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Created August 30, 2015 18:19
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Serializing and deserializing a tree to JSON. Related blog post:
Example: Serializing and deserializing a tree to JSON
Related blog post:
// ==============================================
// PART 3b - Serializing and deserializing a tree to JSON (without error handling)
// ==============================================
// ==============================================
// Tree implementation
// ==============================================
type Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> =
| LeafNode of 'LeafData
| InternalNode of 'INodeData * Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> seq
module Tree =
let rec cata fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) :'r =
let recurse = cata fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
fNode nodeInfo (subtrees |> recurse)
let rec fold fLeaf fNode acc (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) :'r =
let recurse = fold fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf acc leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
// determine the local accumulator at this level
let localAccum = fNode acc nodeInfo
// thread the local accumulator through all the subitems using Seq.fold
let finalAccum = subtrees |> Seq.fold recurse localAccum
// ... and return it
let rec map fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) =
let recurse = map fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
let newLeafInfo = fLeaf leafInfo
LeafNode newLeafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
let newSubtrees = subtrees |> recurse
let newNodeInfo = fNode nodeInfo
InternalNode (newNodeInfo, newSubtrees)
let rec iter fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) =
let recurse = iter fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
subtrees |> Seq.iter recurse
fNode nodeInfo
// ==============================================
// GiftUsingTree
// ==============================================
module GiftUsingTree =
type Book = {title: string; price: decimal}
type ChocolateType = Dark | Milk | SeventyPercent
type Chocolate = {chocType: ChocolateType ; price: decimal}
type WrappingPaperStyle =
| HappyBirthday
| HappyHolidays
| SolidColor
// unified data for non-recursive cases
type GiftContents =
| Book of Book
| Chocolate of Chocolate
// unified data for recursive cases
type GiftDecoration =
| Wrapped of WrappingPaperStyle
| Boxed
| WithACard of string
type Gift = Tree<GiftContents,GiftDecoration>
// ---------------------------------
// Helper functions
// ---------------------------------
let fromBook book =
LeafNode (Book book)
let fromChoc choc =
LeafNode (Chocolate choc)
let wrapInPaper paperStyle innerGift =
let container = Wrapped paperStyle
InternalNode (container, [innerGift])
let putInBox innerGift =
let container = Boxed
InternalNode (container, [innerGift])
let withCard message innerGift =
let container = WithACard message
InternalNode (container, [innerGift])
let putTwoThingsInBox innerGift innerGift2 =
let container = Boxed
InternalNode (container, [innerGift;innerGift2])
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let wolfHall = {title="Wolf Hall"; price=20m}
let yummyChoc = {chocType=SeventyPercent; price=5m}
let birthdayPresent =
|> fromBook
|> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
|> withCard "Happy Birthday"
let christmasPresent =
|> fromChoc
|> putInBox
|> wrapInPaper HappyHolidays
let twoBirthdayPresents =
let thing1 = wolfHall |> fromBook
let thing2 = yummyChoc |> fromChoc
putTwoThingsInBox thing1 thing2
|> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
let twoWrappedPresentsInBox =
let thing1 = wolfHall |> fromBook |> wrapInPaper HappyHolidays
let thing2 = yummyChoc |> fromChoc |> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
putTwoThingsInBox thing1 thing2
// ---------------------------------
// "totalCost"
// ---------------------------------
let totalCost gift =
let fLeaf costSoFar leafData =
match leafData with
| Book book ->
costSoFar + book.price
| Chocolate choc ->
costSoFar + choc.price
let fNode costSoFar nodeData =
match nodeData with
| Wrapped style ->
costSoFar + 0.5m
| Boxed ->
costSoFar + 1.0m
| WithACard message ->
costSoFar + 2.0m
// initial accumulator
let initialAcc = 0m
// call the fold
Tree.fold fLeaf fNode initialAcc gift
// ---------------------------------
// testing "totalCost"
// ---------------------------------
birthdayPresent |> totalCost
// 22.5m
christmasPresent |> totalCost
// 6.5m
twoBirthdayPresents |> totalCost
// 26.5m
// ---------------------------------
// "description"
// ---------------------------------
let description gift =
let fLeaf leafData =
match leafData with
| Book book ->
sprintf "'%s'" book.title
| Chocolate choc ->
sprintf "%A chocolate" choc.chocType
let fNode nodeData innerTexts =
let innerText = String.concat " & " innerTexts
match nodeData with
| Wrapped style ->
sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" innerText style
| Boxed ->
sprintf "%s in a box" innerText
| WithACard message ->
sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" innerText message
// main call
Tree.cata fLeaf fNode gift
// ---------------------------------
// testing "description"
// ---------------------------------
birthdayPresent |> description
// "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper with a card saying 'Happy Birthday'"
christmasPresent |> description
// "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
twoBirthdayPresents |> description
// "'Wolf Hall' & SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyBirthday paper"
twoWrappedPresentsInBox |> description
// "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyHolidays paper & SeventyPercent chocolate wrapped in HappyBirthday paper in a box"
// ---------------------------------
// "whatsInside"
// ---------------------------------
let whatsInside gift =
let fLeaf leafData =
match leafData with
| Book book ->
"a book"
| Chocolate choc ->
"some chocolate"
let fNode nodeData innerTexts =
// convert to single string
String.concat " & " innerTexts
// main call
Tree.cata fLeaf fNode gift
// ---------------------------------
// testing "whatsInside"
// ---------------------------------
twoBirthdayPresents |> whatsInside
// "a book and some chocolate"
christmasPresent |> whatsInside
// "some chocolate"
twoWrappedPresentsInBox |> whatsInside
// "a book & some chocolate"
// ==============================================
// Json serialization without error handling
// ==============================================
#r "System.Runtime.Serialization.dll"
module JsonSerializer_WithoutErrorHandling =
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
let toJson (o:'a) =
let serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'a>)
let encoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
use stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()
let fromJson<'a> str =
let serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'a>)
let encoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
use stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(s=str))
let obj = serializer.ReadObject(stream)
obj :?> 'a
// ==============================================
// TreeDto conversion without error handling
// ==============================================
module TreeDto_WithoutErrorHandling =
open Tree
/// A DTO that represents a Tree
/// The Leaf/Node choice is turned into a record
type TreeDto<'LeafData,'NodeData> = {
leafData : 'LeafData
nodeData : 'NodeData
subtrees : TreeDto<'LeafData,'NodeData>[] }
/// Transform a Tree into a TreeDto
let treeToDto tree : TreeDto<'LeafData,'NodeData> =
let fLeaf leafData =
let nodeData = Unchecked.defaultof<'NodeData>
let subtrees = [||]
{leafData=leafData; nodeData=nodeData; subtrees=subtrees}
let fNode nodeData subtrees =
let leafData = Unchecked.defaultof<'NodeData>
let subtrees = subtrees |> Seq.toArray
{leafData=leafData; nodeData=nodeData; subtrees=subtrees}
// recurse to build up the TreeDto
Tree.cata fLeaf fNode tree
/// Transform a TreeDto into Tree
let rec dtoToTree (treeDto:TreeDto<'Leaf,'Node>) :Tree<'Leaf,'Node> =
let nullLeaf = Unchecked.defaultof<'Leaf>
let nullNode = Unchecked.defaultof<'Node>
// check if there is nodeData present
if treeDto.nodeData <> nullNode then
if treeDto.subtrees = null then
failwith "subtrees must not be null if node data present"
let subtrees = treeDto.subtrees |> dtoToTree
InternalNode (treeDto.nodeData,subtrees)
// check if there is leafData present
elif treeDto.leafData <> nullLeaf then
LeafNode (treeDto.leafData)
// if both missing then fail
failwith "expecting leaf or node data"
// ==============================================
// GiftDto conversion without error handling
// ==============================================
module GiftDtoExample_WithoutErrorHandling =
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open GiftUsingTree
// unified data for non-recursive cases
type GiftContentsDto = {
discriminator : string // "Book" or "Chocolate"
// for "Book" case only
bookTitle: string
// for "Chocolate" case only
chocolateType : string // one of "Dark" "Milk" "SeventyPercent"
// for all cases
price: decimal
// unified data for recursive cases
type GiftDecorationDto = {
discriminator: string // "Wrapped" or "Boxed" or "WithACard"
// for "Wrapped" case only
wrappingPaperStyle: string // "HappyBirthday" or "HappyHolidays" or "SolidColor"
// for "WithACard" case only
message: string
type GiftDto = Tree<GiftContentsDto,GiftDecorationDto>
// ---------------------------------
// giftToDto
// ---------------------------------
/// transform a Gift to a GiftDto
let giftToDto (gift:Gift) :GiftDto =
let fLeaf leafData :GiftContentsDto =
match leafData with
| Book book ->
{discriminator= "Book"; bookTitle=book.title; chocolateType=null; price=book.price}
| Chocolate choc ->
let chocolateType = sprintf "%A" choc.chocType
{discriminator= "Chocolate"; bookTitle=null; chocolateType=chocolateType; price=choc.price}
let fNode nodeData :GiftDecorationDto =
match nodeData with
| Wrapped style ->
let wrappingPaperStyle = sprintf "%A" style
{discriminator= "Wrapped"; wrappingPaperStyle=wrappingPaperStyle; message=null}
| Boxed ->
{discriminator= "Boxed"; wrappingPaperStyle=null; message=null}
| WithACard message ->
{discriminator= "WithACard"; wrappingPaperStyle=null; message=message}
// main call fLeaf fNode gift
// ---------------------------------
// dtoToGift (more complicated!)
// ---------------------------------
let strToBookTitle str =
match str with
| null -> failwith "BookTitle must not be null"
| _ -> str
let strToChocolateType str =
match str with
| "Dark" -> Dark
| "Milk" -> Milk
| "SeventyPercent" -> SeventyPercent
| _ -> failwithf "ChocolateType %s not recognized" str
let strToWrappingPaperStyle str =
match str with
| "HappyBirthday" -> HappyBirthday
| "HappyHolidays" -> HappyHolidays
| "SolidColor" -> SolidColor
| _ -> failwithf "WrappingPaperStyle %s not recognized" str
let strToCardMessage str =
match str with
| null -> failwith "CardMessage must not be null"
| _ -> str
let bookFromDto (dto:GiftContentsDto) =
let bookTitle = strToBookTitle dto.bookTitle
Book {title=bookTitle; price=dto.price}
let chocolateFromDto (dto:GiftContentsDto) =
let chocType = strToChocolateType dto.chocolateType
Chocolate {chocType=chocType; price=dto.price}
let wrappedFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
let wrappingPaperStyle = strToWrappingPaperStyle dto.wrappingPaperStyle
Wrapped wrappingPaperStyle
let boxedFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
let withACardFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
let message = strToCardMessage dto.message
WithACard message
/// Transform a GiftDto to a Gift
let dtoToGift (giftDto:GiftDto) :Gift=
let fLeaf (leafDto:GiftContentsDto) =
match leafDto.discriminator with
| "Book" -> bookFromDto leafDto
| "Chocolate" -> chocolateFromDto leafDto
| _ -> failwithf "Unknown leaf discriminator '%s'" leafDto.discriminator
let fNode (nodeDto:GiftDecorationDto) =
match nodeDto.discriminator with
| "Wrapped" -> wrappedFromDto nodeDto
| "Boxed" -> boxedFromDto nodeDto
| "WithACard" -> withACardFromDto nodeDto
| _ -> failwithf "Unknown node discriminator '%s'" nodeDto.discriminator
// map the tree fLeaf fNode giftDto
// ---------------------------------
// testing
// ---------------------------------
open JsonSerializer_WithoutErrorHandling
open TreeDto_WithoutErrorHandling
let goodJson = christmasPresent |> giftToDto |> treeToDto |> toJson
let goodGift = goodJson |> fromJson |> dtoToTree |> dtoToGift
goodGift |> description
// Success "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
let badJson1 = goodJson.Replace("leafData","leafDataXX")
let badJson1_result = badJson1 |> fromJson |> dtoToTree |> dtoToGift
// Exception "The data contract type 'TreeDto' cannot be deserialized because the required data member 'leafData@' was not found."
let badJson2 = goodJson.Replace("Wrapped","Wrapped2")
let badJson2_result = badJson2 |> fromJson |> dtoToTree |> dtoToGift
// Exception "Unknown node discriminator 'Wrapped2'"
let badJson3 = goodJson.Replace("HappyHolidays","HappyHolidays2")
let badJson3_result = badJson3 |> fromJson |> dtoToTree |> dtoToGift
// Exception "WrappingPaperStyle HappyHolidays2 not recognized"
// goodJson value
"leafData@": null,
"nodeData@": {
"discriminator@": "Wrapped",
"message@": null,
"wrappingPaperStyle@": "HappyHolidays"
"subtrees@": [
"leafData@": null,
"nodeData@": {
"discriminator@": "Boxed",
"message@": null,
"wrappingPaperStyle@": null
"subtrees@": [
"leafData@": {
"bookTitle@": null,
"chocolateType@": "SeventyPercent",
"discriminator@": "Chocolate",
"price@": 5
"nodeData@": null,
"subtrees@": []
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