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Created August 30, 2015 12:53
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Related blog post:
// ==============================================
// PART 2b - Understanding Folds
// ==============================================
// ==============================================
// FileSystemExampleFold
// ==============================================
module FileSystemExampleFold =
type FileSystemItem =
| File of File
| Directory of Directory
and File = {name:string; fileSize:int}
and Directory = {name:string; dirSize:int; subitems:FileSystemItem list}
// ---------------------------------
// Sample data
// ---------------------------------
let readme = File {name="readme.txt"; fileSize=1}
let config = File {name="config.xml"; fileSize=2}
let build = File {name="build.bat"; fileSize=3}
let src = Directory {name="src"; dirSize=10; subitems=[readme; config; build]}
let bin = Directory {name="bin"; dirSize=10; subitems=[]}
let root = Directory {name="root"; dirSize=5; subitems=[src; bin]}
// ---------------------------------
// define "foldFS"
// ---------------------------------
let rec foldFS fFile fDir acc item :'r =
let recurse = foldFS fFile fDir
match item with
| File file ->
fFile acc file
| Directory dir ->
let newAcc = fDir acc (,dir.dirSize)
dir.subitems |> List.fold recurse newAcc
val foldFS :
fFile:('r -> File -> 'r) ->
fDir:('r -> string * int -> 'r) ->
// accumulator
acc:'r ->
// input
item:FileSystemItem ->
// return value
// ---------------------------------
// define and test "totalSize"
// ---------------------------------
let totalSize fileSystemItem =
let fFile acc (file:File) =
acc + file.fileSize
let fDir acc (name,size) =
acc + size
foldFS fFile fDir 0 fileSystemItem
readme |> totalSize // 1
src |> totalSize // 16 = 10 + (1 + 2 + 3)
root |> totalSize // 31 = 5 + 16 + 10
// ---------------------------------
// define and test "largestFile"
// ---------------------------------
// largest file
let largestFile fileSystemItem =
let fFile (largestSoFarOpt:File option) (file:File) =
match largestSoFarOpt with
| None ->
Some file
| Some largestSoFar ->
if largestSoFar.fileSize > file.fileSize then
Some largestSoFar
Some file
let fDir largestSoFarOpt (name,size) =
// call the fold
foldFS fFile fDir None fileSystemItem
readme |> largestFile
// Some {name = "readme.txt"; fileSize = 1}
src |> largestFile
// Some {name = "build.bat"; fileSize = 3}
bin |> largestFile
// None
root |> largestFile
// Some {name = "build.bat"; fileSize = 3}
// ==============================================
// How can you short circuit a fold?
// ==============================================
// Version 1 - use explicit recursion
module ShortCircuitFold_V1 =
/// return the first sum that is bigger than 100
let rec firstSumBiggerThan100 sumSoFar listOfInts =
match listOfInts with
| [] ->
sumSoFar // exhausted all the ints!
| head::tail ->
let newSumSoFar = head + sumSoFar
if newSumSoFar > 100 then
firstSumBiggerThan100 newSumSoFar tail
/// test
[30;40;50;60] |> firstSumBiggerThan100 0 // 120
[1..3..100] |> firstSumBiggerThan100 0 // 117
// Version 2 - use an "ignore" flag
module ShortCircuitFold_V2 =
let firstSumBiggerThan100 listOfInts =
let folder accumulator i =
let (ignoreFlag,sumSoFar) = accumulator
if not ignoreFlag then
let newSumSoFar = i + sumSoFar
let newIgnoreFlag = newSumSoFar > 100
(newIgnoreFlag, newSumSoFar)
// pass the accumulator along
let initialAcc = (false,0)
|> List.fold folder initialAcc // use fold
|> snd // get the sumSoFar
/// test
[30;40;50;60] |> firstSumBiggerThan100 // 120
[1..3..100] |> firstSumBiggerThan100 // 117
// Version 3 - hide inside a computation expression
module ImperativeWorkflow =
open System.Collections.Generic
type ImperativeResult<'T> =
| ImpValue of 'T
| ImpJump of bool
| ImpNone
type Imperative<'T> = unit -> ImperativeResult<'T>
type ImperativeBuilder() =
// When returning a value, we'll use the 'ImpValue' discriminator
member x.Return(v) : Imperative<_> =
(fun () -> ImpValue(v))
// Expression that doesn't represent any value returns 'ImpNone'
member x.Zero() = (fun () -> ImpNone)
// Create a delayed imperative computation from a function
member x.Delay(f:unit -> Imperative<_>) =
(fun () -> f()())
// Combine two delayed computations that may return or jump
member x.Combine(a, b) = (fun () ->
match a() with
// The computation doesn't have value - evaluate the next
| ImpNone -> b()
// If the computation returned value or called break/return
// we'll propagate the value representing the result
| res -> res)
// Execute the imperative computation given as the argument
member x.Run<'T>(imp) =
// When the computation returns 'ImpJump' it is an indication
// that 'break' or 'continue' was used incorrectly.
match imp() with
| ImpValue(v) -> v
| ImpJump _ -> failwith "Invalid use of break/continue!"
| _ -> () // failwith "No value has been returned!"
let imperative = new ImperativeBuilder()
type ImperativeBuilder with
// A local helper used when composing iterations of loops
// in the 'For' and 'While' primitives below.
member x.CombineLoop(a, b) = (fun () ->
match a() with
// When the last iteration returns a value, propagate the result
| ImpValue(v) -> ImpValue(v)
// The last iteration contained 'break', so we'll
// return missing value as the result from the loop
| ImpJump(false) -> ImpNone
// When the last iteration didn't contain any special construct
// or when it ended with 'continue', we'll continue looping
| ImpJump(true)
| ImpNone -> b() )
// 'For' and 'While' members that implement the looping constructs
// are similar as in the previous version, with the exception that they
// compose iterations using the special 'CombineLoop' primitive
member x.For(inp:seq<_>, f) =
let rec loop(en:IEnumerator<_>) =
if not(en.MoveNext()) then x.Zero() else
x.CombineLoop(f(en.Current), x.Delay(fun () -> loop(en)))
member x.While(gd, body) =
let rec loop() =
if not(gd()) then x.Zero() else
x.CombineLoop(body, x.Delay(fun () -> loop()))
// A call to this member is inserted when we use the 'do!' construct. If the 'v'
// value is either 'break' or 'continue', we will return 'ImpJump' as the result
member x.Bind(v:Imperative<unit>, f : unit -> Imperative<_>) = (fun () ->
match v() with
| ImpJump(kind) -> ImpJump(kind)
| _ -> f()() )
// Primitives that return the 'ImpJump' value when executed
let break = (fun () -> ImpJump(false))
let continue = (fun () -> ImpJump(true))
module ShortCircuitFold_V3 =
open ImperativeWorkflow
/// return the first sum that is bigger than 100
let firstSumBiggerThan100 listOfInts =
let mutable sumSoFar = 0
imperative {
for x in listOfInts do
sumSoFar <- x + sumSoFar
if sumSoFar > 100 then do! break
/// test
[30;40;50;60] |> firstSumBiggerThan100 // 120
[1..3..100] |> firstSumBiggerThan100 // 117
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