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Examples of creating constrained types in F#
// General hints on defining types with constraints or invariants
// Just as in C#, use a private constructor
// and expose "factory" methods that enforce the constraints
// In F#, only classes can have private constructors with public members.
// If you want to use the record and DU types, the whole type becomes
// private, which means that you also need to provide:
// * a constructor function ("create").
// * a function to extract the internal data ("value").
// This is marginally annoying, but you can always use the C# approach if you like!
// OTOH, your opaque types really ARE opaque!
// The other alternative is to use signature files (which are not discussed here)
module ConstrainedTypes =
open System
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained String50 (FP-style)
// ---------------------------------------------
/// Type with constraint that value must be non-null
/// and <= 50 chars.
type String50 = private String50 of string
/// Module containing functions related to String50 type
module String50 =
// NOTE: these functions can access the internals of the
// type because they are in the same scope (namespace/module)
/// constructor
let create str =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
elif String.length str > 50 then
Some (String50 str)
// function used to extract data since type is private
let value (String50 str) = str
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained String50 (object-oriented style)
// ---------------------------------------------
/// Class with constraint that value must be non-null
/// and <= 50 chars.
type OOString50 private(str) =
/// constructor
static member Create str =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
elif String.length str > 50 then
Some (OOString50(str))
/// extractor
member this.Value = str
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained AtLeastOne (FP style)
// ---------------------------------------------
/// Type with constraint that at least one of the fields
/// must be set.
type AtLeastOne = private {
A : int option
B : int option
C : int option
/// Module containing functions related to AtLeastOne type
module AtLeastOne =
/// constructor
let create aOpt bOpt cOpt =
match aOpt,bOpt,cOpt with
| (Some a,_,_) -> Some <| {A = aOpt; B=bOpt; C=cOpt}
| (_,Some b,_) -> Some <| {A = aOpt; B=bOpt; C=cOpt}
| (_,_,Some c) -> Some <| {A = aOpt; B=bOpt; C=cOpt}
| _ -> None
// This might fail, so return option -- caller must test for None
// These three always succeed, no need to test for None
let createWhenAExists a bOpt cOpt =
{A = Some a; B=bOpt; C=cOpt}
let createWhenBExists aOpt b cOpt =
{A = aOpt; B=Some b; C=cOpt}
let createWhenCExists aOpt bOpt c =
{A = aOpt; B=bOpt; C=Some c}
// function used to extract data since type is private
let value atLeastOne =
let a = atLeastOne.A
let b = atLeastOne.B
let c = atLeastOne.C
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained AtLeastOne (object-oriented style)
// ---------------------------------------------
/// Class with constraint that at least one of the fields
/// must be set.
type OOAtLeastOne private (aOpt:int option,bOpt:int option,cOpt:int option) =
/// constructor
static member create(aOpt,bOpt,cOpt) =
match aOpt,bOpt,cOpt with
| (Some a,_,_) -> Some <| OOAtLeastOne(aOpt,bOpt,cOpt )
| (_,Some b,_) -> Some <| OOAtLeastOne(aOpt,bOpt,cOpt )
| (_,_,Some c) -> Some <| OOAtLeastOne(aOpt,bOpt,cOpt )
| _ -> None
// These three always succeed, no need to test for None
static member createWhenAExists(a,bOpt,cOpt) =
OOAtLeastOne(Some a,bOpt,cOpt)
static member createWhenBExists(aOpt,b,cOpt) =
OOAtLeastOne(aOpt,Some b,cOpt)
static member createWhenCExists(aOpt,bOpt,c) =
OOAtLeastOne(aOpt,bOpt,Some c)
member this.Value =
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained DU (FP style)
// ---------------------------------------------
/// DU with constraint that classification must be done correctly
type NumberClass =
| IsPositive of int // int must be > 0
| IsNegative of int // int must be < 0
| Zero
/// Module containing functions related to NumberClass type
module NumberClass =
let create i =
if i > 0 then IsPositive i
elif i < 0 then IsNegative i
else Zero
// active pattern used to extract data since type is private
let (|IsPositive|IsNegative|Zero|) numberClass =
match numberClass with
| IsPositive i -> IsPositive i
| IsNegative i -> IsNegative i
| Zero -> Zero
// ======================================================
// This client attempts to use the types defined above
// ======================================================
module Client =
open ConstrainedTypes
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained String50 (FP-style)
// ---------------------------------------------
let s50Bad = String50 "abc"
// ERROR: The union cases or fields of the type 'String50' are not accessible from this code location
let s50opt = String50.create "abc"
|> String50.value
|> (fun s -> s.ToUpper())
|> Option.iter (printfn "%s")
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained String50 (object-oriented style)
// ---------------------------------------------
let ooS50Bad = OOString50("abc")
// ERROR: This type has no accessible object constructors
let ooS50opt = OOString50.Create "abc"
|> (fun s -> s.Value)
|> (fun s -> s.ToUpper())
|> Option.iter (printfn "%s")
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained AtLeastOne (FP style)
// ---------------------------------------------
let atLeastOneBad = {A=None; B=None; C=None}
// ERROR: The union cases or fields of the type 'AtLeastOne' are not accessible from this code location
let atLeastOne_BOnly = AtLeastOne.create None (Some 2) None
match atLeastOne_BOnly with
| Some x -> x |> AtLeastOne.value |> printfn "%A"
| None -> printfn "Not valid"
let atLeastOne_AOnly = AtLeastOne.createWhenAExists 1 None None
let atLeastOne_AB = AtLeastOne.createWhenAExists 1 (Some 2) None
atLeastOne_AB |> AtLeastOne.value |> printfn "%A"
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained AtLeastOne (OO style)
// ---------------------------------------------
let ooAtLeastOneBad = OOAtLeastOne(None, None, None) // This type has no accessible object constructors
let atLeastOne_BOnly = OOAtLeastOne.create(None,Some 2,None)
match atLeastOne_BOnly with
| Some x -> printfn "%A" x.Value
| None -> printfn "Not valid"
let ooAtLeastOne_AOnly = OOAtLeastOne.createWhenAExists(1,None,None)
let ooAtLeastOne_AB = OOAtLeastOne.createWhenAExists(1,Some 2,None)
ooAtLeastOne_AB.Value |> printfn "A=%A"
// ---------------------------------------------
// Constrained DU (FP style)
// ---------------------------------------------
// attempt to create a bad value
let numberClassBad = IsPositive -1
// ERROR: The union cases or fields of the type 'NumberClass' are not accessible from this code location
let numberClass = NumberClass.create -1
// this fails because the DU cases are not accessible
match numberClass with
| IsPositive i -> printfn "%i is positive" i
| IsNegative i -> printfn "%i is negative" i
| Zero -> printfn "is zero"
open NumberClass // bring active pattern into scope
// this works because the active pattern is being used.
match numberClass with
| IsPositive i -> printfn "%i is positive" i
| IsNegative i -> printfn "%i is negative" i
| Zero -> printfn "is zero"
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gdennie commented May 29, 2020

Further to davidglassborow comment above and arthurborisow, there is the possibility to override the value constructors as follows... Microsoft (R) F# Interactive version for F# 4.7

open System
type String50 = 
   | String50 of string
   | Invalid50 of string
let String50 str = 
   if String.IsNullOrEmpty str then Invalid50 str
   elif String.length str > 50 then Invalid50 str
   else String50 str
let Invalid50 = String50


> String50 "";;
val it : String50 = Invalid ""

> String50 "sdfd";;
val it : String50 = String50 "sdfd"

> Invalid50 "";;
val it : String50 = Invalid ""

> Invalid50 "fsd";;
val it : String50 = String50 "fsd"

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@gdennie, that works mostly, but you'll still loose any access to other members on the type, if there are any. Unless you rename the type different from the case name, but that opens the original value constructors again through qualified access.

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@gdennie see further discussions on this in the fs-lang suggestions repo here

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dedale commented Jan 5, 2021

When dealing with record types, you might need to add public getters like here.

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