state
let runS (S f) state = f state
// lift a value to the S-world
let returnS x =
let run state =
x, state
S run
// lift a monadic function to the S-world
let bindS f xS =
let run state =
let x, newState = runS xS state
runS (f x) newState
S run
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creating a state
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
type StateBuilder()=
member this.Return(x) = returnS x
member this.ReturnFrom(xS) = xS
member this.Bind(xS,f) = bindS f xS
let state = new StateBuilder()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefining mapS and the others
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mapS can be implemented using state
let mapS f xS = state {
let! x = xS // unwrap the S<X>
return f x // return S of (f x)
// val mapS : f:('a -> 'b) -> M<'a> -> M<'b>
// map2S can be implemented using state
let map2S f xM yM = state {
let! x = xM // unwrap M<X>
let! y = yM // unwrap M<Y>
return f x y // return M of (f x y)
// val map2S : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> M<'a> -> M<'b> -> M<'c>
// applyS can be implemented using state
let applyS fM xM = state {
let! f = fM // unwrap M<F>
let! x = xM // unwrap M<X>
return f x // return M of (f x)
// val applyS : M<('a -> 'b)> -> M<'a> -> M<'b>
// short cuts
let (<*>) = applyS
let (<!>) = mapS
// =================================================================================
// Get/Set state
// =================================================================================
let getS =
let run state =
// return the current state in the first element of the tuple
state, state
S run
// val getS : S<State>
let putS newState =
let run _ =
// return nothing in the first element of the tuple
// return the newState in the second element of the tuple
(), newState
S run
// val putS : 'State -> S<unit>
// =================================================================================
// The Common Context (Label,VitalForce)
// =================================================================================
/// All body parts have a label
type Label = string
/// The Animal Electricity needed to create a live part
type VitalForce = {units:int}
// get one unit of vital force and return the unit and the remaining
let getVitalForce vitalForce =
let oneUnit = {units = 1}
let remaining = {units = vitalForce.units-1} // decrement
oneUnit, remaining // return both
// pretend that vital force is available
let vf = {units = 10}
// =================================================================================
// Combining the getM and putM functions
// =================================================================================
// combine get and put to extract one unit
let useUpOneUnitS = state {
let! vitalForce = getS
let oneUnit, remainingVitalForce = getVitalForce vitalForce
do! putS remainingVitalForce
return oneUnit
// =================================================================================
// The Left Leg
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead left leg lying around in the lab
type DeadLeftLeg = DeadLeftLeg of Label
// and can make a live left leg from it
type LiveLeftLeg = LiveLeftLeg of Label * VitalForce
// new version with implicit handling of vital force
let makeLiveLeftLegS (DeadLeftLeg label) = state {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitS
return LiveLeftLeg (label,oneUnit)
/// create Left Leg
let deadLeftLeg = DeadLeftLeg "Boris"
let leftLegS = makeLiveLeftLegS deadLeftLeg
let liveLeftLeg, remainingAfterLeftLeg = runS leftLegS vf
//val liveLeftLeg : LiveLeftLeg =
// LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;})
//val remainingAfterLeftLeg : VitalForce =
// {units = 9;}
// =================================================================================
// The Right Leg
// =================================================================================
// no right legs were available -- see the definition of LiveBody later for the workaround
// =================================================================================
// The Left Arm
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead but broken left arm lying around in the lab
type DeadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm of Label
// You can have a live version of the broken arm too.
type LiveLeftBrokenArm = LiveLeftBrokenArm of Label * VitalForce
// There is a live version of a heathly arm, but no dead version
type LiveLeftArm = LiveLeftArm of Label * VitalForce
// implementation of HealBrokenArm
let healBrokenArm (LiveLeftBrokenArm (label,vf)) = LiveLeftArm (label,vf)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the left arm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm = state {
let (DeadLeftBrokenArm label) = deadLeftBrokenArm
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitS
return LiveLeftBrokenArm (label,oneUnit)
/// create a dead Left Broken Arm
let deadLeftBrokenArm = DeadLeftBrokenArm "Victor"
/// create a M<BrokenLeftArm> from the dead one
let leftBrokenArmS = makeLiveLeftBrokenArm deadLeftBrokenArm
/// create a M<LeftArm> using mapS and healBrokenArm
let leftArmS = leftBrokenArmS |> mapS healBrokenArm
// now we can run it with the vital force
//let vf = {units = 10}
let liveLeftArm, remainingAfterLeftArm = runS leftArmS vf
//val liveLeftArm : LiveLeftArm = LiveLeftArm ("Victor",{units = 1;})
//val remainingAfterLeftArm : VitalForce = {units = 9;}
// =================================================================================
// The Right Arm
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has TWO bits of a right arm, not a whole one
type DeadRightLowerArm = DeadRightLowerArm of Label
type DeadRightUpperArm = DeadRightUpperArm of Label
// which she can turn into LIVE ones
type LiveRightLowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm of Label * VitalForce
type LiveRightUpperArm = LiveRightUpperArm of Label * VitalForce
// and then combine the two live parts to make a whole arm
type LiveRightArm = {
lowerArm : LiveRightLowerArm
upperArm : LiveRightUpperArm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the right arm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveRightLowerArm (DeadRightLowerArm label) = state {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitS
return LiveRightLowerArm (label,oneUnit)
let makeLiveRightUpperArm (DeadRightUpperArm label) = state {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitS
return LiveRightUpperArm (label,oneUnit)
let rightArmS = state {
let! lowerArm = DeadRightLowerArm "Tom" |> makeLiveRightLowerArm
let! upperArm = DeadRightUpperArm "Jerry" |> makeLiveRightUpperArm
return {lowerArm=lowerArm; upperArm=upperArm}
// run it
let liveRightArm, remainingFromRightArm = runS rightArmS vf
//val liveRightArm : LiveRightArm =
// {lowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm ("Tom",{units = 1;});
// upperArm = LiveRightUpperArm ("Jerry",{units = 1;});}
//val remainingFromRightArm : VitalForce = {units = 8;}
// =================================================================================
// The Head
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead brain and a skull
type DeadBrain = DeadBrain of Label
type Skull = Skull of Label
// Only the brain needs to be made live
type LiveBrain = LiveBrain of Label * VitalForce
// and then the live brain is combined with the skull to make a head
type LiveHead = {
brain : LiveBrain
skull : Skull // not live
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the head
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let makeLiveBrain (DeadBrain label) = state {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitS
return LiveBrain (label,oneUnit)
// create the dead parts
let deadBrain = DeadBrain "Abby Normal"
let skull = Skull "Yorick"
// combine the parts
let headS = state {
let! brain = makeLiveBrain deadBrain
return {brain=brain; skull=skull}
// run the head with vital force
let liveHead, remainingFromHead = runS headS vf
//val liveHead : LiveHead = {brain = LiveBrain ("Abby normal",{units = 1;});
// skull = Skull "Yorick";}
//val remainingFromHead : VitalForce = {units = 9;}
// =================================================================================
// The Beating Heart
// =================================================================================
// Dr Frankenfunctor has a dead heart
type DeadHeart = DeadHeart of Label
// First, a live heart needs to be made
type LiveHeart = LiveHeart of Label * VitalForce
// and then a beating heart must be made from a LiveHeart
// and some more vital force
type BeatingHeart = BeatingHeart of LiveHeart * VitalForce
let makeLiveHeart (DeadHeart label) = state {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitS
return LiveHeart (label,oneUnit)
let makeBeatingHeart liveHeart = state {
let! oneUnit = useUpOneUnitS
return BeatingHeart (liveHeart,oneUnit)
//val makeLiveHeart : DeadHeart -> S<LiveHeart>
//val makeBeatingHeart : LiveHeart -> S<BeatingHeart>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the heart
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let beatingHeartS = state {
let! liveHeart = DeadHeart "Anne" |> makeLiveHeart
return! makeBeatingHeart liveHeart
let beatingHeart, remainingFromHeart = runS beatingHeartS vf
//val beatingHeart : BeatingHeart =
// BeatingHeart (LiveHeart ("Anne",{units = 1;}),{units = 1;})
//val remainingFromHeart : VitalForce =
// {units = 8;}
// =================================================================================
// The whole body
// =================================================================================
// the live body is assembled from the subcomponents
type LiveBody = {
leftLeg: LiveLeftLeg
rightLeg : LiveLeftLeg
leftArm : LiveLeftArm
rightArm : LiveRightArm
head : LiveHead
heart : BeatingHeart
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creating the body using state
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let bodyS = state {
let! leftLeg = leftLegS
let! rightLeg = leftLegS
let! leftArm = leftArmS
let! rightArm = rightArmS
let! head = headS
let! beatingHeart = beatingHeartS
// create the record
return {
leftLeg = leftLeg
rightLeg = rightLeg
leftArm = leftArm
rightArm = rightArm
head = head
heart = beatingHeart
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing the whole body
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let liveBody, remainingFromBody = runS bodyS vf
//val liveBody : LiveBody =
// {leftLeg = LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;});
// rightLeg = LiveLeftLeg ("Boris",{units = 1;});
// leftArm = LiveLeftArm ("Victor",{units = 1;});
// rightArm = {lowerArm = LiveRightLowerArm ("Tom",{units = 1;});
// upperArm = LiveRightUpperArm ("Jerry",{units = 1;});};
// head = {brain = LiveBrain ("Abby Normal",{units = 1;});
// skull = Skull "Yorick";};
// heart = BeatingHeart (LiveHeart ("Anne",{units = 1;}),{units = 1;});}
//val remainingFromBody : VitalForce = {units = 2;}
// =================================================================================
// Example of using state expressions for a stack
// =================================================================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define a stack and helpers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// define the type to use as the state
type Stack<'a> = Stack of 'a list
// define pop outside of state expressions
let popStack (Stack contents) =
match contents with
| [] -> failwith "Stack underflow"
| head::tail ->
head, (Stack tail)
// define push outside of state expressions
let pushStack newTop (Stack contents) =
Stack (newTop::contents)
// define an empty stack
let emptyStack = Stack []
// get the value of the stack when run
// starting with the empty stack
let getValue stackM =
runS stackM emptyStack |> fst
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// define the customized getter and putter
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let pop() = state {
let! stack = getS
let top, remainingStack = popStack stack
do! putS remainingStack
return top
let push newTop = state {
let! stack = getS
let newStack = pushStack newTop stack
do! putS newStack
return ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// hello world
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let helloWorldS = state {
do! push "world"
do! push "hello"
let! top1 = pop()
let! top2 = pop()
let combined = top1 + " " + top2
return combined
let helloWorld = getValue helloWorldS // "hello world"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// stack calculator
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let one = state {do! push 1}
let two = state {do! push 2}
let add = state {
let! top1 = pop()
let! top2 = pop()
do! push (top1 + top2)
let three = state {
do! one
do! two
do! add
let five = state {
do! two
do! three
do! add
let calculate stackOperations = state {
do! stackOperations
let! top = pop()
return top
let threeN = calculate three |> getValue // 3
let fiveN = calculate five |> getValue // 5
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