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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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// Example of using DataTables in F#
open System
open System.Data
// General DataTable helpers
// these methods work for all datatables
let setOptionalValue (row:DataRow) (colName:string) = function
| Some v -> row.[colName] <- v
| None -> row.[colName] <- DBNull.Value
let getRequired (row:DataRow) (colName:string) :'a =
let v = row.[colName]
v :?> 'a // this could throw so be careful of what result type you specify
let getOptional (row:DataRow) (colName:string) :'a option=
let v = row.[colName]
if v = box DBNull.Value
then None
else Some (v :?> 'a) // this could throw so be careful of what result type you specify
// The type I want to use
type MyRow = {first:string; last: string; age: int option}
// helper to set up a table for this particular type
// you could also use reflection to make it more generic
// set up a table
let setupTable() =
let ds = new DataSet()
let dt = new DataTable("Contact")
let firstNameCol = dt.Columns.Add()
firstNameCol.ColumnName <- "FirstName"
firstNameCol.MaxLength <- 50
let lastNameCol = dt.Columns.Add()
lastNameCol.ColumnName <- "LastName"
lastNameCol.MaxLength <- 50
let ageCol = dt.Columns.Add()
ageCol.ColumnName <- "Age"
ageCol.AllowDBNull <- true
ageCol.DataType <- typeof<int>
// return it
// helpers to put data into a DataTable for this particular type
// you could also use reflection to make it more generic
/// convert my record to a row
let toDataRow (dt:DataTable) myRow =
let row = dt.NewRow()
row.["FirstName"] <- myRow.first
row.["LastName"] <- myRow.last
myRow.age |> setOptionalValue row "Age"
let insertMyRow dt myRow =
|> toDataRow dt
|> dt.Rows.Add
let insertMyRows dt myRows =
myRows |> List.iter (insertMyRow dt)
// helpers to get data out of a DataTable for this particular type
// you could also use reflection to make it more generic
let fromDataRow (row:DataRow) =
let first = getRequired row "FirstName"
let last = getRequired row "LastName"
let age = getOptional row "Age"
{first=first; last=last; age=age}
let fromDataTable (dt:DataTable) =
|> Seq.cast<DataRow>
|> fromDataRow
|> Seq.toList
// test
// set up some F# data
let myRows = [
{first="Alice"; last="Adams"; age = None}
{first="Bilbo"; last="Baggins"; age = Some 111}
// insert the data
let dt = setupTable()
myRows |> insertMyRows dt
// check the internal data by converting it to XML
let tableXml =
use sw = new System.IO.StringWriter()
use tw = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(sw)
tw.Formatting <- System.Xml.Formatting.Indented
printfn "%s" tableXml
// get the data out again
let myRows2 =
dt |> fromDataTable
// assert that the input and output are the same
if myRows <> myRows2 then
printfn "Error: input and output are different"
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