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Created May 24, 2013 09:15
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Railway oriented programming code from
module CoreTypes =
type Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure> =
| Success of 'TSuccess
| Failure of 'TFailure
type Request = {name:string; email:string}
module BindExample1 =
open CoreTypes
let validateInput input =
if = "" then Failure "Name must not be blank"
else if = "" then Failure "Email must not be blank"
else Success input
let bind switchFunction =
fun twoTrackInput ->
match twoTrackInput with
| Success s -> switchFunction s
| Failure f -> Failure f
let bind2 switchFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Success s -> switchFunction s
| Failure f -> Failure f
let bind3 switchFunction =
| Success s -> switchFunction s
| Failure f -> Failure f
module ValidationExample =
open CoreTypes
let validate1 input =
if = "" then Failure "Name must not be blank"
else Success input
let validate2 input =
if > 50 then Failure "Name must not be longer than 50 chars"
else Success input
let validate3 input =
if = "" then Failure "Email must not be blank"
else Success input
let bind switchFunction twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Success s -> switchFunction s
| Failure f -> Failure f
/// glue the three validation functions together
let combinedValidation =
// convert from switch to two-track input
let validate2' = bind validate2
let validate3' = bind validate3
// connect the two-tracks together
validate1 >> validate2' >> validate3'
/// glue the three validation functions together
let combinedValidationInlined =
// connect the two-tracks together
>> bind validate2
>> bind validate3
/// create an infix operator
let (>>=) twoTrackInput switchFunction =
bind switchFunction twoTrackInput
/// glue the three validation functions together using bind
let combinedValidationWithPipe x =
|> validate1 // normal pipe because validate1 has a one-track input
// but validate1 results in a two track output...
>>= validate2 // ... so use "bind pipe". Again the result is a two track output
>>= validate3 // ... so use "bind pipe" again.
/// switch composition
let (>=>) switch1 switch2 x =
match switch1 x with
| Success s -> switch2 s
| Failure f -> Failure f
/// glue the three validation functions together using switch composition
let combinedValidationWithSwitchComposition =
>=> validate2
>=> validate3
module alternativeCompose =
let (>=>) switch1 switch2 =
switch1 >> (bind switch2)
module TestValidationExample =
open CoreTypes
open ValidationExample
// test 1
let input1 = {name=""; email=""}
combinedValidation input1
|> printfn "Result1=%A"
// ==> Result1=Failure "Name must not be blank"
// test 2
let input2 = {name="Alice"; email=""}
combinedValidation input2
|> printfn "Result2=%A"
// ==> Result2=Failure "Email must not be blank"
// test 3
let input3 = {name="Alice"; email="good"}
combinedValidation input3
|> printfn "Result3=%A"
// ==> Result3=Success {name = "Alice"; email = "good";}
module MapExample =
open CoreTypes
open ValidationExample
let canonicalizeEmail input =
{ input with email = }
// convert a normal function into a switch
let switch f x =
f x |> Success
let usecaseWithSwitch =
>=> validate2
>=> validate3
>=> switch canonicalizeEmail
// convert a normal function into a two-track function
let map f twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Success s -> Success (f s)
| Failure f -> Failure f
let usecaseWithMap =
>=> validate2
>=> validate3
>> map canonicalizeEmail // normal composition
module TestMapExample =
open CoreTypes
open MapExample
let goodInput = {name="Alice"; email="UPPERCASE "}
usecaseWithSwitch goodInput
|> printfn "Canonicalize Good Result = %A"
let badInput = {name=""; email="UPPERCASE "}
usecaseWithSwitch badInput
|> printfn "Canonicalize Bad Result = %A"
//Canonicalize Good Result = Success {name = "Alice"; email = "uppercase";}
//Canonicalize Bad Result = Failure "Name must not be blank"
module TeeExample =
open CoreTypes
open ValidationExample
open MapExample
let tee f x =
f x |> ignore
let updateDatabase input =
() // dummy dead-end function for now
// version using switch
let usecaseWithSwitch =
>=> validate2
>=> validate3
>=> switch canonicalizeEmail
>=> switch (tee updateDatabase)
// version using map
let usecaseWithMap =
>> bind validate2
>> bind validate3
>> map canonicalizeEmail
>> map (tee updateDatabase)
module ExceptionExample =
open CoreTypes
open ValidationExample
open MapExample
open TeeExample
let tryCatch f x =
f x |> Success
| ex -> Failure ex.Message
let usecase =
>=> validate2
>=> validate3
>=> switch canonicalizeEmail
>=> tryCatch (tee updateDatabase)
module DoubleMapExample =
open CoreTypes
open ValidationExample
open MapExample
open TeeExample
open ExceptionExample
let doubleMap successFunc failureFunc twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Success s -> Success (successFunc s)
| Failure f -> Failure (failureFunc f)
// redefine map in terms of doubleMap
let map successFunc =
doubleMap successFunc id
let log twoTrackInput =
let success x = printfn "DEBUG. Success so far: %A" x; x
let failure x = printfn "ERROR. %A" x; x
doubleMap success failure twoTrackInput
let usecase =
>=> validate2
>=> validate3
>=> switch canonicalizeEmail
>=> tryCatch (tee updateDatabase)
>> log
module TestDoubleMapExample =
open CoreTypes
open DoubleMapExample
let goodInput = {name="Alice"; email="good"}
usecase goodInput
|> printfn "Good Result = %A"
let badInput = {name=""; email=""}
usecase badInput
|> printfn "Bad Result = %A"
// DEBUG. Success so far: {name = "Alice"; email = "good";}
// Good Result = Success {name = "Alice"; email = "good";}
// ERROR. "Name must not be blank"
// Bad Result = Failure "Name must not be blank"
module ParallelExample =
open CoreTypes
open ValidationExample
open MapExample
open TeeExample
open ExceptionExample
/// add switches
let plusXXX switch1 switch2 x =
match (switch1 x),(switch2 x) with
| Success s1,Success s2 -> Success (s1 + s2)
| Failure f1,Success _ -> Failure f1
| Success _ ,Failure f2 -> Failure f2
| Failure f1,Failure f2 -> Failure (f1 + f2)
let plus addSuccess addFailure switch1 switch2 x =
match (switch1 x),(switch2 x) with
| Success s1,Success s2 -> Success (addSuccess s1 s2)
| Failure f1,Success _ -> Failure f1
| Success _ ,Failure f2 -> Failure f2
| Failure f1,Failure f2 -> Failure (addFailure f1 f2)
// create a "plus" function for validation functions
let (&&&) =
let addSuccess r1 r2 = r1 // return first
let addFailure s1 s2 = s1 + "; " + s2 // concat
plus addSuccess addFailure
let combinedValidation =
&&& validate2
&&& validate3
let usecase =
>=> switch canonicalizeEmail
>=> tryCatch (tee updateDatabase)
module TestParallelExample =
open CoreTypes
open ParallelExample
// test 1
let input1 = {name=""; email=""}
combinedValidation input1
|> printfn "Result1=%A"
// ==> Result1=Failure "Name must not be blank; Email must not be blank"
// test 2
let input2 = {name="Alice"; email=""}
combinedValidation input2
|> printfn "Result2=%A"
// ==> Result2=Failure "Email must not be blank"
// test 3
let input3 = {name="Alice"; email="good"}
combinedValidation input3
|> printfn "Result3=%A"
// ==> Result3=Success {name = "Alice"; email = "good";}
// test 4
let input4 = {name="Alice"; email="UPPERCASE "}
usecase input4
|> printfn "Result4=%A"
// ==> Result4=Success {name = "Alice"; email = "uppercase";}
module DynamicExample =
open CoreTypes
open ValidationExample
open MapExample
open TeeExample
open ExceptionExample
open DoubleMapExample
type Config = {debug:bool}
let debugLogger twoTrackInput =
let success x = printfn "DEBUG. Success so far: %A" x; x
let failure = id // don't log here
doubleMap success failure twoTrackInput
let injectableLogger config =
if config.debug then debugLogger else id
let usecase config =
>> map canonicalizeEmail
>> injectableLogger config
module TestDynamicExample =
open CoreTypes
open DynamicExample
let input = {name="Alice"; email="good"}
let releaseConfig = {debug=false}
|> usecase releaseConfig
|> ignore
// no output
let debugConfig = {debug=true}
|> usecase debugConfig
|> ignore
// debug output
// DEBUG. Success so far: {name = "Alice"; email = "good";}
module RailwayCombinatorModule =
// the two-track type
type Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure> =
| Success of 'TSuccess
| Failure of 'TFailure
// let (|Success|Failure|) =
// function
// | Choice1Of2 s -> Success s
// | Choice2Of2 f -> Failure f
// convert a single value into a two-track result
let succeed x =
Success x
// convert a single value into a two-track result
let fail x =
Failure x
// appy either a success function or failure function
let either successFunc failureFunc twoTrackInput =
match twoTrackInput with
| Success s -> successFunc s
| Failure f -> failureFunc f
// convert a switch function into a two-track function
let bind f =
either f fail
// pipe a two-track value into a switch function
let (>>=) x f =
bind f x
// compose two switches into another switch
let (>=>) s1 s2 =
s1 >> bind s2
// convert a one-track function into a switch
let switch f =
f >> succeed
// convert a one-track function into a two-track function
let map f =
either (f >> succeed) fail
// convert a dead-end function into a one-track function
let tee f x =
f x; x
// convert a one-track function into a switch with exception handling
let tryCatch f exnHandler x =
f x |> succeed
| ex -> exnHandler ex |> fail
// convert two one-track functions into a two-track function
let doubleMap successFunc failureFunc =
either (successFunc >> succeed) (failureFunc >> fail)
// add two switches in parallel
let plus addSuccess addFailure switch1 switch2 x =
match (switch1 x),(switch2 x) with
| Success s1,Success s2 -> Success (addSuccess s1 s2)
| Failure f1,Success _ -> Failure f1
| Success _ ,Failure f2 -> Failure f2
| Failure f1,Failure f2 -> Failure (addFailure f1 f2)
module FinalExample =
open CoreTypes
open RailwayCombinatorModule
let validate1 input =
if = "" then Failure "Name must not be blank"
else Success input
let validate2 input =
if > 50 then Failure "Name must not be longer than 50 chars"
else Success input
let validate3 input =
if = "" then Failure "Email must not be blank"
else Success input
// create a "plus" function for validation functions
let (&&&) =
let addSuccess r1 r2 = r1 // return first
let addFailure s1 s2 = s1 + "; " + s2 // concat
plus addSuccess addFailure
let combinedValidation =
&&& validate2
&&& validate3
let canonicalizeEmail input =
{ input with email = }
let updateDatabase input =
() // dummy dead-end function for now
// new function to handle exceptions
let updateDatebaseStep =
tryCatch (tee updateDatabase) (fun ex -> ex.Message)
let log twoTrackInput =
let success x = printfn "DEBUG. Success so far: %A" x; x
let failure x = printfn "ERROR. %A" x; x
doubleMap success failure twoTrackInput
let usecase =
>> map canonicalizeEmail
>> bind updateDatebaseStep
>> log
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