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Last active October 15, 2015 21:37
Related blog post:
// ==============================================
// PART 1b - Catamorphism examples
// ==============================================
// ==============================================
// FileSystemExample
// ==============================================
module FileSystemExample =
type FileSystemItem =
| File of File
| Directory of Directory
and File = {name:string; fileSize:int}
and Directory = {name:string; dirSize:int; subitems:FileSystemItem list}
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let readme = File {name="readme.txt"; fileSize=1}
let config = File {name="config.xml"; fileSize=2}
let build = File {name="build.bat"; fileSize=3}
let src = Directory {name="src"; dirSize=10; subitems=[readme; config; build]}
let bin = Directory {name="bin"; dirSize=10; subitems=[]}
let root = Directory {name="root"; dirSize=5; subitems=[src; bin]}
// ---------------------------------
// define "cata"
// ---------------------------------
let rec cataFS fFile fDir item :'r =
let recurse = cataFS fFile fDir
match item with
| File file ->
fFile file
| Directory dir ->
let listOfRs = dir.subitems |> recurse
fDir (,dir.dirSize,listOfRs)
// case constructor
File : File -> FileSystemItem
// function parameter to handle File case
fFile : File -> 'r
// case constructor (Directory as record)
Directory : Directory -> FileSystemItem
// case constructor (Directory unpacked as tuple)
Directory : (string,int,FileSystemItem list) -> FileSystemItem
// replace with 'r ===> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// function parameter to handle Directory case
fDir : (string,int,'r list ) -> 'r
val cataFS :
fFile : (File -> 'r) ->
fDir : (string * int * 'r list -> 'r) ->
// input value
FileSystemItem ->
// return value
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "totalSize"
// ---------------------------------
let totalSize fileSystemItem =
let fFile (file:File) =
let fDir (name,size,subsizes) =
(List.sum subsizes) + size
cataFS fFile fDir fileSystemItem
readme |> totalSize // 1
src |> totalSize // 16 = 10 + (1 + 2 + 3)
root |> totalSize // 31 = 5 + 16 + 10
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "largestFile"
// ---------------------------------
// largest file
let largestFile fileSystemItem =
// helper to provide a default if missing
let ifNone deflt opt =
defaultArg opt deflt
// helper to get the size of a File option
let fileSize fileOpt =
|> (fun file -> file.fileSize)
|> ifNone 0
// handle File case
let fFile (file:File) =
Some file
// handle Directory case
let fDir (name,size,subfiles) =
match subfiles with
| [] ->
None // empty directory
| subfiles ->
// find the biggest File option using the helper
|> List.maxBy fileSize
// call the catamorphism
cataFS fFile fDir fileSystemItem
readme |> largestFile
// Some {name = "readme.txt"; fileSize = 1}
src |> largestFile
// Some {name = "build.bat"; fileSize = 3}
bin |> largestFile
// None
root |> largestFile
// Some {name = "build.bat"; fileSize = 3}
// ==============================================
// ProductExample
// ==============================================
module ProductExample =
type Product =
| Bought of BoughtProduct
| Made of MadeProduct
and BoughtProduct = {
name : string
weight : int
vendor : string option }
and MadeProduct = {
name : string
weight : int
components:Component list }
and Component = {
qty : int
product : Product }
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let label =
Bought {name="label"; weight=1; vendor=Some "ACME"}
let bottle =
Bought {name="bottle"; weight=2; vendor=Some "ACME"}
let formulation =
Bought {name="formulation"; weight=3; vendor=None}
let shampoo =
Made {name="shampoo"; weight=10; components=
{qty=1; product=formulation}
{qty=1; product=bottle}
{qty=2; product=label}
let twoPack =
Made {name="twoPack"; weight=5; components=
{qty=2; product=shampoo}
// ---------------------------------
// define "cata"
// ---------------------------------
// case constructor
Bought : BoughtProduct -> Product
// function parameter to handle Bought case
fBought : BoughtProduct -> 'r
// case constructor
Made : MadeProduct -> Product
// case constructor (MadeProduct unpacked as tuple)
Made : (string,int,Component list) -> Product
// case constructor (Component unpacked as tuple)
Made : (string,int,(int,Product) list) -> Product
// replace with 'r ===> ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
// function parameter to handle Made case
fMade : (string,int,(int,'r) list) -> 'r
let rec cataProduct fBought fMade product :'r =
let recurse = cataProduct fBought fMade
// Converts a Component into a (int * 'r) tuple
let convertComponentToTuple comp =
(comp.qty,recurse comp.product)
match product with
| Bought bought ->
fBought bought
| Made made ->
let componentTuples = // (int * 'r) list
|> convertComponentToTuple
fMade (,made.weight,componentTuples)
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "productWeight"
// ---------------------------------
let productWeight product =
// handle Bought case
let fBought (bought:BoughtProduct) =
// handle Made case
let fMade (name,weight,componentTuples) =
// helper to calculate weight of one component
let componentWeight (qty,weight) =
qty * weight
// add up the weights of all components
let totalComponentWeight =
|> List.sumBy componentWeight
// and add the weight of the Made case too
totalComponentWeight + weight
// call the catamorphism
cataProduct fBought fMade product
label |> productWeight // 1
shampoo |> productWeight // 17 = 10 + (2x1 + 1x2 + 1x3)
twoPack |> productWeight // 39 = 5 + (2x17)
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "mostUsedVendor"
// ---------------------------------
type VendorScore = {vendor:string; score:int}
// helpers to get data from a VendorScore
let vendor vs = vs.vendor
let score vs = vs.score
let mostUsedVendor product =
let fBought (bought:BoughtProduct) =
// set score = 1 if there is a vendor
|> (fun vendor -> {vendor = vendor; score = 1} )
// => a VendorScore option
|> Option.toList
// => a VendorScore list
let fMade (name,weight,subresults) =
// subresults are a list of (qty * VendorScore list)
// helper to get sum of scores
let totalScore (vendor,vendorScores) =
let totalScore = vendorScores |> List.sumBy score
{vendor=vendor; score=totalScore}
// => a list of (qty * VendorScore list)
|> List.collect snd // ignore qty part of subresult
// => a list of VendorScore
|> List.groupBy vendor
// second item is list of VendorScore, reduce to sum
|> totalScore
// => list of VendorScores
// call the catamorphism
cataProduct fBought fMade product
|> List.sortByDescending score // find highest score
// return first, or None if list is empty
|> List.tryHead
label |> mostUsedVendor
// Some {vendor = "ACME"; score = 1}
formulation |> mostUsedVendor
// None
shampoo |> mostUsedVendor
// Some {vendor = "ACME"; score = 2}
twoPack |> mostUsedVendor
// Some {vendor = "ACME"; score = 2}
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