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Created August 30, 2015 12:52
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Related blog post:
// ==============================================
// PART 2 - Introducing Folds
// ==============================================
// =======================
// Review of Gift domain
// =======================
type Book = {title: string; price: decimal}
type ChocolateType = Dark | Milk | SeventyPercent
type Chocolate = {chocType: ChocolateType ; price: decimal}
type WrappingPaperStyle =
| HappyBirthday
| HappyHolidays
| SolidColor
type Gift =
| Book of Book
| Chocolate of Chocolate
| Wrapped of Gift * WrappingPaperStyle
| Boxed of Gift
| WithACard of Gift * message:string
let rec cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard gift :'r =
let recurse = cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard
match gift with
| Book book ->
fBook book
| Chocolate choc ->
fChocolate choc
| Wrapped (gift,style) ->
fWrapped (recurse gift,style)
| Boxed gift ->
fBox (recurse gift)
| WithACard (gift,message) ->
fCard (recurse gift,message)
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
// A Book
let wolfHall = {title="Wolf Hall"; price=20m}
// A Chocolate
let yummyChoc = {chocType=SeventyPercent; price=5m}
// A Gift
let birthdayPresent = WithACard (Wrapped (Book wolfHall, HappyBirthday), "Happy Birthday")
// A Gift
let christmasPresent = Wrapped (Boxed (Chocolate yummyChoc), HappyHolidays)
// =======================
// Stack overflow!
// =======================
// helper to create deeply nested boxes
let deeplyNestedBox depth =
let rec loop depth boxSoFar =
match depth with
| 0 -> boxSoFar
| n -> loop (n-1) (Boxed boxSoFar)
loop depth (Book wolfHall)
deeplyNestedBox 5
// Boxed (Boxed (Boxed (Boxed (Boxed (Book {title = "Wolf Hall"; price = 20M})))))
deeplyNestedBox 10
// Boxed(Boxed(Boxed(Boxed(Boxed
// (Boxed(Boxed(Boxed(Boxed(Boxed(Book {title = "Wolf Hall";price = 20M}))))))))))
// ---------------------------------
// Stress test "totalCostUsingCata"
// ---------------------------------
let totalCostUsingCata gift =
let fBook (book:Book) =
let fChocolate (choc:Chocolate) =
let fWrapped (innerCost,style) =
innerCost + 0.5m
let fBox innerCost =
innerCost + 1.0m
let fCard (innerCost,message) =
innerCost + 2.0m
// call the catamorphism
cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard gift
deeplyNestedBox 10 |> totalCostUsingCata // OK 30.0M
deeplyNestedBox 100 |> totalCostUsingCata // OK 120.0M
deeplyNestedBox 1000 |> totalCostUsingCata // OK 1020.0M
//deeplyNestedBox 10000 |> totalCostUsingCata // OK 10020.0M
//deeplyNestedBox 100000 |> totalCostUsingCata // Stack overflow
// somewhere between 10K and 100K things go wrong. Why?
fBox is `innerCost + 1.0m`
so what we have is
innerCost + 1.0m where innerCost =
innerCost2 + 1.0m where innerCost2 =
innerCost3 + 1.0m where innerCost3 =
innerCost4 + 1.0m where innerCost4 =
innerCost999 + 1.0m where innerCost999 =
innerCost1000 + 1.0m where innerCost1000 =
innerCost1000 has to be calculated before innerCost999 can be calculated.
and 999 other inner costs have to be calculated before the top level `innerCost` can be calculated
// =======================
// Introducing an accumulator
// =======================
// but how can I get the total without knowing the subtotal
// Answer use an accumulator -- push the number down into the next step
costSoFar = 1.0m; Call calcInnerCost with costSoFar:
costSoFar = costSoFar + 1.0m; Call calcInnerCost with costSoFar:
costSoFar = costSoFar + 1.0m; Call calcInnerCost with costSoFar:
costSoFar = costSoFar + 1.0m; Call calcInnerCost with costSoFar:
costSoFar = costSoFar + 1.0m; Call calcInnerCost with costSoFar:
costSoFar = costSoFar + 1.0m; Call calcInnerCost with costSoFar:
finalCost = costSoFar + book.price // final result
// ---------------------------------
// Stress test "totalCostUsingAcc"
// ---------------------------------
// from-scratch implementation of totalCost using an accumulator
let rec totalCostUsingAcc costSoFar gift =
match gift with
| Book book ->
costSoFar + book.price // final result
| Chocolate choc ->
costSoFar + choc.price // final result
| Wrapped (innerGift,style) ->
let newCostSoFar = costSoFar + 0.5m
totalCostUsingAcc newCostSoFar innerGift
| Boxed innerGift ->
let newCostSoFar = costSoFar + 1.0m
totalCostUsingAcc newCostSoFar innerGift
| WithACard (innerGift,message) ->
let newCostSoFar = costSoFar + 2.0m
totalCostUsingAcc newCostSoFar innerGift
// no problems with stack overflow now!
deeplyNestedBox 1000 |> totalCostUsingAcc 0.0m // OK 1020.0M
deeplyNestedBox 10000 |> totalCostUsingAcc 0.0m // OK 10020.0M
deeplyNestedBox 100000 |> totalCostUsingAcc 0.0m // OK 100020.0M
deeplyNestedBox 1000000 |> totalCostUsingAcc 0.0m // OK 1000020.0M
// =======================
// Defining foldGift
// =======================
let rec foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard acc gift :'r =
let recurse = foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard
match gift with
| Book book ->
let finalAcc = fBook acc book
finalAcc // final result
| Chocolate choc ->
let finalAcc = fChocolate acc choc
finalAcc // final result
| Wrapped (innerGift,style) ->
let newAcc = fWrapped acc style
recurse newAcc innerGift
| Boxed innerGift ->
let newAcc = fBox acc
recurse newAcc innerGift
| WithACard (innerGift,message) ->
let newAcc = fCard acc message
recurse newAcc innerGift
val foldGift :
fBook:('a -> Book -> 'r) ->
fChocolate:('a -> Chocolate -> 'r) ->
fWrapped:('a -> WrappingPaperStyle -> 'a) ->
fBox:('a -> 'a) ->
fCard:('a -> string -> 'a) ->
// accumulator
acc:'a ->
// input value
gift:Gift ->
// return value
// ---------------------
// non-recursive cases
// ---------------------
// original catamorphism
fBook:(Book -> 'r)
fChocolate:(Chocolate -> 'r)
// fold
fBook:('a -> Book -> 'r)
fChocolate:('a -> Chocolate -> 'r)
// ---------------------
// recursive cases
// ---------------------
// original catamorphism
fWrapped:('r -> WrappingPaperStyle -> 'r)
fBox:('r -> 'r)
// fold
fWrapped:('a -> WrappingPaperStyle -> 'a)
fBox:('a -> 'a)
// ==============================================
// Rules for creating a fold
// * Create a function parameter to handle each case in the structure.
// * Add an additional parameter as an accumulator.
// * For non-recursive cases, pass the function parameter the accumulator plus all the data associated with that case.
// * For recursive cases, perform two steps:
// * First, pass the handler the accumulator plus all the data associated with that case (except the inner recursive data). The result is a new accumulator value.
// * Then, call the fold recursively on the nested value using the new accumulator value.
// Note that each handler only "sees" the data for that case, and the accumulator passed to it from the outer level.
// It does not have access to the results from the inner levels.
// ==============================================
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "totalCostUsingFold"
// ---------------------------------
let totalCostUsingFold gift = // no longer recursive! "rec" no longer needed.
let fBook costSoFar (book:Book) =
costSoFar + book.price
let fChocolate costSoFar (choc:Chocolate) =
costSoFar + choc.price
let fWrapped costSoFar style =
costSoFar + 0.5m
let fBox costSoFar =
costSoFar + 1.0m
let fCard costSoFar message =
costSoFar + 2.0m
// initial accumulator
let initialAcc = 0m
// call the fold
foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard initialAcc gift
deeplyNestedBox 100000 |> totalCostUsingFold // no problem 100020.0M
deeplyNestedBox 1000000 |> totalCostUsingFold // no problem 1000020.0M
// =======================
// Problems with fold
// =======================
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "descriptionUsingFold"
// ---------------------------------
let descriptionUsingFold gift =
let fBook descriptionSoFar (book:Book) =
sprintf "'%s' %s" book.title descriptionSoFar
let fChocolate descriptionSoFar (choc:Chocolate) =
sprintf "%A chocolate %s" choc.chocType descriptionSoFar
let fWrapped descriptionSoFar style =
sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" descriptionSoFar style
let fBox descriptionSoFar =
sprintf "%s in a box" descriptionSoFar
let fCard descriptionSoFar message =
sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" descriptionSoFar message
// initial accumulator
let initialAcc = ""
// main call
foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard initialAcc gift
birthdayPresent |> descriptionUsingFold
// "'Wolf Hall' with a card saying 'Happy Birthday' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper"
// CORRECT "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper with a card saying 'Happy Birthday'"
christmasPresent |> descriptionUsingFold
// "SeventyPercent chocolate wrapped in HappyHolidays paper in a box"
// CORRECT "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator"
// ---------------------------------
let descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator gift =
let fBook descriptionGenerator (book:Book) =
descriptionGenerator (sprintf "'%s'" book.title)
let fChocolate descriptionGenerator (choc:Chocolate) =
descriptionGenerator (sprintf "%A chocolate" choc.chocType)
let fWrapped descriptionGenerator style =
let newDescriptionGenerator innerText =
let newInnerText = sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" innerText style
descriptionGenerator newInnerText
let fBox descriptionGenerator =
let newDescriptionGenerator innerText =
let newInnerText = sprintf "%s in a box" innerText
descriptionGenerator newInnerText
let fCard descriptionGenerator message =
let newDescriptionGenerator innerText =
let newInnerText = sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" innerText message
descriptionGenerator newInnerText
// initial DescriptionGenerator
let initialAcc = fun innerText -> innerText
// main call
foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard initialAcc gift
birthdayPresent |> descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator
// CORRECT "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper with a card saying 'Happy Birthday'"
christmasPresent |> descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator
// CORRECT "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
* if your handlers need to do something before the recursion step - no prob
* if your handlers need to do something AFTER the recursion - use a function as an acculator
deeplyNestedBox 1000 |> descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator |> ignore
// Real: 00:00:00.007, CPU: 00:00:00.015, GC gen0: 6, gen1: 1, gen2: 0
deeplyNestedBox 10000 |> descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator |> ignore
// Real: 00:00:01.741, CPU: 00:00:01.968, GC gen0: 127, gen1: 2, gen2: 2
// descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator is SLOOOW for deeply nested boxes!
deeplyNestedBox 100000 |> descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator |> ignore
// Real: 00:02:02.574, CPU: 00:02:14.093, GC gen0: 337, gen1: 211, gen2: 210
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator_WithLambdas"
// ---------------------------------
// tidy up the implementation with lambdas
let descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator_WithLambdas gift =
let fBook descriptionGenerator (book:Book) =
descriptionGenerator (sprintf "'%s'" book.title)
let fChocolate descriptionGenerator (choc:Chocolate) =
descriptionGenerator (sprintf "%A chocolate" choc.chocType)
let fWrapped descriptionGenerator style =
fun innerText ->
let newInnerText = sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" innerText style
descriptionGenerator newInnerText
let fBox descriptionGenerator =
fun innerText ->
let newInnerText = sprintf "%s in a box" innerText
descriptionGenerator newInnerText
let fCard descriptionGenerator message =
fun innerText ->
let newInnerText = sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" innerText message
descriptionGenerator newInnerText
// initial DescriptionGenerator
let initialAcc = fun innerText -> innerText
// main call
foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard initialAcc gift
birthdayPresent |> descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator
// CORRECT "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper with a card saying 'Happy Birthday'"
christmasPresent |> descriptionUsingFoldWithGenerator
// CORRECT "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
// ---------------------------------
// Define and test "totalCostUsingFoldWithGenerator"
// ---------------------------------
let totalCostUsingFoldWithGenerator gift = // no longer recursive! "rec" no longer needed.
let fBook costGenerator (book:Book) =
costGenerator book.price
let fChocolate costGenerator (choc:Chocolate) =
costGenerator choc.price
let fWrapped costGenerator style =
fun innerCost ->
costGenerator (innerCost + 0.5m)
let fBox costGenerator =
fun innerCost ->
costGenerator (innerCost + 1.0m)
let fCard costGenerator message =
fun innerCost ->
costGenerator (innerCost + 2.0m)
// initial accumulator
let initialAcc = id
// call the fold
foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard initialAcc gift
deeplyNestedBox 100000 |> totalCostUsingFoldWithGenerator // no problem 100020.0M
deeplyNestedBox 1000000 |> totalCostUsingFoldWithGenerator // no problem 1000020.0M
left folder vs right fold - right fold can make using constructors
// =======================
// Introducing foldback
// =======================
let rec foldbackGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard generator gift :'r =
let recurse = foldbackGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard
match gift with
| Book book ->
generator (fBook book)
| Chocolate choc ->
generator (fChocolate choc)
| Wrapped (innerGift,style) ->
let newGenerator innerVal =
let newInnerVal = fWrapped innerVal style
generator newInnerVal
recurse newGenerator innerGift
| Boxed innerGift ->
let newGenerator innerVal =
let newInnerVal = fBox innerVal
generator newInnerVal
recurse newGenerator innerGift
| WithACard (innerGift,message) ->
let newGenerator innerVal =
let newInnerVal = fCard innerVal message
generator newInnerVal
recurse newGenerator innerGift
val foldbackGift :
fBook:(Book -> 'a) ->
fChocolate:(Chocolate -> 'a) ->
fWrapped:('a -> WrappingPaperStyle -> 'a) ->
fBox:('a -> 'a) ->
fCard:('a -> string -> 'a) ->
// accumulator
generator:('a -> 'r) ->
// input value
gift:Gift ->
// return value
/// Bettert to define foldback in terms of fold
let foldbackGift' fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard gift :'r =
let fBook' generator book =
generator (fBook book)
let fChocolate' generator choc =
generator (fChocolate choc)
let fWrapped' generator style =
fun innerVal ->
let newInnerVal = fWrapped innerVal style
generator newInnerVal
let fBox' generator =
fun innerVal ->
let newInnerVal = fBox innerVal
generator newInnerVal
let fCard' generator message =
fun innerVal ->
let newInnerVal = fCard innerVal message
generator newInnerVal
let initialGenerator = id
foldGift fBook' fChocolate' fWrapped' fBox' fCard' initialGenerator gift
val foldbackGift' :
fBook:(Book -> 'r) ->
fChocolate:(Chocolate -> 'r) ->
fWrapped:('r -> WrappingPaperStyle -> 'r) ->
fBox:('r -> 'r) ->
fCard:('r -> string -> 'r) ->
// input value
gift:Gift ->
// return value
let descriptionUsingFoldBack gift =
let fBook (book:Book) =
sprintf "'%s'" book.title
let fChocolate (choc:Chocolate) =
sprintf "%A chocolate" choc.chocType
let fWrapped innerText style =
sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" innerText style
let fBox innerText =
sprintf "%s in a box" innerText
let fCard innerText message =
sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" innerText message
// initial descriptionGenerator
let initialAcc = fun innerText -> innerText // could be replaced with id
// main call
foldbackGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard initialAcc gift
birthdayPresent |> descriptionUsingFoldBack
// CORRECT "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper with a card saying 'Happy Birthday'"
christmasPresent |> descriptionUsingFoldBack
// CORRECT "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
// =======================
// Compare sig of "descriptionUsingFoldBack" with original cata "descriptionUsingCata"
// =======================
let descriptionUsingCata gift =
let fBook (book:Book) =
sprintf "'%s'" book.title
let fChocolate (choc:Chocolate) =
sprintf "%A chocolate" choc.chocType
let fWrapped (innerText,style) =
sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" innerText style
let fBox innerText =
sprintf "%s in a box" innerText
let fCard (innerText,message) =
sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" innerText message
// call the catamorphism
cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard gift
// =======================
// Swapping parameter order for foldback
// =======================
let rec foldbackGiftWithAccLast fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard gift generator :'r =
//swapped => ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
let recurse = foldbackGiftWithAccLast fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard
match gift with
| Book book ->
generator (fBook book)
| Chocolate choc ->
generator (fChocolate choc)
| Wrapped (innerGift,style) ->
let newGenerator innerVal =
let newInnerVal = fWrapped style innerVal
//swapped => ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
generator newInnerVal
recurse innerGift newGenerator
//swapped => ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Boxed innerGift ->
let newGenerator innerVal =
let newInnerVal = fBox innerVal
generator newInnerVal
recurse innerGift newGenerator
//swapped => ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| WithACard (innerGift,message) ->
let newGenerator innerVal =
let newInnerVal = fCard message innerVal
//swapped => ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
generator newInnerVal
recurse innerGift newGenerator
//swapped => ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
val foldbackGift :
fBook:(Book -> 'a) ->
fChocolate:(Chocolate -> 'a) ->
fWrapped:(WrappingPaperStyle -> 'a -> 'a) ->
fBox:('a -> 'a) ->
fCard:(string -> 'a -> 'a) ->
// input value
gift:Gift ->
// accumulator
generator:('a -> 'r) ->
// return value
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