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Last active August 23, 2020 07:41
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Mac Setup

A. Dev Setup

  1. Terminal Setup
  2. Install Xcode Command Line Tools:
    xcode-select --install
  3. Install Homebrew:
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    • Update Homebrew: brew update
    • Check Homebrew Cask: brew cask help, if not installed: brew install cask
    • Install Formulae:
      • speedtest-cli brew install speedtest-cli
      • vcprompt brew install vcprompt
  4. Setup Bash
  5. Check installed git --version
  6. Install nvm-sh/nvm
    curl -o- | bash
  7. Install VS Code or brew cask install visual-studio-code
    • Install code command
    • Install VS Code Extensions:
      • Themes:
        • Dracula Official dracula-theme.theme-dracula
        • Horizon Theme jolaleye.horizon-theme-vscode
        • Material Theme equinusocio.vsc-material-theme
        • Material Theme Icons equinusocio.vsc-material-theme-icons
        • One Monokai Theme
        • One Dark Pro zhuangtongfa.material-theme
        • Rainglow daylerees.rainglow
        • Sublime Material Theme jprestidge.theme-material-theme
        • Synthwave '84 robbowen.synthwave-vscode
        • Tokyo Night
      • Tools:
        • Live Server ritwickdey.LiveServer
        • Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer-2
        • Prettier - Code formatter esbenp.prettier-vscode
        • Markdown All in One yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
        • Rainbow CSV mechatroner.rainbow-csv
        • ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets
        • Reactjs code snippets xabikos.reactsnippets
  8. Install MAMP or brew cask install mamp
  9. Install Android Studio or brew cask install android-studio


B. Design/Motion Setup

  1. Install Git Large File Storage
    brew install git-lfs
    • Check git lfs -v
    • Initialize Global Git LFS configuration git lfs install
    • Test status: git lfs status
    • Check design workflow
  2. Install Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App
    • Install Adobe CC Apps:
      • Adobe Photoshop
      • Adobe Illustrator
      • Adobe After Effects
        • Add custom layout .xml file into Macintosh HD/Users/<home_folder>/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/<latest_version>/ModifiedWorkspaces
      • Adobe Premiere Pro
      • Adobe Media Encoder
      • Adobe Audition
  3. Install DaVinci Resolve
  4. Install fonts:
    • Affogato
    • Alma Mono
    • Bonkers
    • Bukhari Script
    • Inter UI
    • Migur
    • Monly Lite
    • Monly Serif
    • Montserrat
    • Muller Narrow
    • Nickainley
    • Orkney
    • Poppins (Brand font)
    • Priscilla Script
    • Product Sans
    • Raleway
    • Rex (LeviOsa font)
    • Sensa Brush
    • Sensei
    • Sortdecai Brush Script
    • Sortdecai Cursive Wild Script
    • Still Time
    • Streamster
    • VCR OSD Mono
    • Waterlily


C. Productivity Apps

  1. Install Dropbox or brew cask install dropbox
  2. Install Notion or brew cask install notion
  3. Install TickTick
  4. Install Alfred or brew cask install alfred
  5. Install Tomato One or Toggl
  6. Install Magnet
  7. Install Noizio
  8. Install Browsers


D. Other Apps

  1. Install Spotify or brew cask install spotify
  2. Install Telegram
  3. Install Enpass
  4. Install AppCleaner or brew cask install appcleaner
  5. Install Karabiner-Elements or brew cask install karabiner-elements
  6. Install Handshaker
  7. Install Logitech Options or
    brew tap homebrew/cask-drivers
    brew cask install logitech-options
  8. Install HP Easy Start driver
  9. Install iStat Menus


E. Finder & System Setup

  1. Menu Bar:
    • Install Itsycl or brew cask install itsycal
      • Setup Istycal:
        • General: Launch at login, Automatically check for updates, First day of week: Monday, Event list shows: 1 day,
        • Appearance: Menu bar: Show month in icon, Show day of week in icon. Datetime: h:mm a, Theme: System, Show event dots → Use colored dots, ~Use larger text.
    • Orgnaize Menu Bar Icons
      • <all_other_icons> spotlight battery w/ % istycal ~users notification
  2. System Preferances:
    • General:
      • Uncheck Handoff
      • Check Use font smoothing
    • Keyboard → Shortcuts → Spotlight: Disable Show Spotlight search — replaced with Alfred
    • Energy Saver:
      • Battery: Turn off display after 10 mins
      • Power Adapter: Turn off display after 15 mins
    • Check Show battery status in menu bar
    • If using non-Apple Mechanical Keyboard, go to Keyboard → Modifier Keys to switch keys
  3. Finder Setup:
    • Finder Preferances:
      • General → New Finder windows show: <home_folder>
      • Advanced → When performaning a search: Search the Current Folder
    • Organize sidebar:
      • Under Favorites:
        • Macintosh HD
        • <home_folder>
        • Desktop
        • Documents
        • Downloads
        • Dev
        • Design
        • Motion
        • Work
        • Creative Cloud
        • Dropbox
        • Airdrop
      • Under iCloud: iCloud Drive
      • Under Locations: Network, Airport
    • Organize Files and Folders
    • Assign Tags
    • Check iCloud for cleanup

Terminal Setup

  • Preferences → General
    • New windows open with: Default Profile, Same Working Directory
    • New tabs open with: Default Profile, Same Working Directory
  • Preferences → Profiles → Text
    • Background → Color & Effects
      • Opacity: 90%
      • Blur: 80%
      • (Background) Color Sliders:
        • RGB Sliders: #101011
    • → Font: SF Mono Regular 13pt., Character Spacing: 1
    • → Text:
      • Antialias text
      • Use bold fonts
      • Allow blinking text
      • Display ANSI colors
      • Use bright colors for bold text
      • Text: #50FF92
      • Bold Text: #FFFFFF
      • Selection: rgba(77, 239, 255, 1.7)/#4DEFFF
    • → ANSI Colors:
      • Normal:
        • Blue: #005BB2
        • Yellow: #D29C00
    • → Cursor:
      • Underline
      • Color: #50FF92
      • Brightness: 54%
      • Blink cursor
  • Preferences → Window
    • → Window Size:
      • Columns: 120
      • Rows: 28

Bash Setup

  • Check installed Bash version: bash -v or bash --version
    • Check latest Bash version
    • Install latest Bash version:
      brew install bash
    • Check which bash
    • Edit /etc/shells:
      sudo vim /etc/shells
      • Comment default Bash. Add Homebrew Bash directory: /usr/local/bin/bash
    • Change shell:
      chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
    • Check Bash version:
      echo $BASH_VERSION
    • Setup .bash_profile

Alfred Setup

Skip if synced.

    • Alfred Hotkey: ⌘ Space
    • Where are you: Select country from drop-down
    • Permissions
      • Accessibility
      • Full Disk Access
      • Automation
    • Default Results
      • Essentials: Preferences
      • Extras: Folders, Documents, Text Files, Images, Archives
      • Search Scope: macOS Applications folder, Folders in Home
    • File Search
      • Don't Show: Emails, Bookmarks, Contacts, History, Calendar, Messages
    • Actions
      • Selection Hotkey: empty
    • Web Search
      • Enable: google, lucky, images, maps, translate, gmail, gmail {query}, drive, drive {query}, twitter, twitter {query}, twitter user {query}, wiki, amazon, imdb, youtube, duck, weather, pinterest, help
    • Web Bookmarks
      • Sources: Disable Safari Bookmarks, Google Chrome Bookmarks
    • Clipboard History
      • Clipboard History: Keep Plain Text - 7 days
      • Viewwer Hotkey: ⇧ ⌥ C
      • Calculator: Enable advanced calculator with keyword '='
    • Snippets
      • Viewer Hotkey: ⇧ ⌘ Space
    • Music
      • Mini Player: empty
    • System
      • Confirm Restart and Shut Down
    • Setup sync
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