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Last active September 2, 2019 14:44
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withYarn SBT Pipeline Step
set -e
# The keyring we use to verify the signature of our download
# The version of yarn to install
# The directory install yarn versions to
# The URL to download yarn from
# Check whether yarn is installed and working
actual_version="$("$yarndir/bin/yarn" --version 2>/dev/null || echo '')"
# Exit if that is the case; we don't need to install anything
[ "$actual_version" == "$version" ] && exit 0
# Working directories for download and installation
downloaddir="$(mktemp -d -t "yarn-v$version.tar.gzXXXXXX")"
installdir="$(mktemp -d -t "yarn-v${version}XXXXXX")"
function cleanup() {
rm -rf "$downloaddir"
rm -rf "$installdir"
trap cleanup EXIT
# Remove potential remains of partial installation
rm -rf "$yarndir"
# Download tarball and signature
curl --fail -L -o "$tarball" "$url"
curl --fail -L -o "$signature" "$url.asc"
# Verify the signature
gpgv --keyring "$keyring_file" "$signature" "$tarball"
# Extract tarball
tar -xzf "$tarball" -C "$installdir"
# And move to proper install dir
mkdir -p "$basedir"
mv -T "$installdir/yarn-v$version" "$yarndir"
* Use the given Yarn version in the contained block.
* @param version The version to use
* @param block The block to run
def call(String version, Closure block) {
def install = "${pwd tmp: true}/install.bash"
writeFile file: install, text: (libraryResource('com/acme/yarn/install.bash'))
def keyring = "${pwd tmp: true}/keyring.gpg"
// Use
// wget -qO- | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./keyring.gpg --import
// to generate this keyring file used to verify the yarn download.
def keyringdata = libraryResource resource: 'com/acme/yarn/keyring.gpg', encoding: "Base64"
writeFile file: keyring, text: keyringdata, encoding: "Base64"
sh label: 'install-yarn', script: "bash \"${install}\" \"${keyring}\" \"${version}\""
def path = sh label: 'yarn-path', returnStdout: true,
script: "echo -n \"\${HOME}/.yarn/versions/yarn-v${version}/bin/:\${PATH}\""
withEnv(["PATH=${path}"], block)
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swsnr commented Aug 9, 2019

Use like this in a Jenkins file:

@Library('acme-library') _
pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('Compile') {
            steps {
                // Provided by the nodejs plugin and global tool configuration
                nodejs('Latest LTS') {
                    withYarn('1.17.3') {
                        sh label: 'yarn', script: 'yarn build'
                        sh label: 'yarn', script: 'yarn test'

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