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Created April 26, 2016 07:27
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Using php make a tiny is a joke.
// php make compiler is a joke.
class Compiler
// `tokens` 数组用于存所有的 token,待会我们会把 token 一个个 push 进去
protected $tokens = [];
// `current` 变量用于存当前处理到哪里了, 就像手指指着纸上我们处理到哪个位置了
protected $current;
protected $ast = [
'type' => 'Program',
'body' => []
public function tokenizer($input) {
$this->current = 0;
while ($this->current < strlen($input)) {
// 把当前的单个字符拿到
$char = $input[$this->current];
// 看看是不是左括号
if ($char == '(') {
$this->tokens[] = [
'type' => 'paren',
'value' => '('
// 直接下一次循环
$this->current ++;
// 看看是不是右括号
if ($char == ')') {
$this->tokens[] = [
'type' => 'paren',
'value' => ')'
// 直接下一次循环
$this->current ++;
// 跳过空格,换行符 /\s/
if (preg_match('/\s/', $char)) {
$this->current ++;
// 一整串数字
if (preg_match('/\d/', $char)) {
$value = '';
while (preg_match('/\d/', $char)) {
$value .= $char;
$char = $input[++ $this->current];
$this->tokens[] = [
'type' => 'number',
'value' => $value
// 一整串字符
if (preg_match('/[a-z]/', $char)) {
$value = '';
while (preg_match('/[a-z]/', $char)) {
$value .= $char;
$char = $input[++ $this->current];
$this->tokens[] = [
'type' => 'name',
'value' => $value
// 异常
throw new Exception("I dont know what this character is: {$char}");
return $this->tokens;
public function parser($tokens = null) {
$tokens = $tokens ?: $this->tokens;
$this->current = 0;
while ($this->current < count($tokens)) {
$this->ast['body'][] = $this->walk($tokens);
return $this->ast;
public function transformer($ast)
$ast = $ast ?: $this->ast;
$newAst = [
'type' => 'Program',
'body' => []
protected function walk($tokens) {
$token = $tokens[$this->current];
// 如果是数字
if ($token['type'] == 'number') {
return [
'type' => 'NumberLiteral',
'value' => $token['value']
// 如果是括号 而且是 左括号
if ($token['type'] == 'paren' && $token['value'] == '(') {
// current + 1 因为在 AST 里我们不关心括号
$token = $tokens[++ $this->current];
// 我们创建一个类型是 CallExpression 的节点
// 值是函数名, 也就是紧跟左括号后面的 add 或 subtract 这样的名字
$node = [
'type' => 'CallExpression',
'name' => $token['value'], // add or subtract, you get the idea
'params' => []
// 函数名处理了, 这里就 +1 跳过函数名.
$token = $tokens[++ $this->current];
// 这里用 while 循环, 直到碰到右括号才退出.
while (($token['type'] != 'paren') ||
($token['type'] == 'paren' && $token['value'] != ')')) {
$node['params'][] = $this->walk($tokens);
$token = $tokens[$this->current];
$this->current ++;
return $node;
throw new Exception("I can't parse this token {$token}");
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